WALS / SirsiDynix / WorkFlows

This is our online documentation.  Watch for additions.

Contact Information:
Karla Smith smith@winnefox.org

Melissa Klein klein@winnefox.org



General WorkFlows Terms:

A command is a button on the toolbar that only performs one task.

Datawell/Search Box
This is the text box for typing in search terms.

A gadget is a button next to a text box that provides options you can use in that box. When you click the gadget, a window appears giving a pre-defined list of values. Always use the gadget to fill in the box if one is available.

This term refers to any word in WorkFlows with a dashed underline. When you click on the word, a pop-up window provides additional information.

A helper is a “wizard within a wizard.” Helpers are positioned in a menu bar just below the active window’s title bar.

This is the search-results list that displays after entering a search.

A wizard is a button or a link on the toolbar that performs a series of discrete tasks.

Circulation terms:

This is any money—fines or fees, owed to the library by a user.

This is the status of a user that has been set manually delinquent.

This is the system-set status of a user who can’t check out material because of bills or overdues.

Demand Management
This is the SirsiDynix software for managing holds between libraries.

Fines accrue on overdue items until the items are discharged and bills are created by the system. Fines cannot be paid—Bills are paid.

This is a reserve for an item that is either on the shelf, or is checked out to another user.

This is the patron or the borrower.
This is the staff user of a library station.
This is a special-situation user or location, such as admin, discard, intransit, mending, etc. For example, items can be “checked out” to user Damaged. (These transactions are not included in circulation counts.)

Member-library expectations

Member-library expectations:

  • WALS libraries are to provide a knowledgeable person to coordinate communication with Winnefox staff.
  • WALS libraries are to provide adequate training for their staff.
  • WALS libraries are to follow the established guidelines for creating item and patron records.
  • WALS libraries are to process transited items, holds, and maintenance lists in a timely manner.
  • WALS libraries are to respect renewal limits of other libraries’ material.
  • WALS libraries are to purchase adequate numbers of in-demand titles to meet local needs.
  • WALS libraries are to share material via the holds system. Local-hold items should be kept to a minimum. It is agreed that new collections and new material can be local hold to meet local demand and browsing needs.

WALS Terms and Conditions of Service

Here's the printer-friendly PDF version of this document.

The Winnefox Library System administers a service to its member libraries known as Winnefox Automated Library Services (WALS). The purpose of WALS is to enable resource sharing and improve library efficiencies by providing a shared, integrated library automation system and the necessary infrastructure to connect all Winnefox member libraries. The components of the system include circulation control, an on-line catalog, acquisitions and e-mail. 
The following terms and conditions of service are approved by the Winnefox Library System Board of Trustees and may be modified by its consent:
A.    A Library will begin sharing annual operations costs of WALS when its equipment is installed and training is received for inventory conversion and patron record creation.
B.     The annual WALS budget will be completed in accordance with the budget timelines of the Libraries and Winnefox, and in sufficient detail to support the amounts requested.
C.     As part of each year’s WALS operating budget process, the costs for operations and maintenance will be determined and shared among the Winnefox member libraries using the procedure described in this section.
1.      Calculate the total costs: The total costs will include purchase and maintenance of hardware and software, catalog records, personnel, equipment, supplies, telecommunication costs, contracted services and charges such as rent and utilities, and insurance. The total costs will also include an amount to be added to the WALS Capital Reserve Fund, which is used for replacement and/or improvement of the central site computer systems and/or telecommunications equipment. 
2.      Adjust costs to be shared: Subtract Winnefox payment from the total costs to determine the total costs to be shared among Winnefox member libraries.
3.      Establish a base payment amount: The base will be a minimum amount to be paid by each library that year.
4.      Calculate each library’s percentage share of the total costs: The formula for allocating the costs shall be determined by calculating the average of the following two (2) percentages: the library’s proportion of total annual circulation transactions and the library’s proportion of item and patron file sizes. The percentages shall be calculated using the annual statistics for the prior year.
5.      Calculate each library’s amount share of the total costs: For each library, multiply its percentage share of total costs by the adjusted total costs.
6.      Adjust the payments of libraries below the base: Any library whose payment as calculated in C.5. falls below the base amount will have its payment increased to the base.
7.      Adjust the payments of libraries above the base: The amounts of the adjustments made to bring libraries up to the base will be added together.  The total of the adjustments will be used to reduce the payments of those libraries whose payments as calculated in C.5. are above the base payment amount. 
8.      Assist member libraries to make the transition to a new funding formula: Starting in 2009, Winnefox may provide financial assistance to member libraries that experience significant payment increases when moving to the new funding formula.
D.    Library payments are due upon billing at the beginning of each calendar year. Payment terms for all accounts will be due net 60 days from invoice date. Failure to comply with the payment terms may result in the following penalties:
    1. for accounts 1-60 days past due – nine percent (9%) interest on amounts delinquent
    2. for accounts 61-120 days overdue – eighteen percent (18%) interest on amounts delinquent
    3. for accounts 121-180 days overdue – cessation of some or all automation services
 E.     WALS funds will be managed by Winnefox. They will be deposited and handled as are other funds managed by Winnefox. Winnefox will maintain WALS funds separately from other Winnefox funds and will draw on them solely to pay expenses necessary to develop and maintain an automated resources system. WALS funds will be covered by Winnefox’s annual audit and copies will be provided upon request.
F.      Winnefox will be responsible for the purchase and maintenance costs of all central site equipment and all equipment located in libraries that it deems necessary for the efficient operation of the shared, integrated library system and/or the telecommunications infrastructure. Winnefox will insure and hold title to that equipment.
G.    Libraries will be responsible for the purchase and maintenance costs of all equipment located at their own locations, such as PCs, switches, routers and self-charge equipment. Each library will also be responsible for any costs that are related solely to the support of such equipment. The purchase of the initial local equipment will be made through WALS. Each Library may subsequently buy additional equipment directly through WALS or from another vendor. Equipment purchased on behalf of the libraries by Winnefox, for use in their facilities, shall be owned and insured by the Libraries.
1.      Libraries will each be responsible for the purchase of their own supplies such as library cards, barcodes and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. The purchase of supplies may be coordinated by WALS.
2.      Libraries will each be responsible for any cabling or electrical work needed in their own facilities to connect their equipment. The contracts for such work may be coordinated by WALS.
H.    Libraries participating in the shared, integrated library automation system will purchase materials for their local collections to meet local demand, and will share those materials with other libraries. Some high-demand items in each library’s collection may be kept for local use until the local need is met.
I.       Libraries will maintain accurate patron and item records.
J.       Libraries will ensure that their employees receive initial and ongoing training in the use of the system.
K.    Any library which fails to observe WALS policies and procedures will be billed for the staff time lost due to failure to follow such policies and procedures at the average rate of salaried project employees including benefits. Such a bill will be for actual time expended on the problem but in no case for less than one hour. Additionally, any vendor or other contractual charges directly attributable to failure to follow agreed upon policies and procedures will be charged in full to the library responsible.
L.     Continued failure to follow agreed upon procedures may result in action by Winnefox, including cessation of some or all automation services.
M.   A library may withdraw from participation in the WALS automated resources system at the close of any calendar year by notifying Winnefox in writing by June 30 of that year. The withdrawing library will be billed for the costs of extracting a copy of its records from the WALS database and purging its data and current transactions.
N.    The Winnefox Technology Executive Council (WTEC) will provide guidance and make recommendations to Winnefox for the development of WALS and other Winnefox technology services. WTEC will operate according to by-laws approved by the Winnefox Library System Board of Trustees.


General Principles of Participation in the Winnefox Library System

Here's the printer-friendly PDF version of the most current version of this document.

General Principles of Participation in the Winnefox Library System and the WALS Network

There is a long history of strong cooperation, collaboration, and trust among the Winnefox member libraries. This spirit has been the foundation of the many accomplishments within Winnefox, including the development of the shared automation system

As part of that history, there have been discussions and consensus agreements about how libraries are to operate and of how library staff are to function in this cooperative environment. There are also expectations and requirements based in Wisconsin statutes. This document is an attempt to summarize both. As new directors and staff start working in Winnefox libraries, this document will help to provide a clear summary of what is expected. For existing staff, it provides a review.

1. State Requirements for System Membership and Library Operation

Libraries must meet and follow all of the state statutes that cover library operations and procedures.

2. Communication

Open and honest communication between Winnefox libraries is a crucial component of the cooperation needed for providing good library service.

a. Email

Email is the primary means of communication between Winnefox libraries. Library staff are expected to regularly read email and manage their email accounts. The Winnefox email account is for work purposes. Staff are expected to use a separate email account for personal use. There are many free, web-based options for personal email.

b. Communicating Problems

Information about problem patrons and potential problem situations should be shared with other system libraries.

c. Communication to Winnefox Staff

Libraries must notify Winnefox of any significant changes in status, such as unexpected closings or disruption of services.

d. Project Consultation

Large projects that might affect other libraries or would require Winnefox staff time should be discussed with Winnefox staff as the project is planned.

e. Communications with Library Staff

In many cases, Winnefox staff communication is with library directors or, in larger libraries, department heads. It is expected that directors and department heads will pass along essential communication to staff whose duties may be affected. 

3. No Special Privileges for Library Board Members and Directors

§19.59 Codes of ethics for local government officials, employees and candidates.
No local public official may use his or her public position or office to obtain financial gain or anything of substantial value for the private benefit of himself or herself or his or her immediate family, or for an organization with which he or she is associated. [19.59(1)(a)]

Library board members and the library director are not to receive special privileges. This

  • Borrowing new items before they are entered into the system
  • Multiple renewals
  • Extended loans
  • Selective forgiving of fines 

Per the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, the Code of Ethics for Local Public Officials applies to local elected officials and local government employees who are either appointed to serve for a specified term of office or who serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority.

This means the libraries cannot legally provide special services to their board members or to library directors. Ethically, staff members should not receive special privileges either. If a service is offered to the public—extended loans, forgiven fines, etc. staff and board members are allowed to receive those same services.

Staff may check out new, donated material first for the purposes of reviewing a title before deciding whether to add it. Staff may also have different loan periods for material needed for story times, book talks, etc. The emphasis is on material needed for work purposes, not personal use.

4. Privacy of Library Patron Records §43.30 Public library records.

Records of any library which is in whole or in part supported by public funds, including the records of a public library system, indicating the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library's documents or other materials,  resources, or services may not be disclosed except by court order or to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system, to persons authorized by the individual to inspect such records, to custodial parents or guardians of children under the age of 16 under sub. (4), to libraries under subs. (2) and (3), or to law enforcement officers under sub. (5). [43.30(1m)]

Wisconsin law protects the privacy of library users. As a matter of library ethics, staff should not look at user records unless necessary for library business and should not talk about patron use of the library. Volunteers who deal with the public or have access to records should have the same standards.

Friends of the library groups are not the library and should not have access to patron records. The library can use patron addresses when acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library. A Friends group should develop its own mailing list.

5. Meetings

The library director or a representative is expected to attend the county library advisory committee meetings, county funding committee meetings, the Winnefox Annual meeting, and All-WALS meetings. These meetings are usually not eligible for meeting directory certification requirements but are extremely important for other reasons.

6. Automation System

The library director or other library staff need to be trained in the use of the automation system and to maintain those skills as the system changes. Email is used frequently for disseminating information about changes made to the automation system. The All-WALS meetings are the most appropriate settings for discussing the automation system and options for our use of it.

7. Interlibrary Loan System

The library director or other library staff need to be trained in the use of the interlibrary loan system and to maintain those skills as the system changes. Interlibrary loan is used to get material from libraries other than Winnefox members.

8. Technology Skills and Awareness

The library director and other library staff need to be familiar with technology used by the public in their communities and to be aware of technology trends.

9. Collection Development

Using material from other libraries via the hold system is not a substitute for an adequate local library budget for library material.

a. In-demand items

Libraries are expected to buy their own copies of high-demand titles as determined by local patron needs.

Additionally, titles identified as being in high demand across the system will be assigned a shorter loan period (i.e., set to ShortLoan status) than those less in demand. This practice insures that waiting lists for popular titles will be reduced more quickly and that more patrons will have access to the title while it is very popular.

b. Material Purchases Meet Community Needs

Material coming from other libraries to fill holds should be monitored and buying patterns adjusted when appropriate. This includes types of material and subject areas.

c. Lucky Day Collection

These collections are designed to create browsing interest for visitors to library buildings.  The intention is that these items will remain in the owning library’s building until checked out. Holds will not be allowed on them, and they will be clearly identified in the catalog (i.e., set to No Hold/Lucky Day status), and in the library.

Libraries must add enough copies (at least one copy in smaller libraries) that may have holds placed upon them by patrons system wide before they may add non-holdable copies for a Lucky Day collection.

10. Sharing of Library Material

One important purpose of the shared automation system is the access to the combined collection of all of the member libraries. To maximize that access, each individual library must follow the same practices:

a. Materials move freely across the system to fill holds

Libraries are expected to share all transportable materials freely across the system. Materials that cannot be safely transported may be set as Local Hold, allowing only local patrons or the local library to place a hold on that item.

Prioritization is automatically given to patrons for their own library’s materials. This allows for local collections to circulate to local patrons first.

b. Renewal of Library Material

To provide fair service to library users, library material must be handled in a consistent manner. Overriding renewal limits to provide special service to one user may mean poorer service to another user and could harm the library’s reputation.

  • Items with holds should not be renewed, even if the renewing library is the owning library. If the user keeps the item past the due date, the library has the option of forgiving the fine.
  • Multiple renewals of items without holds should be done infrequently, especially if it is owned by another library. An item should not be renewed more than 3 times without permission of the owning library.

c. Holds

The holds system is designed to maximize patron access to materials held by all member libraries. Peak efficiency of this system depends on each library diligently fulfilling its responsibility to keep materials moving. The hold system is set to randomize the selection of the library to fill the hold.

To handle holds fairly and promptly:

The on-shelf holds list should be processed every day the library is open.
The hold system queue should not be manipulated.
The Clean Holds list should be used to clear expired and canceled holds from the holds shelf in a timely manner so items can be used by another user.

d. Rotating Collections

The items received by the library in rotating collections should be handled in a timely manner, and damages and missing items reported.

e. Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan is a special loan of material from one library to another. Items received from non-Winnefox libraries may not be renewed without permission of the owning library and should be returned promptly.

11. Follow Established Procedures

For the shared automation system to function efficiently, libraries must be consistent in entering and maintaining records. Libraries are expected to follow the instructions and guidelines provided to them through system communication channels such as All-WALs meetings, emails, and extranet pages.

12. Library Websites

The library website is an important means of marketing library services. The information on the library’s website must be kept up to date.

13. Licensed Databases

Databases licensed by the library or Winnefox are for the use of eligible patrons only. These databases are listed on the library’s Research Tools page of their website. Winnefox must be informed of local libraries’ intentions to subscribe to local-use databases in order to coordinate user authentication required by the vendor.  

Library cards may not be issued to non-local residents for the purpose of using databases. This clause is intended to restrict access of persons who do not live in the area and have no local contacts whose sole purpose of acquiring a card is to obtain access to online resources which their local library does not subscribe to.

Many databases are licensed and billed based on population or library circulation.

14. Telecommunication Network and Equipment and Security

The sophisticated telecommunication system linking Winnefox libraries makes shared automation possible. State and federal funds make it affordable. The following steps will help maintain the effectiveness and security of the network.

a. Staff Network Access

Library staff must follow established guidelines for the use of the network.

i. Passwords must be kept secure.
ii. The public must not have access to staff computers. A breach of security on a staff PC exposes the entire network and grants access to sensitive information.
iii. The public must not be allowed to plug devices into the network. The only exception is when the library's network has dedicated specific jacks to secured, public access.
iv. Winnefox staff must be notified when a library staff person leaves so that we can disable that person's access to the network.
v. If a staff person is discharged, WALS must be notified immediately. Passwords will need to be changed.

b. Not Connect Unauthorized Equipment to the Network
Only authorized equipment may be connected to the network. Library staff must work with Winnefox staff when adding new equipment such as photocopiers, security systems or HVAC controllers. This section is not intended to cover connections to the public wireless network by smartphones, laptops, or similar devices.

c. Consult Before Purchasing Network-dependent Software

Software that interacts with network resources (such as the integrated library automation system or library web sites) should not be purchased without consulting first with Winnefox staff.

d. Maintain and Upgrade Equipment

The library must budget for and replace equipment on an ongoing basis. The library must maintain PCs using the appropriate anti-virus and PC protection software. In some cases software does not automatically update or scan; this must be done by library staff.

e. Use of Network Resources

Planned library projects that will use network resources must be discussed with Winnefox staff before being undertaken. Other network resources not already mentioned above include: patron authentication or any connections to the ILS and/or catalog, network storage and/or backup of large quantities of digital data.

f. USB Flash Drives and Other Storage Devices

USB flash drives are commonly used to spread viruses and other malware, sometimes without the knowledge of the person using them. Staff must never plug non-library devices into staff computers.

15. Access to the Network by Library Volunteers

We recognize that volunteers play an important part in the operations of member libraries and that they have access to staff-only areas of the library. Nevertheless, care should be taken to protect network security and patron privacy.

It is recommended that libraries have a written Volunteer Policy. For duties that entail access to sensitive information, network resources, or the ILS, it is recommended that volunteers be required to read and agree to the Volunteer Policy.

Volunteer Policies used by other libraries are available on the Division’s Wisconsin Public Library Policy Resources page https://dpi.wi.gov/pld/boards-directors/policy-resources#Volunteers and in WAPL’s Sample Library Policies for the Small Public Library https://www.owlsweb.org/l4l/sample-library-policies-small-public-library

16. Penalties for Non-compliance

The purpose of imposing penalties on a library that fails to abide by these principles and practices is to prompt the library to change its practices and procedures and cooperate with other libraries rather than to punish.

  • Penalties imposed will be limited to reducing services, imposing fees for services, or increasing fees for services.
  • Penalties will be designed to impact only the library concerned. Services to other libraries and their users should not be affected by another library’s non-cooperation.
  • Penalties will be imposed in proportion to the degree of the library’s non-cooperation. If initial measures are not successful, more severe penalties may be imposed.
  • Penalties must not impact a library’s compliance with system membership requirements or jeopardize its membership in Winnefox Library System.
  • Penalties must be approved by the system board.

17. Process for Imposing Penalties

If system staff believe that a member library is not abiding by the established rules and procedures as outlined above, Winnefox will follow these procedures:

a. Work with the Director to correct the issue

i. System staff will contact the library director to determine the facts of the case and reasons for a violation.
ii. Staff will attempt to work out a process with the director to correct the problem.

b. Work with the Library Board to correct the issue

i. If the problem is not resolved within three months, system staff will contact the president of the library board and request time at the next board meeting to discuss the issue.
ii. System staff will present the problem to the library board and attempt to work out a process to correct the problem.

c. Involve the System Board

If earlier steps have not succeeded in resolving the problem, the system board may choose to impose penalties on that library. The process for doing so shall be:

i. System staff developing a plan for imposing penalties on the noncompliant library.
ii. The library receiving at least three weeks’ notice of the Winnefox board meeting at which the proposed penalties are to be discussed.
iii. A public hearing held at the Winnefox board meeting. Representatives of the library will be given opportunity to present their case.


 Approved by the Winnefox Library System Board 3/31/2021


WALS fees

Overview -- updated July 2024  More Details

WALS fees are based on a formula which strives to quantify a member library’s usage of WALS resources.  This formula is based on a library’s circulation, number of items, and number of users. The formula assigns a percentage of the total costs to each library.  There is a base fee which represents the least amount a library could pay and still receive services. If the library’s percentage of costs are below the base fee, they are charged the base fee. The remaining costs are divided up among the remaining libraries. Because the fee for the remaining libraries is a percentage, each library’s fee is relative to that of the other remaining libraries. For non-base libraries, this means that, even if your library’s usage remained completely static from year-to-year, your fee would vary because of changes in usage by other libraries. The base rate increases slightly each year to reflect inflation and the annual increase in the maintenance fees of the automation software.

With the approval of WTEC, going forward, we will be holding libraries to a "no decrease" model so that each year a library's fees will either stay flat or go up.  We have heard from libraries that it makes it difficult to justify their requests to their municipalities when one year the WALS fees go down, and the next year they go up. WTEC decided that the dollars generated will be put toward the OverDrive Advantage Account.

While not an exhaustive list, here are some things that WALS provides its member libraries:

  • a shared automation system with a shared catalog, mobile app, notices, and database maintenance—i.e. your patrons can find the items they are looking for and get them from all over.
  • a shared telecommunication network with internet access (both wired and wireless), email, file storage, and website hosting--i.e.  your patrons can apply for jobs online and search/surf the web; your staff can communicate effectively; your library can have a presence on the internet;.
  • trained staff to support the above—i.e. you don’t need to find a technician/consultant every time something doesn’t work properly; your data is backed up and secure;
  • training for library staff on the above—i.e. you & your library’s staff stay current and competent on the services you provide to your patrons.

The revenue for these services come primarily from member libraries. Winnefox also contributes a significant portion.  During the years around the 2008 recession, Winnefox increased its contribution to about 20%   Historically, and ideally, Winnefox tries to hold itself to about a 10% contribution to the WALS budget, so that member libraries can remain independent from State aid for a mission-critical service.  The percentage Winnefox contributes varies based on our expenses, amount of state aid, and the state of local economies.  Keeping Winnefox contributions to WALS minimal, means that Winnefox will have more revenue in its budget to improve other services to your library which aren’t covered by WALS fees—such as delivery.

For more details:


Winnefox Technology Executive Council (WTEC)

The purpose of the Winnefox Technology Executive Council is to provide guidance and to make recommendations to Winnefox for the development of Winnefox Automated Library Services and other Winnefox technology services. This includes working with WALS management and staff on policies and procedures, recommending an annual WALS budget, addressing concerns, planning, and setting priorities related to technology services.

WTEC has bylaws, terms and conditions of service agreement, and an election process.

The current WTEC members are:

  • Clairellyn Sommersmith, Winnefox (Permanent)
  • Karla Smith, Winnefox ILS Manager (non-voting)
  • Jon Mark Bolthouse, Fond du Lac (Permanent)
  • Alex Coggeshell, Ripon (Permanent)
  • Darryl Eschete, Oshkosh (Permanent)
  • Chris Kalupa, Berlin (Permanent)
  • Brian Kopetsky, Menasha (Permanent)
  • Nicole Hardina-Wilhelm, Neenah (Permanent)
  • Anna Dinkel, Omro
  • Hannah Klusmeyer, Wautoma
  • Laura Skalitzky, Princeton

Non-permanent members are elected every January for a 1-year term.

WTEC meetings are usually monthly on the second Friday of the month if there is sufficient reason for a meeting.

Meeting agendas are sent to the Directors-Plus email list at least a week in advance of the meeting. WTEC usually meets in Oshkosh.

Any staff from Winnefox libraries may attend, but please let Karla Smith or Clairellyn Sommersmith know in advance, as space is limited.

Minutes are sent to Directors-Plus.

WTEC Bylaws



 A.    The name of this body shall be the Winnefox Technology Executive Council (hereinafter referred to as WTEC). 
A.    The purpose of WTEC is to provide guidance and to make recommendations to Winnefox for the development of Winnefox Automated Library Services (hereinafter referred to as WALS) and other Winnefox technology services.
A.    The Director (or designee) of the Berlin, Fond du Lac, Menasha, Neenah, Oshkosh and Ripon public libraries shall be ex-officio members of the WTEC.
B.     The Director of Winnefox (or designee) shall be an ex-officio member of WTEC.
C.     Other Winnefox member libraries shall elect three (3) members at large to WTEC.
D.    The WALS Technology Coordinator, the Winnefox Assistant Director and the Winnefox Cooperative Technical Services Program Coordinator will be ex officio non-voting members of WTEC.
E.     If the Director of Winnefox is also the Director of Oshkosh Public Library, he/she may cast two votes rather than appointing a representative from either agency to represent the interests of that agency.
A.    Work with WALS management and staff to adopt such policies and procedures as are necessary to coordinate and facilitate use of the automated resources system.
B.     Recommend an annual WALS operating budget for approval by the Winnefox Board of Trustees and monitor budget reports.
C.     Address concerns raised by member libraries regarding the operations of WALS or other Winnefox technology services.
D.    Provide oversight and guidance on projects related to WALS and other Winnefox technology services. Evaluate ideas for new projects, monitor the status of continuing projects, and make recommendations on priorities among technology projects.
1)      Continuing projects include the development and maintenance of a telecommunications network; computer servers and associated equipment; network user accounts; email; a shared bibliographic database; integrated library system software for servers, clients and public access; procedures for cataloging, acquisitions, circulation/inventory control; and reporting of statistical data.
2)      Special projects are those activities that are not ongoing, that relate to the development and advancement of the shared, automated resources system.
E.     Participate in long range planning activities pertaining to WALS and other Winnefox technology support services.
A.    Elections for at-large members of WTEC shall be held at the Winnefox annual meeting. Nominations for at-large WTEC members may come from the floor and must be seconded by at least one other library.  Ex officio members shall not participate in nominating or electing at-large members.
B.     The new members of WTEC will take office at the first meeting following the Winnefox annual meeting.
C.     The officers of WTEC shall be the Chair, and the Vice-Chair.  The Winnefox Director shall serve as Chair. The Vice-Chair shall be elected by the members of the committee at the first meeting following the Winnefox annual meeting.
D.    The Chair shall establish the agenda for and preside at all meetings of WTEC; shall see that the by-laws are enforced; shall appoint all sub-committees with the approval of WTEC, designating one member of each committee as Chair; shall authorize calls for special meetings; and shall generally perform the duties of a presiding officer. In the absence of the Chair the Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair.
E.     The Vice-Chair shall perform all of the duties of the Chair in his/her absence.
F.      A Winnefox employee shall serve as secretary at meetings, taking minutes and disseminating them to all WALS members upon approval by WTEC.
A.    A schedule of regular meetings of WTEC shall be established annually by the committee, including the place, time and date of each meeting. The date or time may be altered provided that such decision is made at a meeting prior to the meeting in question or by emergency decision of the Chair, and provided that proper notice is given. The schedule of meetings for the upcoming year shall be posted on the Winnefox extranet. Meetings of WTEC shall be open to representatives of all Winnefox member libraries.
B.     A quorum of WTEC shall be required to conduct committee business. A quorum shall be defined as a simple majority of the committee. Decisions require a simple majority of the votes present. Members of WTEC may send a voting proxy to any meeting they will be unable to attend, or designate another member of the committee as their proxy.
C.     The WALS Technology Coordinator or her/his alternate (in case of emergency absence) shall attend all WTEC meetings.
D.    Meeting agendas shall be provided by the Chair to the Winnefox office in a timely fashion and will be posted online by the designated Winnefox staff at least seven calendar days before the meeting. Any member of the committee may request that an item be placed on the agenda of the next meeting by making such request in writing (including email) at least 24 hours prior to the posting of the agenda.
E.     Any five (5) Winnefox members may request that an item be placed on the agenda of the next meeting by making such request in writing (including email) at least 24 hours prior to the posting of the agenda.  An Agenda may be modified at a meeting with the unanimous approval of members present, representing no less than seven members of the full committee.
F.      The order of business at all regular meetings of WTEC shall be determined by the Chair and shall include the following: 
1)      Call to order;
2)      Establishment of Quorum;
3)      Minutes;
4)      WALS Financial Report (once every two months);
5)      Report on WALS operations and projects
6)      Report on other Winnefox library technology services and projects;
7)      Committee Reports,
8)      Communications;
9)      All Other Business.
G.    Special meetings of WTEC may be called by the Chair, or upon written request of five voting members of the committee. Notice of any special meeting shall be delivered to each member at least one week in advance of such meeting, with a statement of time and place, and information as to the subject or subjects to be considered.
A.    Winnefox Standing Technology Committees: 
Winnefox shall have the following standing technology committees. The standing technology committees will provide information to and support the work of WTEC. It is expected that each library accounting for 5% or more of the circulation of the WALS system will send a representative to each of these committees. Directors of member libraries or their designees are encouraged to attend as well. WALS & Winnefox staff will participate in these committees. Significant recommendations from any of these committees to WTEC may be discussed by the entire Winnefox membership.
1)      ALL-WALS. The ALL-WALS meeting occurs three times per year. It is not, strictly speaking, a committee. However, it is an opportunity, open to all members, for training, sharing, and discussing issues and concerns. Consensus recommendations on policies and procedures may emerge from discussion in these meetings. Portions of these meetings may be used to discuss guidelines and procedures pertaining to WALS operations, including resource sharing, bibliographic and patron database maintenance, and statistical reporting. Recommendations will be forwarded to WTEC for consideration.
2)      Circulation Services User Group. The purpose of this group shall be to make recommendations to WTEC regarding changes in circulation policies and procedures.
3)      Emergent Technology Committee. The purpose of this committee shall be to explore using technology to improve service delivery. This committee will forward recommendations to WTEC for changes to WALS and to Winnefox technology services.
4)      Reference & Adult Services User Group. The purpose of this group shall be to serve as a forum for sharing best practices, sharing ideas for improving programs and services for adults in system member libraries and for formulating guidelines and procedures pertaining to improving users’ experiences of digital information resources, including the public access catalog, purchased electronic resources, etc. User group recommendations will be forwarded to WTEC for consideration.
5)      Other committees may be established by the Chair with the approval of WTEC. All such committees shall be created with a stated purpose and a time certain in which to accomplish said purpose. All committees appointed under this section shall cease to exist upon their final report to WTEC, or their established sunset date, whichever occurs first.
A.    WTEC will, on a regular basis, recommend policies and procedures for the efficient and effective operation of the automated system. Each member library is responsible for adherence to these policies and procedures, provided they have been distributed to each member library at least one month prior to the date they go into effect. 
A.    The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws, the membership agreement, Wisconsin Statutes, or any special rules of order WTEC shall adopt.
B.     In cases where the sources of authority are in conflict, the Wisconsin Statutes shall take precedence, followed by the WALS Terms and Conditions of Service, these by-laws, any special rules adopted by WTEC, and finally Robert’s Rules of Order.
A.    These by-laws may be amended or changed at any meeting of WTEC at which a quorum is present provided that the proposed amendment is properly noticed on the meeting agenda and that amendment or changes were distributed in writing and distributed to all members at least seven days in advance of the meeting at which the amendments are to be voted upon. Once approved by WTEC, changes to by-laws will be forwarded to the Winnefox Board of Trustees for final approval and implementation.


WTEC Election Procedure

Election of Representatives to the Winnefox Technology Executive Council
May 20, 2008
The Winnefox Technology Executive Council (WTEC) is to provide guidance and to make recommendations to Winnefox for the development of Winnefox Automated Library Services (WALS) and other Winnefox technology services. This includes working with WALS management and staff on policies and procedures, recommending an annual WALS budget, addressing concerns, planning, and setting priorities related to technology services.
The directors of the Berlin, Fond du Lac, Menasha, Neenah, Oshkosh, and Ripon public libraries and the Winnefox Director are ex-officio voting members of WTEC. The Winnefox Assistant Director, the Winnefox Technology Coordinator, and the Winnefox Cooperative Technical Services Program Coordinator are ex-officio non-voting members of WTEC.   The WTEC By-laws call for the election of three at-large representatives.  
WTEC meets monthly if there is sufficient reason for a meeting. Members of the Council are reimbursed for mileage and for a substitute if someone needs to be hired to cover the director’s time for attending the meeting. The WALS EC had usually met in Oshkosh on the second Friday of the month. This is subject to change based on the membership of the new council.
The election of the at-large representatives is to occur at the Winnefox annual meeting held in January.
Timeline and Steps for the Election
Call for nominations
The Winnefox Technology Coordinator sends an email to the Directors-Plus mailing list soliciting nominations. Directors may nominate themselves or another director with that person’s permission. Reminder emails are sent weekly prior to the deadline.   Nominations are sent to the Winnefox Office. Nominees may optionally send a brief statement about why they would like to be elected.
Nominations close
The Winnefox office compiles the nominations and the list of names, with statements, is sent to the Directors-Plus mailing list.   
January-Winnefox Annual Meeting
The election is held at the Winnefox Annual Meeting. Additional nominations may come from the floor and must be seconded by another library. The Ex-officio members of WTEC are not eligible to participate in the election. The election is by paper ballot. Only directors in attendance may vote.
If a vacancy occurs during the year, a special election will be held. That person will be elected for the remainder of the year and will continue for the following year. The election process will allow for at least four weeks for nominations with the election by confidential paper ballot.

WTEC Meetings

Documents from previous WTEC meetings will start showing up here.








Services provided Oshkosh Public

Under contract, the Oshkosh Public Library provices a number of support services for the shared automation system.  The attached document describes those activities in detail.


Basic terminology
WALS—Winnefox Automated Library Services
WALS is the name for the Winnefox service for the shared automation system. WALS also includes the telecommunication network, Internet access, and PC support.
SirsiDynix is the name of the company that supplies the software for the shared automation system. It is headquartered in Lehi, Utah.
Symphony is the name of the software for the shared automation system. It runs on servers housed at the Oshkosh Public Library. The current version of the software is 4.0. An earlier version of the software was called Unicorn. 
That is the name of the client software installed on library PCs. The client software is used to access Symphony.
These are WALS versions of Symphony and WorkFlow terms:
A command only performs one task.  Wizards frequently trigger or provide access to several Commands.
Datawell/Search Box
This is the text box for typing in search terms, or filling in data.
A gadget is a button next to a text box that provides options you can use in that box. When you click the gadget, a window appears giving a pre-defined list of values. Always use the gadget to fill in the box if one is available.
This term refers to any word in WorkFlows with a dashed underline. When you click on the word, a pop-up window provides additional information. 
A helper is a “wizard within a wizard.” Helpers are little icons positioned in a menu bar just below the active window’s title bar.  If present, they appear in the upper left hand corner of the active window.
This is the search-results list that displays after entering a search.

These are accessed by the buttons across the top of the screen. For example: 1Users, 2Holds, 3Special, 4Reports, Barcoding, etc. Toolbars contain Wizards. 
Wizards display on the toolbar and perform a series of discrete tasks.

Codes for WALS Libraries

The 2 or 3-letter codes are used to identify the libraries for reports and logins.  The ALL-CAPS codes are the official codes used by the ILS.

BE     BERLIN  (Berlin Public Library)

BR     BRANDON  (Brandon Public Library)

CA      CAMPBLSPRT  (Campbellsport Public Library)

CO     COLOMA  (Coloma Public Library)

EN     ENDEAVOR  (Endeavor Public Library)

GR    GREENLAKE  (Caestecker Public Library)

HA     HANCOCK  (Hancock Public Library)

KI      KINGSTON (Mill Pond Public Library)

MA     MARKESAN  (Markesan Public Library)

ME     MENASAH  (Elisha D. Smith Public Library)

MO     MONTELLO (Montello Public Library)

NE     NEENAH (NeenaH Public Library)

NES   NESHKORO  (Neshkoro Public LIbrary)

NF     NFONDDULAC (Spillman Public Library)

OA     OAKFIELD (Oakfield Public Library)

OM     OMRO   (Carter Memorial Library)

OS     OSHKOSH  (Oshkosh Public Library)

OX     OXFORD (Oxford Public Library)

PA      PACKWAUKE (Packwaukee Public Library)

PI      PINERIVER (Leon-Saxeville Public Library)

PL     PLAINFIELD (Plainfield Public Library)

PO     POYSIPPI (Poysippi Public Library)

PR     PRINCETON (Princeton Public Library)

RE     REDGRANITE (Redgranite Public Library)

RI      RIPON (Ripon Public Library)

WA    WAUTOMA (Wautoma Public Library)

WE    WESTFIELD  (Ethel Everhard Memorial Library)

WI     WILDROSE (Patterson Memorial Library)

WN    WINNECONNE (Winneconne Public Library)

WXT   WCTS (Winnefox Cooperative Technical Services)

WX     WINNEFOX (Winnefox Library System)


Logon accounts

The logons for Symphony are special user records that control what functions the user can do in WorkFlows. Part of the logon is connected to a specific library to show where the circulation or other activity occurred. Each library has its own logon account or accounts depending on what functions the staff are permitted to do. Most of the smaller libraries have combination accounts that allow staff to do both circulation and barcoding. The larger libraries have separate circulation, barcoding, and public services accounts.

All of the libraries share the Reports account. Via the Reports logon, libraries have access to the Onshelf Holds report and all of the statistical reports.

The WorkFlows logon is NOT the same as the PC logon.


Documents from and related to the All-WALS conferences held periodically through the year, usually on months that have a fifth Tuesday.



Circulation Basics

Updated 11-18-2024 by Karla Smith

Online documentation is available for many of the special situations and circulation-related tasks.  There are also code lists for the various fields used in patron and item records.  

There is a training checklist that can help both new directors and new staff.  There is also a list of Routine Tasks that member libraries should be aware of.  The list is broken down by daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

Below are a few features of the Symphony software and how we use the shared system. Some are based on the way we chose to implement the software, others are based on the software design.

  • Loan periods, fine rates, and bills on items are based on the checkout library, NOT on the library that owns the item.
  • Bills for items returned late are calculated based on the checkout library, not the library where the item is returned. 
  • The library that collects overdue fines keeps the money. 
  • Money for payment of lost material is given to the library that owns the lost item.  
  • Money for the payment of a collection agency referral fee is given to the library that did the referral to the agency.
  • Accruing fines on overdue items (not yet returned) may stop users from checking out additional items and placing holds.
  • Overdue and returned items, overdue and unreturned items, and lost assumed items all contribute to the blocked status. The user is blocked at $10 (User Profile of Public) at most libraries.  Winnebago Co libraries, Endeavor PL, and Ripon PL, all block at $25 (User Profile of Public2). 
  • Library users have one library card that may be used at any Winnefox library. The exceptions to the one-card rule are Teacher cards, and children with divorced/separated parents who need two cards to keep track of material.
  • All libraries need to set High demand items to SHORTLOAN which circulate for only 14 days.

WorkFlows/Circulation Terminology

General WorkFlows Terms:

A command is a button on the toolbar that only performs one task.

Datawell/Search Box
This is the text box for typing in search terms.

A gadget is a button next to a text box that provides options you can use in that box. When you click the gadget, a window appears giving a pre-defined list of values. Always use the gadget to fill in the box if one is available.

This term refers to any word in WorkFlows with a dashed underline. When you click on the word, a pop-up window provides additional information.

A helper is a “wizard within a wizard.” Helpers are positioned in a menu bar just below the active window’s title bar.

This is the search-results list that displays after entering a search.

A wizard is a button or a link on the toolbar that performs a series of discrete tasks.

Circulation terms:

This is any money—fines or fees, owed to the library by a user.

This is the status of a user that has been set manually delinquent.

This is the system-set status of a user who can’t check out material because of bills or overdues.

Demand Management
This is the SirsiDynix software for managing holds between libraries.

Fines accrue on overdue items until the items are discharged and bills are created by the system. Fines cannot be paid—Bills are paid.

This is a reserve for an item that is either on the shelf, or is checked out to another user.

Onshelf items with Holds
This is a report that lists items to be sent to other libraries.

A location is a collection within a Library, or the status of the item.

Current Location
The actual location of the item—including checked out, lost and damaged

Home Location
The normal shelving location of the item

This can be a hold, a request for purchase, or a request for an Interlibrary loan item. In most cases a request generates a form that is sent to staff for processing.  Users place holds on items.

The PC used for the circulation transaction—the client software on the PC is configured for each specific library. 

This is the location of an item that is moving from one library to another.

This is the patron or the borrower.
This is the staff user of a library station.
This is a special-situation user or location, such as admin, discard, intransit, mending, etc. For example, items can be “checked out” to user Damaged. (These transactions are not included in circulation counts.)

Circulation desk—expectations of staff

Updated Nov 18, 2024

There are certain basic circulation tasks that every library circulation desk worker needs to be able to do proficiently if he/she is ever working alone at the desk. 

These tasks, at a minimum, include:
  • Logging on to the PC
  • Logging into WorkFlows
  • Looking up a patron by name, address, or phone
  • Checking out items
  • Helping the patron use the public catalog* to
    • Renew items
    • Display the user’s fines
    • Pay fines
  • Handling an expired card
  • Discharging from the bookdrop
* If staff can do these things in WorkFlows all the better, but they should at least be able to  do them i nthe catalog.
A more complete list is on the Training Checklist--with links to tutorials and documentation. 

Circulation rules

The circulation rules for each library are controlled by the data in the circulation map.   The circulation map is a part of the circulation policies matches the User Profile with the Item Type to determine the loan period and billing structure for the circulation transaction. 

The circulation rule consists of the loan period, fine rate, and maximum fine.  An example is 21D-10D-5M for a 21 day loan, $.10 fine, and a $5 maximum fine.

For each circulation transaction the software uses the circulation map, reading it from the bottom to the top. The software uses the first rule that fits to complete the circulation transaction. There is a section in the circulation map for each library. There is a rule for most item types whether or not a library actually owns any of that kind of itme.  The rule will be used if that type of item comes from another library to fill a hold.

The special rules for Deposit, Teacher, etc. cards are at the bottom of the circulation map.   These rules apply to any user with that profile regardless of what library is being used.


Circulation map from the Symphony policy file

The Symphony Circulation Map controls the checkout, fine rate, and maximum fine for the circulation of material. At checkout, the table is read from the bottom up until a rule is found the matches the user's PROFILE with the ITEM TYPE being checked out at that LIBRARY.

Circulation Rules list the following values, in order: "Days Checked Out - Fine Rate - Max Overdue Fine". For example, "14D-10D-5M" indicates "14 Day Checkout - $0.10 per day fine - $5.00 Max Overdue".

The Circulation Map can be located as an Excel file here: Circulation Map

Collection Agency—Unique Management Services, Inc.

Some WALS libraries use the services of Unique Management Services, Inc. (UMS) to do followup with library users who have checked out and not returned material.  The user is referred to the collection agency when the item is 45 days overdue and the amount owed is $25.00 or more.  An additional referral bill of $10 or $15 is created on the user record at that time, depending on the library doing the referral. This additional bill is to cover the $8.95 fee that UMS charges the library for each referral.

A series of reports is used to send user information to the company.  The company does not get a list of what the user has checked out.  UMS uses letters and phone calls to contact users.  The users are told to contact the library to clean up the situation.

If the user does not return material or pay money owed, he/she is NOT referred to a credit reporting firm--but UMS continues to try and collect the money.  Children are reported to Unique Management, but letters are sent to "The parents of".

Not all User Profiles are included in the reports that send information to Unique Management.  The Profiles of Deposit, Homebound, ILL, and Teacher are not sent.

Libraries using UMS for collection agency services:

  • Berlin -- $10.00 Referral fee
  • Coloma --$10.00 Referral fee
  • Menasha --NO Referral fee
  • Montello --$10.00 Referral fee
  • Neenah --$10.00 Referral fee
  • North Fond du Lac --$10.00 Referral fee
  • Oshkosh --$15.00 Referral fee
  • Ripon --$15.00 Referral fee
  • Westfield --$10.00 Referral fee
  • Winneconne --$10.00 Referral fee

Note to ILS staff: To ensure that the Referral Fee is attributed to the correct library, you must be logged in as each individual library when scheduling these reports to run.

Library notices—email, phone call, and paper

Overdue Notices Schedule - Updated 9/12/2021
  US Mail (sent by UMS) Phone Call3 Email4
Predue Notice None None 3 Days;  1 Day for DVDs
1st Overdue Notice None 4 Days 3 Days  
2nd Overdue Notice None None 15 Days
Bill for unreturned item 30 Days No call-US Mailed 30 Days
Second bill notice None None 37 Days-US Mailed
Bill referred to a
 Collection Agency and a fee ($10-$15) is charged to the user1
45 Days 45 Days 45 Days
1st Letter sent from Collection Agency 46 Days 46 Days 46 Days
2nd Letter sent from Collection Agency 67 Days 67 Days 67 Days
1st Collection Agency phone call 81 Days 81 Days 81 Days
3rd Letter sent from the Collection Agency 109 Days 109 Days 109 Days
1These  libraries refer bills to a Collection Agency:   3These libraries have phone notices for overdues: 4Any user with an email address, regardless of Library, gets notified by email
Berlin   Berlin, Brandon  
Menasha   Endeavor   
Neenah   Menasha    
North Fond du Lac   Montello    
Oshkosh   Neenah  
Ripon   Oshkosh    

  WALS produces and sends out Email notices on the following schedule:

  • Pre-due notices are sent at 3 days before the item is due for 14, 21, 28-day or longer loans.
  • Pre-due notices are sent at 1 day before the item is due for 3 and 7-day loans.
  • Overdue notices are sent at 3 and 15 days after the due date.
  • Bill notices are sent at 30 days after the due date.
  • Optional email welcome notices for new-card holders are sent on Sundays to users that were registered the previous week.
  • Optional email pre-expired-card notices are sent to users with records that expire in nine weeks.

        Any users with an email address in their record get email notices.   

Phone call notices via UMS for overdues and/or holds

  • Automated phone messages for overdues are made at 10 days after the due date.
  • Phone call notices are made for these libraries:   BERLIN, BRANDON, ENDEAVOR, MENASHA, MONTELLO, NEENAH, OSHKOSH, OXFORD, REDGRANITE, RIPON (overdues only), WESTFIELD.

The messages say:


Hello!  This is the <<pickup branch>> calling with a message for <patron name>.  An item is being held for you for pickup at the <<pickup library>>.  It will be held until closing on <<pickup date>>.  If you would prefer library notices by email, contact the <<library name>>.  This message will now repeat. 


Hello!  This is an automated message from the <library name> calling for <patron name>.  An item, or items, are now overdue.  Please return your library material as soon as possible to minimize your fines.  You may also contact the library about renewals.  At thirty days overdue, you will be billed for the cost of the items.  If you would prefer library notices by email rather than by phone, contact your library.  This message will now repeat.

Phone call notices are NOT made for bills.

Paper notices (sent by UMS as of 1/15/2019):

  • Bill notices are mailed 30 days after the due date for patrons without email.
  • A bill notice is mailed at 37 days for users with email.  (This started October 15, 2012)

Special circulation tasks and issues

Circulation during down time

There are several options for handling checkouts when the automation system is down.

Paper—write down the transactions and key them in when the system is back up.

Scanning into a document—scan the patron and item barcodes into notepad, wordpad or other text processing software, and then copy and paste, line by line, into the system when it is back up. All of the circulation PCs have this type of software installed on them.

If the system or a library is going to be down for an extended period of time, use the Offline Circulation module of WorkFlows. Instructions are available here.

When the system is down, do NOT discharge items. Discharging offline causes problems because the system will attempt to fill holds, transit items, etc., once the transactions are processed after coming back up, but the item may have gone elsewhere.

Claims returned

Claiming an Item Returned (General)  -- Claiming an Item Returned (step-by-step)

When a patron claims to have returned an item, there is a circulation wizard to handle the process.

The claims-returned date must be set to the due date to keep fines from accruing on the item.

The Item:

  • Shows in the catalog as Long Overdue, Unavailable.
  • Shows on either the user’s ACTIVE check out list or on the INACTIVE list. The item stays on the user’s list until the item is returned or the library manually handles it.
    Note:  If the item was claimed returned after the lost notice was generated, the item displays on the user's INACTIVE list.
  • Does NOT display on their user’s checkout list
  • Does NOT display in My Account in the catalog
  • Does NOT go through the lost-assum processing

The user does not get any further notices on the item.

The claims-returned counter is incremented for each item and an alert showing the number of claims returned items displays when the user record is called up. The counter does not decrement if the item is returned. The counter can be reset manually in Modify User (privilege tab)

The library needs to decide whether the claims-returned items are to be billed or forgiven and then take care of the items. Winnefox can provide lists for the library.

The system does not record or display which library claimed the item returned.

Clearing the Claims-Returned

Clearing the claims-returned item is done by discharging the item. Write down or copy (for later pasting) the Item ID.

There are two parts to the process:

Is the item going to be made missing or withdrawn?
Either use the missing wizard to set the item missing or check it out to the library’s Withdrawn user. Either process will require an override. It may require a second override if there is a hold on the item. The standard override works for this step.

Is the user is going to be billed?
If the library is billing the user, it must be done using the Bill-A-User wizard. Use the bill reason of BILLCLMRET. The library decides the amount of the bill. The system requires the item ID.

If the library does not bill the user for the item, nothing further needs to be done unless the library chooses to put a note in the patron record. Some libraries put the date and the title of the claims-returned item that was forgiven.

If the item does not belong to your library, please notify the owning library.

Damaged items

Updated 2-27-2025. 

Most Current Instructions for Handling Damaged Items are Located HERE

Damaged Form is Located HERE.

List of all libraries' Damaged Users:

User ID


Failed email notices

When the email system cannot deliver an email, it is returned to the Winnefox email system as an Undeliverable or “Bounced” email. The email is then manually forwarded to individual libraries to handle for their own patrons. The bounced notification will appear exactly as a usual notice, but with the name and address of a specific patron will be beneath the library’s mailing address.

It is very important to handle these undelivered email in a timely manner; if the email has been returned as undeliverable, then the patron did not receive their notice, and will not receive any other notices sent to that same email address.

When you receive a bounced email, go into WorkFlows and open up Modify/Renew User. Click on the User Search helper in the top left corner, and 1) change the search to a Keyword search by “6Email”, then 2) Search for the patron’s email. 

SEARCH BY EMAIL, NOT THE PATRON’S NAME, TO FIND EVERY ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME EMAIL. Sometimes a family shares a single email address for their notices. If one’s patron’s notices could not be delivered to that email address, notices for the others using that email address will bounce back as well. The email address needs to be removed from all records it is attached to.

Within the patron’s account, go into the “Address” tab, click on the email address in the Email field so that the email is highlighted, and USE THE DELETE ROW HELPER. It’s the one just above the address fields with a red X.

 Delete Row Helper

If the Delete Row Helper is not used (i.e., if the Delete or Backspace key is used instead) the email is not actually deleted within the system, and emails will continue to be sent to an invalid email address.

Once the email has been deleted from the patron’s record, optionally, you can add a note to their account requesting verification of their email address. Use the Extended Info tab to do so. DO NOT ADD A NOTE IN THE EMAIL FIELD in the address tab.

Optionally, you can then contact the patron to inform them about the content of the notice that was returned as undeliverable: a hold’s available, or they have overdue material.

At times, the email address has a very obvious error: .con instead of .com, no @ sign, spaces in the email address instead of underscores, .gmaill.com and similar misspellings. In these cases, the email address does not need to be deleted; it can be edited and saved with no special requirements.

If you have questions on a bounced email, please contact Melissa Klein at 920-236-5230, or at klein@winnefox.org

Renewals and multiple renewals

The automation system is set up to allow two renewals of an item if there are no holds on the title.

The standard override can be used to allow additional renewals.

Additional renewals should be an occasional exception, especially if the item does not belong to the library.  The additional renewals prevent browsers from finding material on library shelves.

The library should never do a renewal to override a hold.

Unreturned items (UI-LOST)

When items are checked out and not returned, there is a annual process that breaks the link between the user and the LOST-ASSUM item so the item can be withdrawn.  The item is at least 18 months overdue at the time this is done.  The user is both billed for the lost item, and is barred.


WALS uses a two reports to process items that have been checked out and not returned, and are not expected to be returned. These items show in the database as LOST-ASSUM. 

The first report, Process Long Overdue Items, does five things:

  1. Discharges the item from the patron record
  2. Bars the patron
  3. Puts the item in a location of UI-LOST for later removal
  4. Creates a generic UI-ITEM bill for each item
    The bill does NOT give the title of the lost item.
    The bill is the price of the Item if the price is in the item record.
    The price is $25 for anything without a price in the item record.
  5. Creates a Lost-Item note in the patron record for each item removed.

The title, call number, Item ID, and due date are included in the note. The information in that field is searchable with a keyword search of the notes field.  The note stays in the user's record until manually removed.

There is NO link between the item in the notes field and the bill.  If the patron pays the bill, or the item is returned in the book drop, the note must be removed manually.

The second report, Remove Item by Location, permanently removes the UI-LOST items from the database.   If it is the last copy, the report also removes the bibliographic record.

This process is done annually to remove items from the database.

ILL checkouts and special due dates

The circulation software does not have a default loan period for interlibrary loan material.  When ILL items are being checked out, the staff person needs to use the Special Due Date helper for that transaction.  The due date should match the paperwork that came with the ILL item.

There are 3 options:

  • Use special due date from now on
  • For this user only  (This is the one staff should be using)
  • For this checkout only

If you Use special due date from now on, you will be giving the date you entered for that patron‘s item to not only that patron but to every single user after that!  The program returns to the normal due dates only if you close out of checkout and go to a different function like Borrower Display or Discharge. 

If you select For this user only, all of the books that you check out to this customer will have the date you set—ILL as well as everything else. But when you leave that user, the next user will get regular dates.

If you For this checkout only, the selected date will be applied only to the first book scanned. The system reverts to regular checkout dates for that same person without you having to do anything.

Missing contents

Procedure—Handling Missing-Content Items

The library where the missing-content item is returned is responsible for handling that item, regardless of the owner of the item.

Procedures vary at Winnefox libraries as to whether the missing-content item remains on the borrower record or is discharged and then charged to a missing-content user.

The key issue is that the library where the item was returned is to make a good-faith effort to get the missing part back from the borrower. The part that was returned should remain at the library while the patron is being contacted.  

There is a MISSING CONTENT user record for Oshkosh, Menasha, and Neenah. Those libraries check items out to their MC user rather than leaving the item on the user’s record. This helps their staff find the rest of the item that has already been returned.

The User Does NOT Return the Missing Part

If the user does not return the missing part within 2-3 months, add a charge to patron record under Billing a User and put a note in the user’s record. The local library, not the owning library, charge-rate applies. In most cases, the user should be charged for the replacement cost of the item.

Within 6 months, make a withdraw/replace decision for your own items, and return items belonging to other libraries. Put a note on each item returned so they the library knows what has happened.

Missing Item List

Items that are currently missing need to be searched for on your shelves for three months.

Identify items currently missing by using the List Items Missing report in Analytics, found in "Shared Reports > For Libraries > Item Lists", and then searched for on your shelves. The report lists all items with a status of MISSING. It exports as an Excel file and can be sorted by Last Activity Date, to identify the items that have been missing longest. 

When searching for items, check both where the item would normally would be shelved, and likely places where it could have been misshelved, such as shelves above and below their normal location, or under similar call numbers. 

If the item is located on the shelf, discharge it. This will take the item out of MISSING and route it to the correct location, either back to its Home Location, or to a hold should someone be waiting for that item. 

If you cannot find the item after three months, mark the item Withdrawn by checking it out to your WD-XX user, where XX indicates your library code. This allows the item to be fully removed from the catalog during item maintenance. 


This report that were on the Holds shelf for a patron, and now cannot be found; the item was very recently seen and handled to make the hold available for the patron. This can happen if the item is not checked out with the patron's other holds, or mistakenly given to a different patron. 

Handle these items similarly to the regular List Items Missing report. Check for them on your shelf for three months, and if they are not located in that time, withdraw the item. 

Previous borrower

Sometimes a library discharges an item and then notices that the item is damaged or that parts are missing.

If the Discharging the Bookdrop wizard is being used, highlight the item in question and click on the Display User Wizard.  The previous borrower will appear as the Current button. This only works while the Discharging Bookdrop Wizard is still open.  If the Clear Discharge List or Close are clicked, one can't get back to patrons for those items.

If the dischared item was overdue, the discharge created a bill.  In that case search for the specific copy and look to see if there is a bill. 

If there is no bill, the log files from the automation system can be used to look up the previous borrower. Email Melissa Klein (at klein@winnefox.org) with the barcode of the item.

The same report can be used to look up by borrower. Sometimes a problem situation can be resolved by seeing what else a user checked out at the time of the problem.

Online Payments

Online Payments and Library Reimbursements

Software from EnvisionWare is used in the online catalog for processing online payments.  When a user makes a payment via My Account, the system records the payment as being made by Winnefox, and the payment type as ONLINEPAY.

We use three reports to tally the Winnefox ONLINEPAY payments.

  1. A report listing payment for lost and damaged items
    This report is used to credit the payment back to the owner of the item.
  2. A report listing payment for Referral fees, UI-ITEMS, fax charges, and other bills not connected to specific items.
    This report is used to credit the payment back to the billing library.
    UI-ITEMS:  After a check-out item becomes long overdue, a report is run that breaks the link between the user and item, so the item can be withdrawn.  A UI-ITEM bill is created on the user’s record, but it is not connected to an item in the collection.  Because the link to the item has been broken, there is no way to tell which library owned the item.  We can only tell which library BILLED the user for the item.  Since most of the library’s circulation is from its own items, the UI-ITEM is likely to be for an item that was owned by the billing library.
  3. A report listing all other online payments, mostly overdues.  These are bills that are connected with items. This report is used to credit payments back to the billing library.  

The Winnefox office staff uses the reports to process the funds deposited in the Winnefox online payment account back to the library owed the money.  The payments are made quarterly, with the following deducted from the library’s amount:

  1. $5.14 monthly charge—divided among the libraries getting a payment that quarter
  2. 4% of the funds collected
  3. $.23 for the cost of the check

Payments of less than $5.00 are held on account until the amount is higher than $5.00.

Information sent with the check indicates how much of the check is for the following:

  • Damaged, lost, missing contents
  • Referral fees
  • UI (unreturned items)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Overdues

It is possible for a library to have a negative balance if a refund is issued just after the library has been reimbursed, but before additional payments have been made.  In that case, if the amount is under $100, the account will carry the negative balance into the next quarter and make the adjustment then.  If the negative balance exceeds $100.00, the library will be invoiced.


If a user finds a lost item and is to be issued a refund, there is a form to be completed by the library.

If the library owns the lost/paid item being refunded, the form is to be sent to the Winnefox Library System office.  The check will be mailed to the user within 2-6 weeks.

If the library does NOT own the lost/paid item being refunded, the form is to be sent to the owning library.  That library will decide if a refund will be issued and the amount of the refund.  Some libraries charge overdue or processing fees.

March 22, 2010, revised May, 2010, February, 2012

Telephone notices

Option for Using Unique Management, Inc. for Phone Notices

June 2022

Libraries may optionally use Unique Management Systems (UMS) for an auto-message service that calls users for overdues and/or holds.  UMS is the firm some WALS libraries use for collection-agency services.  This service is for users that do not have email.  We started doing phone notices in July of 2012.  The process uses reports that are emailed to UMS.

For participating libraries, the phone calls replace the paper notice mailed by WALS.  Bills notices for all libraries are printed and sent from Unique Management.

The cost per successful phone call is $.15.  For the remaining unsuccessful calls, the cost per mailed notice is $.703.  A call is considered successful if the phone is answered, either by a person or by an answering (or fax) machine.

A “machine” does the talking, using a scripts we provided (see below).  For phones with caller ID, the library’s phone number displays as the caller.  Calls are made Monday through Saturday, starting at 9 and ending at 5 for holds and ending at 8 for overdues.  By ending the calls for holds at 5, the user can still be mailed a paper notice on the same day.

For holds, the automated message indicates that the call is for the specific library where the item is being held.  The call message tells the user that there is material to pick up.  It does not indicate the specific titles that are on hold.

For overdues, the library in the patron record is used in the phone message as the library calling.  The message does not list the overdue items.  The call is made when the item is 4 days overdue.

UMS makes multiple phone attempts during the day before going to a printed notice.  The printed notices use the library’s return address, not Winnefox’s.  

UMS generates a daily report indicating the results for that day’s calls, and a monthly statistical report.  Winnefox receives a single bill and uses the statistics to bill back the participating libraries.

These libraries are using phone notices:

  • Berlin (started December 2015)
  • Brandon (started April 2019, overdues only)
  • Coloma
  • Endeavor
  • Menasha (started in November, 2012)
  • Montello
  • Neenah
  • Oxford
  • Oshkosh
  • Redgranite 
  • Ripon (for overdues only)
  • Westfield (started in November, 2012)

For the first three months of operation, the percent of users reached by phone averaged 92%.

Texts for the phone notices:


Hello!  This is the <<Library>> calling with a message for <<Patron Name>>.  An item is being held for you for pickup at the library.  It will be held until closing on <<Date>>.  If you would prefer library notices by email rather than by phone, you may change your account online at catalog dot winnefox dot org, or contact the <<Library>>.  This message will now repeat. Hello!  This is the <<Library>> calling with a message for <<Patron Name>>.  An item is being held for you for pickup at the library.  It will be held until closing on <<Date>>.  If you would prefer library notices by email rather than by phone, you may change your account online at catalog dot winnefox dot org, or contact the <<Library>>.  Thank you.


Hello!  This is an automated message from the <<Library>> calling for <<Patron Name>>.  An item or items are now overdue.  Please return your library material as soon as possible to minimize your fines.  You may also contact the library about renewals.  At thirty days overdue, you will be billed for the cost of the items.  If you would prefer library notices by email rather than by phone, you may change your account online at catalog dot winnefox dot org, or contact your library.  This message will now repeat.  Hello!  This is an automated message from the <<Library>> calling for <<Patron Name>>.  An item or items are now overdue.  Please return your library material as soon as possible to minimize your fines.  You may also contact the library about renewals.  At thirty days overdue, you will be billed for the cost of the items.  If you would prefer library notices by email rather than by phone, you may change your account online at catalog dot winnefox dot org, or contact your library.

For printed notices:

The item(s) listed below are overdue.  Please return your library material as soon as possible to minimize your fines.  You may also contact the library about renewals.  At thirty days overdue, you will be billed for the cost of the item(s).

Codes in the results reports:

UMS provides reports of both the successful and unsuccessful calls each day.  The report lists a reason for each call.

§  CHU – Customer Hung Up

§  LVMA – Left Voice Message

§  LMLP – Left Message, Live Person

§  RNA – Ring No Answer

§  OI – Operator Intercept (The number you have called is no longer in service . . .)

§  BUSY – Busy line

§  FA – Fax machine pick up

Oshkosh staff handles the failed-notices file.  The put a note in the record indicating that a phone number or email address is needed for the user and also put Need # in the phone field.  For the larger libraries, they also bar the user.  Users without a phone or email should have No phone in the phone number field in their record so that any one viewing the record knows that no further action is needed.

Cash Management

Cash Management is an optional set of wizards within Workflows that allows libraries to handle patron purchases of library-designated items (pay for print jobs, book sale items, Friends donations, etc), and then report on transactions at the workstation at the end of the day.

For libraries using Cash Management, there is a Cash Management troubleshooting guide  available that covers common questions. (After downloading, please select "Enable Editing" and press Ctrl while clicking to follow hyperlinks)

If you have questions, please contact Melissa at klein@winnefox.org, or 920-236-5230.


The Symphony software is set up to share copies on a "my users get my copy first" basis. Because of the complexity of holds based on this in a consortia, it is NOT possible to show where a person is in the hold queue.

Each library needs to purchase its own copy or copies of bestsellers to meet local needs. A library might purchase additional copies of new materials. These additional copies are allowed to be set to a No Hold Item Type, and will not fill any holds, whether at the owning library or outside it.

The Symphony software is also configured to prevent holds on some item locations, such as REFERENCE or STORAGE.

The basic philosophy within Winnefox is that libraries will share as much of their material as possible.

OnShelf Hold List

The Onshelf Hold Items report runs Monday through Friday.  That report, or the updated list created by the wizard in WorkFlows, is the list of items that are needed to fill holds. That report should be handled each day by the library. After the items are pulled from the shelves, the library needs to use the “Check Item Status” wizard to see what should be done with the items.  If an item can't be found after several days, it should be set to missing.

Clean Holds List

A Clean-Holds report also runs Monday through Friday.  It creates a list of item on the library's hold shelf that have not been picked up by the user or that have been cancelled by the user.  These items need to be pulled from the hold shelf.  The library needs to check item status of the pulled items to see what needs to be done.  Some of the items will already be INTRANSIT.  Any item on the list that is not INTRANSIT should be scanned in check item status.


Titles that are in high demand, with more than five holds than copies across the system, are to be set as Item Type SHORTLOAN. All items with the Item Type of SHORTLOAN will circulate for two weeks, regardless which library they are checked out at. These are often new bestsellers, but might include older books which are newly popular.

Each Monday morning, libraries receive an Excel document with two tabs: "Make Shortloan" and "Remove Shortloan." These tabs are lists of their items which need to be edited. Libraries should go through these lists weekly and make the appropriate changes: Items on the "Make Shortloan" tab should be changed from their current Item Type to SHORTLOAN. Items on the "Remove Shortloan" tab should be changed from SHORTLOAN to their normal Item Type. Items can be edited even when they are checked out; the SHORTLOAN circulation period will go into effect the next time the item is checked out.

Non-holdable item home locations

The Symphony software prevents holds on certain Home Locations. These Home Locations are:

Adult Genealogy
Adult German Genealogy
Adult Information Desk
Adult Local History
Adult Lucky Day CD--No holds
Adult Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
Adult Lucky Day--No holds
Adult Microfilm
Adult Reference--Locked Case, Ask for Help
Adult Wisconsin Genealogy
Basement Reference
Basement Wisconsin
Children's Big Book for Storytimes
Children's Board Book--No Holds
Children's Little/Small Easy To Read
Children's Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
Children's Lucky Day--No Holds
Children's Phonics
Children's Reference
Children's Storytime Material, Staff Use Only
Coughlin Room
Missing Holds
Mitchell Collection
Reference Desk--Ask for Help
Reference Office, Staff Use Only
Reference--Consumer Information
Reference--Oshkosh Pamphlet
Reference--Telephone book
Reference--Wisconsin Law
Staff Collection for Daycares, Storytimes--No Holds
Staff Collection for Reading Clubs--No Holds
Storage--Ask for Help
Young Adult/Teen--Lucky Day
Young Adult/Teen--Reference
Unreturned Item


Special hold tasks and situations

Cleaning off the holds shelf

Expired/cancelled holds need to be moved along as quickly as possible because usually there is another patron waiting for the item. It is not fair to keep a hold longer for one of your patrons when someone else’s patron is waiting for that item.

Be aware that we have set up the Expire Holds report so that it gives at least one day’s grace anyway. 

Clean Holds Report:
Your library gets this report only on days there is something that needs to be pulled. It produces a list of holds that have expired after being available on the holds shelf for more than 8 days, or that have cancelled by the patron before the expiration date, and puts the item INTRANSIT to the next location.  These items need to be pulled from the hold shelf and scanned with Check Item Status to see what needs to be done with them.

The produced lists are NOT cumulative—each received list needs to be handled by the library.  Libraries need to check for lists on both their open and closed days.

If the user tries to check out the item after it has appeared on the clean-holds report, staff need to do an override.

Things which may appear strange, but are actually normal:

• The Current location is CHECKEDOUT.  This means the hold was cancelled by the patron, but he/she checked it out anyway before staff got to clearing the shelf.

• Items appear on the list before their expiration date.  This means the patron cancelled the hold.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Clean Holds 

Let Karla Smith know if there is anything else strange with your list. 

What to do when an item is on your Clean Holds List but not on your holds shelf
Please refer to the Tracking Missing Holds document.

Holds for book clubs, storytimes, etc

Updated January 2025

Book Clubs:

When copies of a book are needed for a reading club the simplest solution is to place a hold for each member of the club.

If you need to wait for all books to come in before distributing them to patrons, here is the recommended procedure:

  1. Create a Book Club card for your library with a profile of LIBRARYUSE.
    1. There are multiple ways of doing this:
      • Last Name “LIBRARYNAME BOOKCLUB” First Name: Person running the club. Ex: Last name: "WESTFIELD, BOOK CLUB" First name:  "Jane Doe"
      • Last Name: LIBRARY First Name: BOOKCLUB, etc.  Ex: Last name: "WESTFIELD" First name: "BOOK CLUB"
      • For the purpose of these cards, use your library's city not the actual name.  ex "WESTFIELD" not "ETHEL EVERHARD"
    2. Decide whose address to use, whose email to get the hold notices, etc
      *** The main point is to use a profile of LIBRARYUSE instead of PUBLIC. ***
  2. Place holds on all the copies you need using this card. You will likely need to place copy level holds. 
  3. As items arrive (or are about to expire), check them out to your library's Book Club card.
  4. As patrons arrive asking for the books, re-check them out to each individual. It will require an override, but that's OK.

This means that the copies have a Current Location of Checkedout so they don't appear Available, and you have a nice long window of opportunity to wait for the readers to come in and pick them up.

Using the Profile of LIBRARYUSE means there won’t be extra padded circ for checking the item out twice.

Since the book club titles will be out of the owning library for a longer period of time, titles should selected that have enough copies and are not likely to be in demand.

Storytimes & Other Staff uses:

Basically it's the same as above​, just change the name to reflect what the card is being used for. 

Last Name “LIBRARYNAME STORYTIME” First Name: Staff person doing the program Ex: Last name: "WESTFIELD, STORYTIME" First name:  "JANE D"
Last Name: LIBRARY First Name: BOOKCLUB, etc.  Ex: Last name: "WESTFIELD" First name: "BOOK CLUB"

Remember, since titles checkedout to LIBRARYUSE cards will be out of circulation for a longer period of time, do not request titles from other libraries that are likely to be in demand.


Adding Hold Notes

How to add a note to a hold to identify what to do with an item when it gets trapped (ex: whether patron needs to be called that their hold is available for not).

Step by step instructions, with screen shots, are available here: Adding Hold Notes.

When placing the hold in WorkFlows, after entering Patron ID and Item ID, look farther down the screen; underneith the Pickup location is the Comments field. Text entered into this field will display in the popup hold alert when an item is discharged or sanned in Check Item Status.

Item records -- Barcoding and more

Barcoding-When the title is IN the database

Updated November 2024

Barcoding refers to adding a library's own copy of an item to a title that already exists in the database. In general this involves entering only item-specific information, such as Item Type, Home Location, Item Categories, etc. Here is a document for barcoding a copy when the title is ALREADY in the database 

If libraries have multiple items to add of the same type (ex: a stack of DVDs), properties can be set to streamline the adding of copies; instructions for setting properties can be found in this document: Setting Properties.

If additional help is needed with barcoding, contact Stephanie Thomas at the Oshkosh Public Library.  WTCS members may also contact Crystal Marschall at WCTS.


Barcoding-When the title is NOT in the database

Updated November 2024

If a library needs to add an item, and a title record is not already in the database, they need to enter a Short Title Record. Instructions for how to do so can be found here: Creating Short Title Records.

If libraries have multiple titles to add of the same type (ex: a stack of DVDs), properties can be set to streamline the adding of copies; instructions for setting properties can be found in this document: Setting Properties.

Libraries should note that as they add a short record, most of these records are completely overlaid by a fully cataloged record by Oshkosh Technical Services(OS-TECH). The information entered in a short record, therefore, will first help OS-TECH locate the correct record to overlay, and help patrons in locating the item before it has a full record. For this reason, Winnefox does not recommend libraries enter Subject Headings for short records; any that are entered will be removed when the short record is overlaid, and as Subject Headings require a specific format to be searchable in the catalog, adding them might not be any more useful to patrons. If a library does desire Subject Headings on a particular record, they are encouraged to fill out the Database Change Request form for them.

If additional help is needed, contact Stephanie Thomas at the Oshkosh Public Library.  WCTS members may also contact Crystal Marschall at WCTS.

Reporting database problems and requesting changes

Use the Database Change Request form to

  • report problems with titles in the database, and
  • to request changes such as the addition of subject headings. 

The form is automatically sent to Stephanie Thomas (SThomas@oshkoshpuliclibrary.org) at Oshkosh Tech Services.

Call numbers

Updated November 2024

Here is a document describing policies for applying call numbers to items.

If additional help is needed, contact Stephanie Thomas at the Oshkosh Public Library.  WTCS members may also contact Crystal Marschall at WCTS.

Copy records (Items)

Default item prices

When an item goes missing or lost, and does not contain a price in its item record, the system charges the user a default price based on the general Item Type:

Item Type

Description Default Price
AV Audio-visual $60.00
AV-EQUIP Audio-visual equipment $50.00
BOOK Book $20.00
BOOK-LH Book-Local Hold $20.00
BOOK-NH Book-No Hold $20.00
CASSETTE Cassette $15.00
CASS-LH Cassette-Local Hold $15.00
CD CD $12.00
CD-LH CD-Local Hold $12.00
CD-BOOK CD-Book $40.00
CD-BOOK-LH CD-Book-Local Hold $40.00
CD-ROM CD-ROM $45.00
CD-ROM-LH CD-ROM-Local Hold $45.00
DIGITAL Digital (Playaways, etc) $60.00
DIGITAL-LH Digital (Playaways) - Local Hold $60.00
DVD DVD $15.00
DVD-LH DVD-Local Hold $15.00
DVD-NH DVD-No Hold $15.00
ILL-BOOK Interlibrary Loan Item $100.00
JBOOK Children's Book $12.00
JBOOK-LH Children's Book-Local Hold $12.00
JBOOK-NH Children's Book-No Hold $12.00
JCASSETTE Children's Cassette $15.00
JCASS-LH Children's Cassette-Local Hold $15.00
JCD Children's CD $12.00
JCD-LH Children's CD-Local Hold $12.00
JCD-BOOK Children's CD-Book $25.00
JCD-BOOKLH Children's CD-Book-Local Hold $25.00
JCD-ROM Children's CD-ROM $45.00
JCD-ROM-LH Children's CD-ROM-Local Hold $45.00
JDIGITAL Children's Digital $60.00
JDIGITALLH Children's Digital - Local Hold $60.00
JDVD Children's DVD $15.00
JDVD-LH Children's DVD-Local Hold $15.00
JDVD-NH Children's DVD-No Hold $15.00
JKIT Children's Kit $25.00
JMAGAZINE Children's Magazine $5.00
JNEW-BOOK Children's New Book $12.00
JSPECIAL Children's Puppet/Puzzle/Game $20.00
JVIDEO Children's Video $15.00
JVIDEO-LH Children's Video-Local Hold $15.00
KIT Adult Kit $25.00
LONG-NH Long-Loan-No Hold $20.00
MAGAZINE Magazine $5.00
MAG-LH Magazine $5.00
MICROFORM Microform $100.00
NEW-BOOK New book $20.00
NEWSPAPER Newspaper $2.00
PAMPHLET Pamphlet $2.00
REF-BOOK Reference Item $80.00
SHORTLOAN ShortLoan Item $20.00
UI-LOST Unreturned Item-DRA $50.00
UNKNOWN Other $0.00
VIDEO Video $15.00
VIDEO-LH Video-Local Hold $15.00

Item categories

Item Categories are used to limit searches in the catalog.  They are also used to generate monthly statistics for libraries.

Item Category 1 is for the broad type of material.

Item Category 2 is for the age/reading level of the material:  ADULT, JUVENILE, or YA-TEEN.

Item Category 3 is for content of the material: FICTION, NONFICTION, or UNKNOWN

Item Category 4 is for how material circulates: whether the item is for CIRCulating,  or for INHOUSE use.  CIRC is for items that leave the building. INHOUSE is for items that do not leave the building and are not counted as circulation for statistics, but are checked out to patrons to keep track of them (ie, an INHOUSE laptop).

Item Category Tables

Item Category 1

Table of all Item Category 1 values:

Item Category 1 Description in Catalog
CASSETTE Cassette/Tape
E-AUDIOBK Electronic Audio Book
E-BOOK Electronic Book
E-MUSIC Electronic Music
EQUIP Equipment
E-READER Electronic Reading Device
E-VIDEO Electronic Video
GAME Video Game
KIT-AV Kit-Special AV
LARGEPRINT Large Print/Large Type
PLAYAWAY Audio Device (Playaway)
SCORE Musical Score


Unobvious Item Category 1s

When barcoding materials, it can be difficult to tell which Item Category 1 to use for some materials. Follow the table below:

Item Being Barcoded Item Category 1 Used
A large print book LARGEPRINT (not BOOK)
A book of music SCORE
Playaway device PLAYAWAY
CD with a recorded book on it CD-BOOK (not CD)
CD with recorded book on it, with a copy of the printed book (usually a children's item) CD-BOOK
A recorded book in an MP3 format CD-BOOK
An MP3 formatted music CD CD
A DVD with accompanying material (Item Type may be KIT) DVD
Equipment OTHER


Item home locations as shown in WorkFlows

The list below shows item home locations sorted by the policy name in WorkFlows.  For most of the locations, the description is what displays in the catalog.  For a few, special programming is used to control the display in the catalog.  This is done especially for items that are local hold.

The ones with the strike through are not available as a selection option when an item is barcoded.  Some are for materials no longer being added to library collections, such as cassettes, and other are for locations used by the system, such as LOST-ASSUM.

An Excel file of the list is available if needed by a library to create  a list of just the locations used by the library.

Name in WorkFlows      Description in the Catalog
AUDIO Z Adult Recording
AUDIOBOOK Adult Audio Book
AVAIL_SOON Available soon
BASEMT-REF Basement Reference
BASEMT-VID Z Basement Video
BASEMT-WIS Basement Wisconsin
BINDERY Z At Bindery
BIOGRAPHY Adult Biography
BOOKBIKE On Library BookBike
BOOKCLUB Adult Book Club
CASS-BKNF Adult Book on Tape--Nonfiction
CASS-BOOK Adult Book on Tape
CASSETTE Adult Cassette
CASS-MUSIC Z Adult Music Cassette
CATALOGING Being Cataloged
CD Adult CD
CD-BOOK Adult Book on CD
CD-BOOKFIC Adult Book on CD--Fiction
CD-BOOKMYS Adult Book on CD--Mystery
CD-BOOKNF Adult Book on CD--Nonfiction
CD-BOOKSF Adult Book on CD--Science Fiction
CD-BOOKWST Adult Book on CD--Western
CD-CLASS Adult Music CD--Classical
CD-JAZZ Adult Music CD--Jazz
CD-MUSICAL Adult Music CD--Musical
CD-POP Adult Music CD--Pop
CD-XMAS Adult Music CD--Christmas
CHRISTNFIC Adult Christian/Inspirational Fiction
CLASSIC Adult Classic
COMMINFO Z Community Information Database Record
CONSERV Adult Conservation
CONSUMER Adult Consumer Information
COUGHLIN Coughlin Room
CRAFT Adult Craft
DISCARD Z Withdrawn
DISCARD2 Z Withdrawn--Shadowed
DISPLAY Adult Display
DISPLAY2 Adult Display Second Floor
DISPLAYNF Adult Display--Nonfiction
DISPLAY-YA Young Adult/Teen Display
DVD-BLURAY Adult DVD--Blu-ray
DVD-FEATUR Adult DVD--Feature
DVD-NF Adult DVD--Nonfiction
DVD-TV Adult DVD--TV Shows
E-AUDIOBK Z Downloadable Audio Book
E-BOOK Z Downloadable Electronic Book
E-MUSIC Z-Downloadable Music
EQUIPMENT Equipment--Ask for Help
E-READER Electronic Book Device--Local Hold
E-VIDEO Z Downloadable video
FANTASY Adult Fiction -- Fantasy
FC Family Resource Center
FC-AUTISM Family Resource Center--Autism Disorders
FC-POTTY Family Resource Center--Toilet/Potty Training
FC-SCHOOL Family Resource Center--Home Schooling
FICTION-BK Adult Fiction
FOREIGN Adult Foreign Language
GAME Adult Board Game
GAME-VID Adult Video Game
GENEALOGY Adult Genealogy
GEN-GERMAN Adult German Genealogy
GEN-WIS Adult Wisconsin Genealogy
GRAPHIC Adult Graphic Novel
GREEN Green Living Featured Collection
H-4JULY Children's Holiday--4th of July
H-APRFOOL Children's Holiday--April Fool's Day
H-ARBOR Children's Holiday--Arbor Day
H-CHIN-NY Children's Holiday--Chinese New Year
H-CHRISTMA Children's Holiday--Christmas
H-CINCO-DE Children's Holiday--Cinco de Mayo
H-COLUMBUS Children's Holiday--Columbus Day
H-DAYODEAD Children's Holiday--Day of the Dead
H-EARTH Children's Holiday--Earth Day
H-EASTER Children's Holiday--Easter
H-FATHERS Children's Holiday--Father's Day
H-FLAG Children's Holiday--Flag Day
H-GRNDHOG Children's Holiday--Groundhog Day
H-HALLOWEE Children's Holiday--Halloween
H-HANUKAH Children's Holiday--Hanukkah
H-HINDU Children's Holiday--Hindu Festivals
HIST-FIC Z Adult Historical Fiction
H-JEWISH Children's Holiday--Jewish Holidays
H-JUNETEEN Children's Holiday--Juneteenth
H-KWANZAA Children's Holiday--Kwanzaa
H-LABORDAY Children's Holiday--Labor Day
H-MARDIGRA Children's Holiday--Mardi Gras
H-MARTINLK Children's Holiday--Martin Luther King Day
H-MEMORIAL Children's Holiday--Memorial Day
HMONG Z Adult Hmong
HMONG-AV Z Adult Hmong AV
H-MOTHERS Children's Holiday--Mother's Day
H-NEWYEAR Children's Holiday--New Year's Day
HOLDS On hold
HOLDTRANST Hold item going to another library
H-PRESIDEN Children's Holiday--President's Day
H-RAMADAN Children's Holiday--Muslim Festivals
H-STPAT Children's Holiday--St. Patrick's Day
H-THANKSGV Children's Holiday--Thanksgiving
H-VALENTIN Children's Holiday--Valentine's Day
H-VETERAN Children's Holiday--Veteran's Day
ILL Checked Out
INFO-DESK Adult Information Desk
INPROCESS Z Being processed
INSHIPPING Z Being shipped to destination
J1-2-3 Children's 1-2-3
JABC Children's ABC
JARTHUR Children's Arthur Book
JAUDIO Z Children's Recording
JAWARDBK Children's Award Book
JBEREN Children's Berenstain
JBIG-BOOK Children's Big Book for Storytimes
JBIN Children's Bin
JBIO Children's Biography
JBOARD-BK Children's Board Book--No Holds
JBOOKCLUB Children's Book Club
JCALDECOTT Children's Caldecott Award Book
JCARTOONS Children's Cartoons
JCASS-BK Children's Book on Cassette
JCASSETTE Children's Cassette
JCASS-N-BK Children's Cassette with Book
JCD Children's CD
JCD-BOOK Children's Book on CD
JCD-N-BK Children's CD with Book
JCD-ROM Children's CD-ROMS
JCD-SONGS Children's CD--Songs
JCHAPTERBK Children's Easy Chapter Book
JCLASSIC Z Children's Classics
JCLIFFORD Children's Clifford the Big Red Dog
JCOLORS Children's Colors
JCOMIC Children's Comic Book
JCONCEPT Z Children's Concept Book
JCURIOUS Children's Curious George
JDISNEY Children's Disney
JDISPLAY Children's Display
JDVD Children's DVD
JDVD-ALL Children's DVD--All Ages
JDVD-BLU-R Children's DVD--Blu-Ray
JDVD-DIS Z Children's DVD--Disney
JDVD-ELEM Z Children's DVD--Elementary
JDVD-NONF Children's DVD--Nonfiction
JDVD-PRE Children's DVD--Preschool
JDVD-TV-A Children's DVD Series--All Ages
JDVD-TV-P Children's DVD Series--Preschool
JEASIEST Children's Easiest
JEASIESTPB Children's Easiest Paperback
JEASY-1 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 1
JEASY-2 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 2
JEASY-3 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 3
JEASY-4 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 4
JEASY-NF Children's Easy-to-Read Nonfiction
JEASY-PB Children's Easy Paperback
JEASY-READ Children's Easy to Read
JEASY-RIG Z Children's Rigby Series
JFAIRYTALE Children's Fairy Tales
JFAVORITE Children's Favorite Characters
JFIC-ILLUS Children's Illustrated Fiction
JFICTION Children's Fiction
JFOREIGN Children's Foreign Language
JFRENCH Children's in French
JGAME Juvenile Games
JGAME-VID Juvenile Video Games
JGERMAN Children's in German
JGOLDIE Children's Golden Oldie
JGRAPHIC Children's Graphic Novel
JHMONG Children's Hmong
JHOLIDAY Children's Holiday
JJAPANESE Children's Japanese
JJOKES Z Children's Joke
JKIT Children's Kit
JLGPRT Children's Large Print/Type
JLITTLEASY Children's Little/Small Easy To Read
JLITTLEPIC Children's Little/Small picture
JLUCKYDAY Children's Lucky Day--No Holds
JLUCKYDVD Children's Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
JMAGAZINE Children's Magazine
JMAGICBUS Children's Magic School Bus Collection
JMOTHGOOSE Z Children's Mother Goose
JMULTI Children's Multilingual
JMYSTERY Z Children's Mystery
JNEW-AV Children's New AV
JNEWBERY Children's Newbery Award Book
JNEW-BOOK Children's New Book
JNEW-CASBK Z Children's New Book on Cassette
JNEWCASNBK Z Children's New Cassette with Book
JNEW-CASS Z Children's New Cassette
JNEW-CD Children's New Compact Disc
JNEW-CD-BK Children's New Book on CD
JNEW-CDNBK Z Children's New CD with Book
JNEW-CDROM Z Children's New CD-ROM
JNEW-CHAP Children's New Easy Chapter Book
JNEW-DVD Children's New DVD
JNEW-EASY Children's New Easy to Read
JNEWEASYNF Children's New Easy Nonfiction
JNEW-FIC Children's New Fiction
JNEW-GN Children's New Graphic Novel
JNEW-NF Children's New Nonfiction
JNEW-PICT Children's New Picture Book
JNEW-TWGN Tween--New Graphic Novel
JNEW-VID Z Children's New Video
JNONFIC Children's Nonfiction
JNURSERY Children's Nursery Rhyme
JOPPOS Children's Opposites
JOVERSIZE Children's Oversized Book
JPB Children's Paperback
JPB-SERIES Children's Paperback Series
JPHONICS Children's Phonics
JPICTURE Children's Picture Book
JPLAYAWAY Children's Playaway Unit
JPUPPET Children's Puppet
JPUZZLE Children's Puzzle
JREFERENCE Children's Reference
JSEEK&FIND Z Children's Seek and Find
JSEEKFIND Children's Seek and Find
JSESAME Children's Sesame Street
JSEUSS Children's Dr Seuss
JSHAPES Children's Shapes
JSPAN-CASS Children's Cassette in Spanish
JSPAN-CD Children's CD in Spanish
JSPAN-DVD Children's DVD in Spanish
JSPAN-FIC Children's Fiction in Spanish
JSPANISH Children's in Spanish
JSPAN-KIT Z-Children's Kit in Spanish
JSPAN-NONF Children's Non-fiction in Spanish
JSPAN-RDLG Children's Spanish Readalong
JSPAN-VID Children's Video in Spanish
JSPECIAL Children's Special
JSTORYTIME Children's Storytime Material, Staff Use Only
JTOY Children's Toy
JTOY-BK Children's Toy Book
JTWEEN Tweens--between Children's and Teens
JTWEEN-GN Tween Graphic Novels
JVEHICLES Children's Vehicles
JVID-ALL Children's Video--All Ages
JVID-DIS Children's Video--Disney
JVID-ELEM Children's Video--Elementary
JVIDEO Children's Video
JVID-OVER Z-Children's Oversized Video
JVID-PRE Children's Video--Preschool
JVIETNAM Children's Vietnamese
KIT Adult Kit
LGPRINT Adult Large Print/Type
LGPRT-BIO Adult Large Print/Type--Biography
LGPRT-FIC Adult Large Print/Type--Fiction
LGPRT-MAG Adult Large Print/Type--Magazine
LGPRT-MYS Adult Large Print/Type--Mys/Detective
LGPRT-NEW Adult New Large Print/Type
LGPRT-NF Adult Large Print/Type--Nonfiction
LGPRT-ROM Adult Large Print/Type--Romance
LGPRT-SFI Adult Large Print/Type--Science Fiction
LGPRT-WEST Adult Large Print/Type--Western
LITERACY Literacy/Adult Easy to Read
LOCALHIST Adult Local History
LOCALHISTC Adult Local History--Circulating Collection
LOCK-CASE Adult Reference--Locked Case, Ask for Help
LONGOVRDUE Z-Checked Out--Overdue
LOST-ASSUM Assumed Lost
LOST-CLAIM Claims Lost
LUCKY-CD Adult Lucky Day CD--No holds
LUCKY-DAY Adult Lucky Day--No holds
LUCKY-DVD Adult Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
MAGAZINE Adult Magazine
MAGAZINE-C Current Magazine Issue--Does not Circulate
MAKER Makerspace
MICROFORM Adult Microfilm
MITCHELL Mitchell Collection
MONEY Money Smart
MP-JAV Z-Moraine Park Children's AV--No Holds
MP-JFIC Z-Moraine Park Children's Fiction--No Holds
MP-JNONFIC Z-Moraine Park Children's Non-fiction--No Holds
MP-JSPANAV Z-Moraine Park Children's Spanish AV--No Holds
MP-JSPANBK Z-Moraine Park Children's Spanish Book--No Holds
MP-NONFIC Z-Moraine Park Adult Non-fiction--No Holds
MP-SPANBK Z-Moraine Park Adult Spanish Book--No Holds
MYS-DETECT Adult Fiction--Mystery/Detective
NEW-AUDBK Z-Adult New Audio Book
NEW-AV Z-Adult New AV
NEW-BIO Adult New Biography
NEW-CASS Z-Adult New Cassette
NEW-CASSBK Z-Adult New Book on Tape
NEW-CASSNF Z-Adult New Nonfiction Cassette
NEW-CD Adult New CD
NEW-CDBK Adult New Book on CD
NEW-CHRIST Adult New Christian/Inspirational Fiction
NEW-FANTSY Adult New Fantasy Fiction
NEW-FIC Adult New Fiction
NEW-GRAPH Z-Adult New Graphical Novel
NEW-HIST Adult New Historical Fiction
NEW-MYST Adult New Mystery/Detective
NEW-NONFIC Adult New Nonfiction
NEW-OVRSIZ Adult New Oversize
NEW-PB Adult New Paperback
NEW-ROM Adult New Romance
NEW-SCIFI Adult New Science Fiction
NEW-SUSP Adult New Suspense Fiction
NEW-VIDEO Z-Adult New Video
NEW-WEST Adult New Western Fiction
NEW-YA New Young Adult/Teen
NEW-YAAUBK New Young Adult/Teen Audio Book
NEW-YAGN New Young Adult/Teen Graphic Novel
NEW-YAPB New Young Adult/Teen Paperback
NONFICTION Adult Nonfiction
OPPORTNITY Z-Opportunity Center
OVERSIZE Adult Oversize
PAMPHLET Adult Pamphlet
PARENT-TCH Parent/Teacher
PB Adult Paperback
PB-MYST Adult Paperback--Mystery/Detective
PB-ROM Adult Paperback--Romance
PB-SCIFI Adult Paperback--Science Fiction
PB-WEST Adult Paperback--Western
PHONE-BK Reference--Telephone book
PLAYAWAY Adult Playaway Unit
PLAY-MYST Adult Playaway Unit--Mystery/Detective
PLAY-NF Adult Playaway Unit--Nonfiction
PLAY-SCIFI Adult Playaway Unit--Science Fiction
PLAY-WEST Adult Playaway Unit--Western
PUZZLE Adult Puzzle
READLOUNGE Z-Reading Lounge
REF-ATLAS Reference--Atlas
REF-AUTO Reference--Auto-Repair
REF-BUS Reference--Business
REF-CENSUS Reference--Census
REF-CONSUM Reference--Consumer Information
REF-DESK Reference Desk--Ask for Help
REF-EDUC Reference--Education
REF-HOMEWK Z-Reference--Homework
REF-INDEX Reference--Index
REF-JOBS Reference-Jobs
REF-LIT Z-Reference--Literature
REF-MED Reference--Medicine
REF-OFFICE Reference Office, Staff Use Only
REF-OSHPAM Reference--Oshkosh Pamphlet
REF-PAMPH Z-Reference--Pamphlet File
REF-TRAV Reference--Travel
REF-WIS Reference--Wisconsin
REF-WISLAW Reference--Wisconsin Law
REF-WISPAM Z-Reference--Wisconsin Pamphlet File
REPAIR Damaged
RESERVES Z-Reserve desk
RESHELVING Z-Being shelved
ROMANCE Adult Fiction--Romance
SCIFI Adult Fiction--Science Fiction
SCIFI-FANT Adult Fiction--Science Fiction/Fantasy
SEEFELD Z Seefeld Collection
SHORTSTORY Z-Adult Short Story
SPAN-CASS Adult Spanish Language Cassette
SPAN-CD Adult Spanish Language CD
SPAN-CDBK Adult Spanish Language Book on CD
SPAN-DVD Adult Spanish Language DVD
SPAN-FIC Adult Spanish Fiction
SPANISH Adult Spanish
SPAN-MAG Adult Spanish Language Magazine
SPAN-NF Adult Spanish Nonfiction
SPAN-PLWAY Adult Spanish Language Playaway Unit
SPAN-VID Adult Spanish Language Video
SPECIAL Adult Special Collection
STAFF Staff Collection
STAFF-DAYC Staff Collection for Daycare Centers, Storytimes--No Holds
STAFF-READ Staff Collection for Reading Clubs--No Holds
STORAGE Storage--Ask for Help
SUSPENSE Adult Suspense Fiction
TEACHER Z-Teacher Collection
THING1 Library of Things Display
THING2 Library of Things--Ask Staff
UI-LOST Z-Unreturned Item
VIDEO Adult Video
VID-FEATUR Adult Video--Feature
VID-HIST Adult Video--History
VID-HOW Adult Video--How To
VID-INFO Adult Video--Info
VID-NF Adult Video--Nonfiction
VID-SPORTS Z-Adult Video--Sports
VID-TRAVEL Z-Adult Video--Travel
VID-VINT Adult Video--Vintage/Classic
VID-WEST Adult Video--Western
VID-WLDLF Z-Adult Video--Musical
WEDDING Wedding Featured Collection
WESTERN Adult Fiction--Western
WISCONSIN Adult Wisconsin
WITHDRAWN2 Withdrawn
WONDERBK Children's Wonderbook
YA-AUDBK Young Adult/Teen Audio Book
YA-BOOK Young Adult/Teen
YA-BOOKFIC Young Adult/Teen--Fiction
YA-BOOKNF Young Adult/Teen--Nonfiction
YA-CASS Young Adult/Teen--Book on Cassette
YA-CASSNF Z-Young Adult/Teen--Nonfiction Cassette
YA-CD Young Adult/Teen--CD
YA-CD-BOOK Young Adult/Teen--Book on CD
YA-CDROM Young Adult/Teen--CD-ROM
YA-COMIC Young Adult/Teen--Comic Book
YA-DVD Young Adult/Teen--DVD
YA-DVD-BLU Young Adult/Teen--DVD Blu Ray
YA-GRAPHIC Young Adult/Teen--Graphic Novel
YA-HI-LO Z-Young Adult/Teen--Easy
YA-LUCKY Young Adult/Teen--Lucky Day
YA-MAG Young Adult/Teen--Magazine
YA-MANGA Young Adult/Teen--Manga
YA-PB Young Adult/Teen--Paperback
YA-PLAYAWY Young Adult/Teen Playaway Unit
YA-REF Young Adult/Teen--Reference
YA-SPANFIC Young Adult/Teen--Spanish Fiction
YA-SPAN-NF Young Adult/Teen--Spanish Nonfiction
YA-VIDEO Z-Young Adult/Teen--Video


Item home locations as shown in the catalog

The list below is sorted by how that location usually displays in the online catalog.  However, for some of the locations, special programming is used to control the display.  This is done especially for items that are local hold.

Name  Description in the Catalog
AUDIOBOOK Adult Audio Book
AVAIL_SOON Available soon
BIOGRAPHY Adult Biography
BOOKCLUB Adult Book Club
CD-BOOK Adult Book on CD
CD-BOOKFIC Adult Book on CD--Fiction
CD-BOOKMYS Adult Book on CD--Mystery
CD-BOOKNF Adult Book on CD--Nonfiction
CD-BOOKSF Adult Book on CD--Science Fiction
CD-BOOKWST Adult Book on CD--Western
CASS-BOOK Adult Book on Tape
CASS-BKNF Adult Book on Tape--Nonfiction
CASSETTE Adult Cassette
CD Adult CD
CHRISTNFIC Adult Christian/Inspirational Fiction
CLASSIC Adult Classic
CONSERV Adult Conservation
CONSUMER Adult Consumer Information
CRAFT Adult Craft
DISPLAY Adult Display
DISPLAY2 Adult Display Second Floor
DISPLAYNF Adult Display--Nonfiction
DVD-BLURAY Adult DVD--Blu-ray
DVD-FEATUR Adult DVD--Feature
DVD-NF Adult DVD--Nonfiction
DVD-TV Adult DVD--TV Shows
FICTION-BK Adult Fiction
FANTASY Adult Fiction--Fantasy
MYS-DETECT Adult Fiction--Mystery/Detective
ROMANCE Adult Fiction--Romance
SCIFI Adult Fiction--Science Fiction
SCIFI-FANT Adult Fiction--Science Fiction/Fantasy
WESTERN Adult Fiction--Western
FOREIGN Adult Foreign Language
GAME Adult Game
GENEALOGY Adult Genealogy
GEN-GERMAN Adult German Genealogy
GRAPHIC Adult Graphic Novel
INFO-DESK Adult Information Desk
KIT Adult Kit
LGPRINT Adult Large Print/Type
LGPRT-BIO Adult Large Print/Type--Biography
LGPRT-FIC Adult Large Print/Type--Fiction
LGPRT-MAG Adult Large Print/Type--Magazine
LGPRT-MYS Adult Large Print/Type--Mys/Detective
LGPRT-NF Adult Large Print/Type--Nonfiction
LGPRT-ROM Adult Large Print/Type--Romance
LGPRT-SFI Adult Large Print/Type--Science Fiction
LGPRT-WEST Adult Large Print/Type--Western
LOCALHIST Adult Local History
LOCALHISTC Adult Local History--Circulating Collection
LUCKY-CD Adult Lucky Day CD--No holds
LUCKY-DVD Adult Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
LUCKY-DAY Adult Lucky Day--No holds
MAGAZINE Adult Magazine
MICROFORM Adult Microfilm
CD-XMAS Adult Music CD--Christmas
CD-CLASS Adult Music CD--Classical
CD-JAZZ Adult Music CD--Jazz
CD-MUSICAL Adult Music CD--Musical
CD-POP Adult Music CD--Pop
NEW-BIO Adult New Biography
NEW-CDBK Adult New Book on CD
NEW-CD Adult New CD
NEW-CHRIST Adult New Christian/Inspirational Fiction
NEW-FANTSY Adult New Fantasy Fiction
NEW-FIC Adult New Fiction
NEW-GRAPH Adult New Graphic Novel
LGPRT-NEW Adult New Large Print/Type
NEW-MYST Adult New Mystery/Detective
NEW-NONFIC Adult New Nonfiction
NEW-OVRSIZ Adult New Oversize
NEW-PB Adult New Paperback
NEW-ROM Adult New Romance
NEW-SCIFI Adult New Science Fiction
NEW-SUSP Adult New Suspense Fiction
NEW-WEST Adult New Western Fiction
NONFICTION Adult Nonfiction
OVERSIZE Adult Oversize
PAMPHLET Adult Pamphlet
PB Adult Paperback
PB-MYST Adult Paperback--Mystery/Detective
PB-ROM Adult Paperback--Romance
PB-SCIFI Adult Paperback--Science Fiction
PB-WEST Adult Paperback--Western
PLAYAWAY Adult Playaway Unit
PLAY-NF Adult Playaway Unit--Nonfiction
PLAY-SCIFI Adult Playaway Unit--Science Fiction
PLAY-WEST Adult Playaway Unit--Western
PLAY-MYST Adult Playaway Unit--Mystery/Detective
PUZZLE Adult Puzzle
LOCK-CASE Adult Reference--Locked Case, Ask for Help
SPANISH Adult Spanish
SPAN-FIC Adult Spanish Fiction
SPAN-CDBK Adult Spanish Language Book on CD
SPAN-CASS Adult Spanish Language Cassette
SPAN-CD Adult Spanish Language CD
SPAN-DVD Adult Spanish Language DVD
SPAN-MAG Adult Spanish Language Magazine
SPAN-PLWAY Adult Spanish Language Playaway Unit
SPAN-VID Adult Spanish Language Video
SPAN-NF Adult Spanish Nonfiction
SPECIAL Adult Special Collection
SUSPENSE Adult Suspense Fiction
VIDEO Adult Video
GAME-VID Adult Video Game
VID-FEATUR Adult Video--Feature
VID-HIST Adult Video--History
VID-HOW Adult Video--How To
VID-INFO Adult Video--Info
VID-NF Adult Video--Nonfiction
VID-VINT Adult Video--Vintage/Classic
VID-WEST Adult Video--Western
WISCONSIN Adult Wisconsin
GEN-WIS Adult Wisconsin Genealogy
BASEMT-REF Basement Reference
BASEMT-WIS Basement Wisconsin
CATALOGING Being Cataloged
ILL Checked Out
J1-2-3 Children's 1-2-3
JABC Children's ABC
JARTHUR Children's Arthur Book
JAWARDBK Children's Award Book
JBEREN Children's Berenstain
JBIG-BOOK Children's Big Book for Storytimes
JBIN Children's Bin
JBIO Children's Biography
JBOARD-BK Children's Board Book--No Holds
JBOOKCLUB Children's Book Club
JCASS-BK Children's Book on Cassette
JCD-BOOK Children's Book on CD
JCALDECOTT Children's Caldecott Award Book
JCARTOONS Children's Cartoons
JCASSETTE Children's Cassette
JSPAN-CASS Children's Cassette in Spanish
JCASS-N-BK Children's Cassette with Book
JCD Children's CD
JSPAN-CD Children's CD in Spanish
JCD-N-BK Children's CD with Book
JCD-ROM Children's CD-ROMS
JCD-SONGS Children's CD--Songs
JCLIFFORD Children's Clifford the Big Red Dog
JCOLORS Children's Colors
JCOMIC Children's Comic Book
JCURIOUS Children's Curious George
JDISNEY Children's Disney
JDISPLAY Children's Display
JSEUSS Children's Dr Seuss
JDVD Children's DVD
JSPAN-DVD Children's DVD in Spanish
JDVD-TV-A Children's DVD Series--All Ages
JDVD-TV-P Children's DVD Series--Preschool
JDVD-ALL Children's DVD--All Ages
JDVD-BLU-R Children's DVD--Blu-Ray
JDVD-NONF Children's DVD--Nonfiction
JDVD-PRE Children's DVD--Preschool
JEASIEST Children's Easiest
JEASIESTPB Children's Easiest Paperback
JCHAPTERBK Children's Easy Chapter Book
JEASY-PB Children's Easy Paperback
JEASY-READ Children's Easy to Read
JEASY-1 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 1
JEASY-2 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 2
JEASY-3 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 3
JEASY-4 Children's Easy-to-Read Level 4
JEASY-NF Children's Easy-to-Read Nonfiction
JFAIRYTALE Children's Fairy Tales
JFAVORITE Children's Favorite Characters
JFICTION Children's Fiction
JSPAN-FIC Children's Fiction in Spanish
JFOREIGN Children's Foreign Language
JGOLDIE Children's Golden Oldie
JGRAPHIC Children's Graphic Novel
JHMONG Children's Hmong
JHOLIDAY Children's Holiday
H-4JULY Children's Holiday--4th of July
H-APRFOOL Children's Holiday--April Fool's Day
H-ARBOR Children's Holiday--Arbor Day
H-CHIN-NY Children's Holiday--Chinese New Year
H-CHRISTMA Children's Holiday--Christmas
H-CINCO-DE Children's Holiday--Cinco de Mayo
H-COLOMBUS Childern's Holiday--Columbus Day
H-DAYODEAD Children's Holiday--Day of the Dead
H-EARTH Children's Holiday--Earth Day
H-EASTER Children's Holiday--Easter
H-FATHERS Children's Holiday--Father's Day
H-FLAG Children's Holiday--Flag Day
H-GRNDHOG Children's Holiday--Groundhog Day
H-HALLOWEE Children's Holiday--Halloween
H-HANUKAH Children's Holiday--Hanukkah
H-HINDU Children's Holiday--Hindu Festivals
H-JEWISH Children's Holiday--Jewish Holidays
H-JUNETEEN Children's Holiday--Juneteenth
H-KWANZAA Children's Holiday--Kwanzaa
H-LABORDAY Children's Holiday--Labor Day
H-MARDIGRA Children's Holiday--Mardi Gras
H-MARTINLK Children's Holiday--Martin Luther King Day
H-MEMORIAL Children's Holiday--Memorial Day
H-MOTHERS Children's Holiday--Mother's Day
H-RAMADAN Children's Holiday--Muslim Festivals
H-NEWYEAR Children's Holiday--New Year's Day
H-PRESIDEN Children's Holiday--President's Day
H-STPAT Children's Holiday--St. Patrick's Day
H-THANKSGV Children's Holiday--Thanksgiving
H-VALENTIN Children's Holiday--Valentine's Day
H-VETERAN Children's Holiday--Veteran's Day
JFIC-ILLUS Children's Illustrated Fiction
JFRENCH Children's in French
JGERMAN Children's in German
JSPANISH Children's in Spanish
JJAPANESE Children's Japanese
JKIT Children's Kit
JLGPRT Children's Large Print/Type
JLITTLEASY Children's Little/Small Easy To Read
JLITTLEPIC Children's Little/Small picture
JLUCKYDVD Children's Lucky Day DVD--No Holds
JLUCKYDAY Children's Lucky Day--No Holds
JMAGAZINE Children's Magazine
JMAGICBUS Children's Magic School Bus Collection
JMULTI Children's Multilingual
JNEW-AV Children's New AV
JNEW-BOOK Children's New Book
JNEW-CD-BK Children's New Book on CD
JNEW-CDNBK Children's New CD with Book
JNEW-CD Children's New Compact Disc
JNEW-DVD Children's New DVD
JNEWEASYNF Children's New Easy Nonfiction
JNEW-EASY Children's New Easy to Read
JNEW-FIC Children's New Fiction
JNEW-GN Children's New Graphic Novel
JNEW-NF Children's New Nonfiction
JNEW-PICT Children's New Picture Book
JNEWBERY Children's Newbery Award Book
JNONFIC Children's Nonfiction
JSPAN-NONF Children's Non-fiction in Spanish
JNURSERY Children's Nursery Rhyme
JOPPOS Children's Opposites
JOVERSIZE Children's Oversized Book
JPB Children's Paperback
JPB-SERIES Children's Paperback Series
JPHONICS Children's Phonics
JPICTURE Children's Picture Book
JPLAYAWAY Children's Playaway Unit
JPUPPET Children's Puppet
JPUZZLE Children's Puzzle
JREFERENCE Children's Reference
JSEEKFIND Children's Seek and Find
JSESAME Children's Sesame Street
JSHAPES Children's Shapes
JSPAN-RDLG Children's Spanish Readalong
JSPECIAL Children's Special
JSTORYTIME Children's Storytime Material, Staff Use Only
JTOY Children's Toy
JTOY-BK Children's Toy Book
JVEHICLES Children's Vehicles
JVIDEO Children's Video
JSPAN-VID Children's Video in Spanish
JVID-ALL Children's Video--All Ages
JVID-DIS Children's Video--Disney
JVID-ELEM Children's Video--Elementary
JVID-PRE Children's Video--Preschool
JVIETNAM Children's Vietnamese
LOST-CLAIM Claims Lost
COUGHLIN Coughlin Room
MAGAZINE-C Current Magazine Issue--Does not Circulate
REPAIR Damaged
E-READER Electronic Book Device--Local Hold
EQUIPMENT Equipment--Ask for Help
FC Family Resource Center
FC-AUTISM Family Resource Center--Autism Disorders
FC-SCHOOL Family Resource Center--Home Schooling
FC-POTTY Family Resource Center--Toilet/Potty Training
GREEN Green Living Featured Collection
HOLDTRANSIT Hold item going to another library
JGAME Juvenile Games
JGAME-VID Juvenile Video Games
THING1 Library of Things Display
THING2 Library of Things--Ask Staff
LITERACY Literacy/Adult Easy to Read
MAKER Makerspace
MITCHELL Mitchell Collection
MONEY Money Smart
NEW-YA New Young Adult/Teen
NEW-YAAUBK New Young Adult/Teen Audio Book
NEW-YAPB New Young Adult/Teen Paperback
HOLDS On hold
BOOKBIKE On Library BookBike-No Holds
PARENT-TCH Parent/Teacher
REF-DESK Reference Desk--Ask for Help
REF-OFFICE Reference Office, Staff Use Only
REF-ATLAS Reference--Atlas
REF-AUTO Reference--Auto-Repair
REF-BUS Reference--Business
REF-CENSUS Reference--Census
REF-CONSUM Reference--Consumer Information
REF-EDUC Reference--Education
REF-INDEX Reference--Index
REF-JOBS Reference--Jobs
REF-MED Reference--Medicine
REF-OSHPAM Reference--Oshkosh Pamphlet
PHONE-BK Reference--Telephone book
REF-TRAV Reference--Travel
REF-WIS Reference--Wisconsin
REF-WISLAW Reference--Wisconsin Law
STAFF Staff Collection
STAFF-DAYC Staff Collection for Daycare Centers, Storytimes--No Holds
STAFF-READ Staff Collection for Reading Clubs--No Holds
STORAGE Storage--Ask for Help
JNEW-TWEEN Tween - New
JNEW-TWGN Tween - New Graphic Novel
JTWEEN-GR Tween Graphic Novels
JTWEEN Tweens--between Children's and Teens
UI-LOST Unreturned Item
WEDDING Wedding Featured Collection
WONDERBK Wonderbook
YA-BOOK Young Adult/Teen
YA-AUDBK Young Adult/Teen Audio Book
DISPLAY-YA Young Adult/Teen Display
YA-PLAYAWY Young Adult/Teen Playaway Unit
YA-CASS Young Adult/Teen--Book on Cassette
YA-CD-BOOK Young Adult/Teen--Book on CD
YA-CD Young Adult/Teen--CD
YA-CDROM Young Adult/Teen--CD-ROM
YA-COMIC Young Adult/Teen--Comic Book
YA-DVD Young Adult/Teen--DVD
YA-DVD-BLU Young Adult/Teen--DVD Blu Ray
YA-BOOKFIC Young Adult/Teen--Fiction
YA-GRAPHIC Young Adult/Teen--Graphic Novel
YA-LUCKY Young Adult/Teen--Lucky Day
YA-MAG Young Adult/Teen--Magazine
YA-MANGA Young Adult/Teen--Manga
NEW-YAGN Young Adult/Teen--New Graphic Novel
YA-BOOKNF Young Adult/Teen--Nonfiction
YA-PB Young Adult/Teen--Paperback
YA-REF Young Adult/Teen--Reference
YA-SPANFIC Young Adult/Teen--Spanish Fiction
YA-SPAN-NF Young Adult/Teen--Spanish Nonfiction
HIST-FIC Z Adult Historical Fiction
HMONG Z Adult Hmong
HMONG-AV Z Adult Hmong AV
CASS-MUSIC Z Adult Music Cassette
AUDIO Z Adult Recording
BINDERY Z At Bindery
AVAIL_SOON Z Available soon
BASEMT-VID Z Basement Video
INPROCESS Z Being processed
INSHIPPING Z Being shipped to destination
JCLASSIC Z Children's Classics
JCONCEPT Z Children's Concept Book
JDVD-DIS Z Children's DVD--Disney
JDVD-ELEM Z Children's DVD--Elementary
JJOKES Z Children's Joke
JMOTHGOOSE Z Children's Mother Goose
JMYSTERY Z Children's Mystery
JNEW-CASBK Z Children's New Book on Cassette
JNEW-CASS Z Children's New Cassette
JNEWCASNBK Z Children's New Cassette with Book
JNEW-CDROM Z Children's New CD-ROM
JNEW-VID Z Children's New Video
JAUDIO Z Children's Recording
JEASY-RIG Z Children's Rigby Series
JSEEK&FIND Z Children's Seek and Find
COMMINFO Z Community Information Database Record
E-AUDIOBK Z Downloadable Audio Book
E-BOOK Z Downloadable Electronic Book
E-VIDEO Z Downloadable video
DISCARD Z Withdrawn
DISCARD2 Z-Withdrawn--Shadowed
NEW-AUDBK Z-Adult New Audio Book
NEW-AV Z-Adult New AV
NEW-CASSBK Z-Adult New Book on Tape
NEW-CASS Z-Adult New Cassette
NEW-GRAPH Z-Adult New Graphical Novel
NEW-HIST Z-Adult New Historical Fiction
NEW-CASSNF Z-Adult New Nonfiction Cassette
NEW-VIDEO Z-Adult New Video
SHORTSTORY Z-Adult Short Story
VID-WLDLF Z-Adult Video--Musical
VID-SPORTS Z-Adult Video--Sports
VID-TRAVEL Z-Adult Video--Travel
RESHELVING Z-Being shelved
LONGOVRDUE Z-Checked Out--Overdue
JSPAN-KIT Z-Children's Kit in Spanish
JVID-OVER Z-Children's Oversized Video
E-MUSIC Z-Downloadable Music
MP-NONFIC Z-Moraine Park Adult Non-fiction--No Holds
MP-SPANBK Z-Moraine Park Adult Spanish Book--No Holds
MP-JAV Z-Moraine Park Children's AV--No Holds
MP-JFIC Z-Moraine Park Children's Fiction--No Holds
MP-JNONFIC Z-Moraine Park Children's Non-fiction--No Holds
MP-JSPANAV Z-Moraine Park Children's Spanish AV--No Holds
MP-JSPANBK Z-Moraine Park Children's Spanish Book--No Holds
OPPORTNITY Z-Opportunity Center
READLOUNGE Z-Reading Lounge
REF-HOMEWK Z-Reference--Homework
REF-JOBS Z-Reference-Jobs
REF-LIT Z-Reference--Literature
REF-PAMPH Z-Reference--Pamphlet File
REF-WISPAM Z-Reference--Wisconsin Pamphlet File
RESERVES Z-Reserve desk
SEEFELD Z-Seefeld Collection
TEACHER Z-Teacher Collection
UI-LOST Z-Unreturned Item
YA-HI-LO Z-Young Adult/Teen--Easy
YA-CASSNF Z-Young Adult/Teen--Nonfiction Cassette
YA-VIDEO Z-Young Adult/Teen--Video

Item types

Item Types are used to control the circulation of material.  There needs to be a circulation rule for each library for each Item Type in order to circulate an item with that Item Type.  Most of the libraries have a circulation rule for most of the Item Types.  Two exceptions are E-READER and GAMES.  If libraries add these types of material, they should contact Karla Smith smith@winnefox.org to have a circulation rule created.

Item Type

AV Audio-visual
AV-EQUIP Audio-visual equipment
AV-NH Equipment--No Holds
BOOK-LH Book-Local Hold only
BOOK-NH Book-No Holds
CASS-LH Long Loan Local Hold
CD-BOOK-LH CD-Book-Local Hold
CD-LH CD-Local Hold
CITY Marketable items -- proceeds to city
COMMINFO Community Info Database Record
DIGITAL-LH Digital-Local Hold
DVD-LH DVD-Local Hold only
E-MATERIAL Electronic Materials
E-READER E-Reader Device (Nook, Kindle, etc.)
FRIENDS Marketable items--proceeds go to Friends
ILL-BOOK Interlibrary Loan Item
JBOOK Children's Book
JBOOK-LH Children's Book-Local Hold Only
JBOOK-NH Children's Book-No Hold
JCASSETTE Children's Cassette
JCD Children's CD
JCD-BOOK Children's CD-Book
JCD-BOOKLH Children's CD-Book-Local Hold
JCD-LH Children's CD-Local Hold
JCD-ROM Children's CD-ROM
JCD-ROM-LH Children's CD-ROM-Local Hold
JDIGITAL Children's Digital
JDIGITALLH Children's Digital-LH
JDVD Children's DVD
JDVD-LH Children's DVD-Local Hold Only
JDVD-NH Children's DVD-No Hold
JKIT Children's Kit
JMAGAZINE Children's Magazine
JNEW-BOOK Children's New Book
JSPECIAL Children's Puppet/Puzzle/Game
JVIDEO Children's Video
JVIDEO-LH Children's Video-Local Hold
LIBRARY Marketable Items--proceeds to Library
LONG-NH Long Loan Period - No holds
MAG-LH Magazine-Local Hold
NEW-BOOK New books
ON-ORDERLH On Order--Local Hold
OTHER-N Officially Non-Circulating OTHER items
REF-BOOK Reference Item
SHORTLOAN High Demand Items--14 day loan
UI-LOST Unreturned Item
UNKNOWN Unknown-Don't Use
VIDEO-LH Video-Local Hold

Original cataloging at Oshkosh

Libraries put in short records when there is no matching record in the database. Oshkosh runs reports to list those short records and then search for a complete record on OCLC to overlay the short record with a full one.

Sometimes a full record does not get entered into OCLC, and then Oshkosh does original cataloging for OCLC.

The process Oshkosh uses is to place a hold on a small number of items at a time so that the library can continue to circulate them until Oshkosh is ready to work on them.    Oshkosh needs about a week to do the cataloging.

  • If libraries see local hold items being transited to OS-Stephanie, that means they are being sent for cataloging. If the library doesn’t want that item to be cataloged at that time, it should email Stephanie Thomas (SThomas@oshkoshpubliclibrary.org) to have the hold removed.
  • If libraries have things with no short records in the database,  talk to Stephanie Thomas about getting them cataloged.
  • If libraries notice short records that have been in the database for more than three months, let Stephanie Thomas know and they will get worked on. Sometimes items do not show up the short-record lists that Oshkosh uses to track short records.

Special tasks and procedures

Edit copies globally

Entering short records for E-Readers

Use Instructions for Creating Short Records for Electronic Readers to create short bilbiographic and copy records for adding e-Readers (Nook, Kindle, etc.) to the database. 

Currently, the Symphony policies for e-Readers automatically make them local hold.

Handling display copies of magazines

Procedures for Handling Display Copies of Current Magazines

Checking Out to Magazine-C

To prevent the most recent issues of barcoded magazines from going on hold for users, WALS created a checkout process. This procedure works for libraries that put the newest issues on display until the next issue arrives.
The procedure is to check out the newest issues to MAGAZINE-C. When the next issue arrives, check it out and discharge the previous issue.

The user ID is MAGAZINE-C.

Issues checked out to this user display in the catalog as Current Issue, Non-Circulating.

The checkout does not count as circulation.

The due date is NEVER.

Handling In-process items

Handling In-process Items
June 23, 2014

Because items become Available as soon as they are barcoded, we will use an INPROCESS card to check out items while they are being physically processed.     We are using one card per library so each library can see the items currently in Tech at any given time.

The profile associated with the card is INPROCESS.  That profile is set to not increment the circulation counter.

When an item is checkout out on one of the INPROCESS cards, the current location becomes INPROCESS. 

The item may or may not display in the catalog depending on what get decided.











Newly barcoded items in Tech should be checked out on the library’s INPROCESS card. 

When the item leaves Tech and goes to Circ, Circ should discharge it to make it available.

Transferring copies or call numbers

The document Transferring Titles shows how to transfer copies from one title record to another.

Withdrawing items

A checkout process is used to withdraw copies from the database.

There is a WITHDRAWN user for each library.  To withdrawn and item, simply check it out to that user.  The withdrawn checkouts do NOT count in the library's circulation. 

When an item is checked out to the libraries WD card, the current location becomes WITHDRAW.  This displays in the catalog as  Item Withdrawn, Unavailable.  

Statiscal reports are run at the twice each year counting everthing checked out on the library's WD card., one report in July for items withdrawn between January and the end of June, and anther in January for  July through December.  The two reports are the count of items withdrawn for the year.   

After the count reports are run, other reports process the items checked out to the WD user, removing them from the database.  If the last copy is removed, the bibliographic record is also removed.  Any copy that can't be removed because of fines is changed to a current location of DISCARD.  These also display in the catalog as Withdrawn, Unavailable.

The ID for the WITHDRAWN users:

WD-BE    Berlin
WD-BR    Brandon
WD-CA    Campbellsport
WD-CO   Coloma
WD-EN   Endeavor
WD-GR   Green Lake
WD-HA    Hancock
WD-KI      Kingston
WD-MA     Markesan
WD-MO    Montello
WD-NE    Neenah
WD-NES  Neshkoro
WD-NF     North Fond du Lac
WD-OA     Oakfield
WD-OM    Omro
WD-OS    Oshkosh
WD-OX    Oxford
WD-PA     Packwaukee
WD-PI      Pine RIver
WD-PL     Plainfield
WD-PO    Poy Sippi
WD-PR    Princeton
WD-RE    Redgranite
WD-RI     Ripon
WD-WA    Wautoma
WD-WE    Westfield
WD-WI     Wild Rose
WD-WN   WInneconne
WD-WX    WCTS/Winnefox

Circulation Sets

Circulation Sets.

Circulation Sets are a way of packaging several barcoded items together under 1 “master record” barcode so that they circulate as a set. Oshkosh has been testing this feature since June for their “Storytime in a Bag” sets. The goal was: how to get circ stats for the 5 titles that were in the storytime bag without making staff scan each one.

What they are for:

  • They are for libraries that offer services like take-home storytimes, or teacher collections.
  • They are for permanent collections that don’t change.
  • They are for items that exist in the database and could circulate on their own.
  • Tracking circ of multiple items

What they are NOT for:

  • Keeping track of the parts of a kit of things*. Ie, parts that wouldn’t circulate except as part of a kit.
  • “Set aside” collections for patrons that get created on the fly
  • Anything consumable


  • Scan 1 barcode instead of 5
  • If 1 of the member items doesn’t come back it stays on patron’s card.
  • Circ stats for each item
  • Each member item shows up on the patron’s checkout list in the catalog


  • Requires OPL Tech to create and maintain (perhaps WCTS at some point) because it involves editing the MARC Record.
  • Not flexible—once a set is established, it isn’t easy to change.
  • Need to know the title of the master record to find out what all is in the set.
  • Can be confusing to patrons:
    • Each member item shows up on the patron’s checkout list (plus the master record).
    • Individual member items appear in public catalog as something patrons can checkout/hold/renew.
    • Unless there are other holdable copies, individual member items are not holdable. In some cases, if the item is CHECKEDOUT, the patron can place the hold, but will never get it.
    • Patrons need to renew each item + the master record/bag individually. This can lead to some items being renewed and some not.
  • Staff can’t place holds in WF but can use the catalog to do so(at least until that bug gets fixed)
  • Requires/recommends having a circulating copy also so that patrons can place holds

* This could change, with a little more testing. There might be a way to use Circulation Sets for parts….the individual parts would need to be given an Icat4 of INHOUSE (so that they don’t count towards State circ stats), and the items would need to be Shadowed(so that they don’t appear in the catalog). Not sure how that would appear on patron checkout list.

If you are interested in setting up Circulation Sets for something, email Stephanie Thomas <sthomas @ oshkoshpubliclibrary.org>  AND (Melissa Klein or Karla Smith).


Shortloan items

Last updated 2-14-2022 by Karla Smith

Short Loan items are materials that are in high demand across the system.  These are titles which have more people waiting on hold than copies in the system to fill the holds.  Each Monday a report is emailed to each library with a spreadsheet indicating which items need to be set to SHORTLOAN or removed from SHORTLOAN. This spreadsheet has 2 tabs: 1) for items to put on SHORTLOAN, and 2) Items to take off of SHORTLOAN.  "Putting on" or "taking off" items from SHORTLOAN is accomplished by changing the item's Item Type. 

Setting Items to SHORTLOAN

Log in to WorkFlows

  1. Go to Barcoding-->Global Item Modification
  2. Use the dropwdown to change the Item Type to SHORTLOAN
  3. Make sure the rest of the fields say "Will not be modified."
  4. Scan, or cut-n-paste, the barcode into the Item ID: field

   5. Click "Modify" at the bottom of the screen.

Taking an Item Off SHORTLOAN

Once the holds have been filled or more copies have been purchased it is time to undo the process above.  Follow the exact same steps as above, except change the Item Type to match whatever circulation rule reflects that item--BOOK, NEWBOOK, CD-BOOK, etc. 

Be careful NOT to change any field other than Item Type! 


Known Issue Title Records

Here is a list of titles we know have Issues.  Either they aren't released yet, or only release abroad, or publication has been cancelled, or only available on XXXX streaming channel, etc. If you come across others, please let Karla Smith and Stephanie Thomas know.

  • Greyhound DVD -- Tom Hanks. Not being released to DVD --just streaming
  • Killers of the Flower Moon DVD -- Not being released to DVD --just streaming
  • Stranger Things Season 3 [DVD]
  • Nashville. Season 5 [DVD]
  • Heartland 17th season [DVD]
  • Mandalorian [DVD]
  • The Book of Boba Fett [DVD]
  • Outlander Season 7 [DVD]
  • Blacklist Season 9 [DVD] - (Release dates for DVD/Blu-Ray not yet announced as of 12/26/2024)

Here are some useful links for hleping identify/prevent bootleg copies:

Here is IMDB's list of movies never released to DVD. Many of them are old. IMDB

Library of Things

Guidelines for deciding how to add Things -- A document for specifically how to barcode a Thing can be found here.


  • Bib Record – the master record that identifies what the material is.
  • Item Cat1-- affects statistics and is used as a limit for searching in the catalog.
  • Item Type -- controls how the item circulates and has nothing to do with the type of item.
  • Home Location -- defines where the item is in the library.
  • Call Number –defines different volumes/variations of the material within the Bib Record. Helps patron locate item within its Home Location.

Bib Record Guidelines:   Most different Things will usually go on different Bib records.

  • Ex: Title=”Sewing Machine--Husqvarna”; Title=” Sewing Machine--Singer”, instead of using 1 bib record with different call nums. 
  • Except for things like Puzzles, Cake Pans, Stamps, Games, etc which are numerous and basically the same except for slight variations.
  • This will make items easier to search for, easier to find, and easier to link to on a library’s website.  
  • The phrase to add in the 490 and 830 fields is: “Library of Things.” Capital “T” and a “.”
  • Adding the series fields will allow patrons to easily find other LoT materials, and the subseries will allow people to click on the link as well as improve findability of similar Things.
  • ALL items under Cat1 of THING will get a series title of “Library of Things.”
  • Many items under Cat1 of GAME, KIT-AV will get a series title of “Library of Things” but not necessarily all of them.
  • All items in the Library of Things Series will get a subseries (see attached Word doc of list of subseries).
  • Neenah, Menasha and Oshkosh will be working to get existing records updated over the next few months.
  • The GMD—the |h of the 245 field -- broadly describes the format of the item so that the text appears after the title in [brackets].  It is not required to add the GMD, but it makes it easier to differentiate between “Monopoly” the game, “Monopoly” the book about the game, or “Monopoly” the video game.

Item Cat1 Guidelines: We are no longer going to use Item Cat1 of EQUIP.  All equipment is now considered a “Thing.” The Item Cat1s to use for Things are now:

  • THING – Equipment, Electronics, Toys, Puppets, Tools, and other Things.
  • GAME -- Puzzles are a GAME. As are Board/Card/etc Games & Video Games. Even if item has Cat1 of GAME it can be tagged with LoT series.
  • KIT-AV – Kits, DIY, Backpacks, Storytime kits, Bookclub Kits, etc   These are things with multiple, disparate parts. It is sort of a grey area. As long as you are consistent at your library, it doesn’t matter.  For example:
    • Outdoor Adventure backpacks with a fishing pole, some lures, a net, a stringer—and maybe a copy of McElliot’s Pool(or not)  could be a KIT-AV or THING, but I’d probably say KIT-AV if there is a movie or book included and THING if not.  However, if you have fishing poles to borrow and you have tackle boxes to borrow, each of those items would definitely be THINGs. 
    • A Microscope is a THING. A Microscope with an instruction booklet and some slides is a THING. But a Microscope that comes with slides and a set of chemistry vials and electrical circuits and magnets and a booklet of fun projects is more likely to be a KIT-AV (but THING isn’t wrong either). 
    • Storytime bags, Flash Cards,  etc –all go under KIT-AV.
    • If it has a Home Location of KIT or JKIT, it probably should have a Cat1 of KIT-AV.  Items with a Cat1 of GAME or KIT-AV can still have a Series statement of Library of Things so that they are findable as a Thing—even if their Item Cat1 isn’t THING.
      • I don’t know of a good way to clearly differentiate the two. But since there will be other ways for patrons to narrow their searches to the kind of thing they are looking for, I’m not too concerned.
    • NOT OTHER. “Other” is for Microform, old newpapers, non-book Local History, and other items you Don’t want included in the Library of Things series.

Item Type Guidelines: Look on the extranet to see your library’s Circulation Map settings. That will list out which Item Types circulate for how many days and whether they are holdable, renewable, etc.

  • Controls how long item checks out, fine rate, max fine rate, holdability, and renewability.
  • Most libraries’ Things go out for 7 days or 14 days.
    • Item Types most libraries use for 7-day loans: DVD, DVD-LH, DVD-NH, JDVD, JDVD-LH, JVIDEO, JVIDEO-LH, VIDEO, VIDEO-LH, MICROFORM.
    • Item Types most libraries use for 14-day loans: KIT, JKIT, MAGAZINE, MAG-LH, JMAGAZINE, NEW-BOOK
    • Common Other Item Types that could potentially be made 7-Day or 14-Day: CD-ROM, CD-ROM-LH, JCD-ROM, JCDROMLH, JSPECIAL, etc. Basically, any Item Type will do—just remember all items with that type will go out with the same rules, loan period, fine, etc.
    • There is no requirement to make Things a shorter loan period, or to make them holdable or non-holdable.


Home Location Guidelines – any Home Location can be used for Things.

  • Codes specific to Library of Things: THING1, THING2
    • THING1 = “Library of Things Display” For items that are in a specific Library of Things Display area so that patrons know where to look.
    • THING2 = “Library of Things – Ask Staff” For items that require staff intervention to locate.
  • Commonly used Home Locs for Things: GAME, JTOY, PUZZLE, JPUZZLE, JPUPPET, DISPLAY (various versions), MAKER, NONFICTION. There are probably more.
  • If Things are shelved with other materials, like knitting needles with How to Knit books, use that Home Location (ex, NONFICTION).


Call Number – Standardize as much as possible

  • If adding your Thing to an existing record, match your call numbers to what is already there.
  • Ex: If you are adding an Elmo Cake Pan and you see that some libraries have already used “CAKE PAN—Elmo” then make the call num for your pan “CAKE PAN—Elmo” instead of just “Elmo” or “PAN-Elmo muppet” or something.


A document for specifically how to add an item to the Library of Things (barcoding it) can be found here.

Library of Things Sub-Series CheatSheet

Library of Things Sub-Series CheatSheet

490 Field Entries 830 Field Entries GMD
Library of Things. Arts & Crafts. Library of Things.|pArts & Crafts. |h[kit]
Library of Things. Automotive. Library of Things.|pAutomotive. |h[equipment]
Library of Things. Tabletop Games. Library of Things.|pTabletop Games. |h[game]
Library of Things. Book & Media Kits. Library of Things.|pBook & Media Kits. |h[kit]
Library of Things. Electronics & Technology.  Library of Things.|pElectronics & Technology.  |h[equipment]
Library of Things. Experience Passes.

Library of Things.|pExperience Passes.

|h[experience pass]
Library of Things. Health & Medical.

Library of Things.|pHealth & Medical.

Library of Things. Kitchen & Dining.  Library of Things.|pKitchen & Dining.  |h[equipment]
Library of Things. Musical Instruments. Library of Things.|pMusical Instruments. |h[musical instrument]
Library of Things. Puzzles. Library of Things.|pPuzzles. |h[puzzle]
Library of Things. Science & Engineering.   Library of Things.|pScience & Engineering.   |h[equipment],|h[kit]
Library of Things. Outdoors. Library of Things.|pOutdoors. |h[equipment], |h[kit]
Library of Things. Tools.  Library of Things.|pTools.  |h[equipment]
Library of Things. Toys.  Library of Things.|pToys.  |h[toy]
Library of Things. Video Games. Library of Things.|pVideo Games.

|h[video game]

Library of Things. Yard Games. Library of Things.|pYard Games. |h[game]


Marketing Toolkits for ILS-Related Services

Tools to help market ILS-related products and services.

Online catalog

The catalog is located at catalog.winnefox.org, and went into general use in October 2016.

The software behind the catalog is called "Enterprise", and was created by the company SirsiDynix, who have also created the software we use for our general ILS system.  It has Overdrive eBooks and eAudiobooks integrated into its search results of library materials. 

A general overview of frequently asked questions on how to use the catalog can be found here. More indepth tutorials on how to use the catalog can be found on the Tutorials page, here.

Patron records

Patron-record basics

Updated September 2023

The patron database is part of the shared automation system.  With only a few exceptions, there is one record per user.  That record/card may be used to check out material at any WALS library.   If a user is delinquent at one library, he/she is usually delinquent at any other WALS library. Patrons with a Profile of PUBLIC get blocked at $10.00.  Patrons with a Profile of PUBLIC2 get blocked at $25.00.

Libraries agree to follow format rules for entering patron records.

Libraries may collect and keep fine money owed at another library, but payment for lost materials and collection agency fees must be made to the library that owns the material.

The Library field in the patron record determines which Local Hold items are used to fill holds.

The User Profile field in the patron record determines the loan period, fine rate, and maximum fine for items checked out.

The User Category 1 field records where the user lives (or the code for the seasonal residence).VERY IMPORTANT!

The User Category 2 field records the county of the user's residence

The User Category 3 field records the gender of the user. Not important anymore

Exceptions to the one record per user:

  • Children with divorced or separated parents whose parent(s) have requested separate cards.
  • Teacher cards

Last Activity Date is updated by: Checkouts, discharges, renewals, paying fines, placing holds, using a Pharos-controlled public PC, or an online database that authenticates using the database.  The date is NOT changed by changing the user's address, pin numbers, etc., or by renewing an expired card.

Style rules for entering patron records

Updated 3/11/2025

The basics:

  • To avoid creating duplicate records, search by Birth Date

  • ALL CAPS FOR EVERYTHING(except Notes & Email Address)

  • NO punctuation except hyphens

  • Name conventions:
    • The name must be entered in the Last, First and Middle name fields.
    • Use the Name as it appears on the person's identification—do not use nicknames.
      The occasional exception might be if using the real first name would cause major confusion when searching for the user by name. You can also put clarifying information in the extended notes field.
    • Do not use the Preferred name field—it files incorrectly.
    • Use a hyphen for double last names so they file correctly in the displays (Example:  GILDERSON-DUWE)
    • NO APOSTROPHES in last names!  Jack O'Neil becomes ONEIL, JACK.  
    • Do not use MR, MRS, MS or DR anywhere.
    • JR and SR, etc, goes in the SUFFIX field.  Do not use a period.
    • Do not use a period after the middle initial.
    • Do not use any punctuation at all (except hyphens where appropriate).   
  • Addresses
    • Use the USPS standard abbreviations for ST, RD, HWY, etc. IN ALL CAPS.
    • Use APT for "apartment" followed by the number. Do not use "#". Ex: APT 8, STE 4
    • Use PO BOX (not P. O. Box, etc.) IN ALL CAPS
    • Do not put a comma or / between CITY STATE
    • Use the PHONE field of Address 1 for a phone number. If a patron recieves phone notifications, they will only be notified at the phone number in the PHONE field of Address 1.
      Preferably, the patron should only give one phone number, but if a patron has volunteered a second phone number, and understands that they will not recieve notifications at this secondary number, the second number can be entered into the PHONE field of Address 2. 
    • Using EML behind the phone number to indicate the user has an email address is optional.  Do not put EML in any field except the phone number.
  • ALWAYS fill in the User category 1, 2 and 3 fields.
  • ALWAYS fill the Birth Date.

It is very important that UserCat1 field be entered accurately.  Library funding formulas use this field.

Use myvote.wi.gov  to look up addresses to obtain what municipality or township the patron lives in.

If the address is from one of the other counties within Winnefox, contact a library from that county for help with the User Cat1.

The code for other Wisconsin is:  X-OTHER-WI

The code for Out of State is:  X-OUTOFSTATE

The complete list of codes is listed under Patron Records.

If you need further help, contact Matt Schrottky at Oshkosh Public.

User Profiles
Checkouts and renewals to these profiles are used in the circulation statistical reports:

User Notes

Anytime you enter a note on a user record, sign the note using the format "LibraryCode, FirstName LastInitial Date".

Library code is the two-letter abbreviation commonly used to indicate library, especially in reports (ie, BE=Berlin, KI=Kingston, PI=Pine River, WN=Winneconne). 

A note example: "Verify email. OS Melissa K 4/25/2018".

Special tasks and situations

Barring patrons

Barring Patrons - Updated Feb 21, 2025 by Smith
Anytime a library wishes to stop a user from being able to use a library card, their status may be manually set to Barred. Patrons may be Barred temporarily or more permanently. Barring a patron should not be done lightly. The BARRED status excludes patrons from the normal database maintenance. 

BARRED is different than a status of DELINQUENT, which indicates the patron has unpaid fines or overdue items, and is set by the system. A delinquent patron with too high fines or too many overdues may become BLOCKED from checking out, also automatically set by the system. A Barred patron has been manually blocked from checking out.

Some examples of when patrons are set to Barred:

  • Phone, email, or mail messages returned as invalid -- The account is barred until phone/email/address verified
  • Patron complained of others using card – The account is barred, and then unbarred to checkout and rebarred after checkout is complete

Some examples of when NOT to set patrons to Barred:

  • Duplicate card found -- Instead of Barring, move existing bills, holds, and checkouts to active card and then set Profile to REMOVE
  • Deceased or moved patrons -- Instead of Barring, remove existing bills, holds, and checkouts and then set Profile to REMOVE

How to Bar a Patron:

  • Click the Modify/Renew User Wizard
  • Either scan patron card (if available) or search for patron through the User Search helper.
  • Locate patron in hitlist (verify with birthdate and phone number)
  • Highlight patron and click “Modify User”
  • In user record, click on “Privilege” tab.In “Status” dropdown box, click the arrow and select “Barred”. Enter your override.
  • Click on “Extended Info” Tab.
  • In “Comment” box, write a note explaining why the status was set to Barred.
    • Notes will vary based on circumstances: see Deceased Patron and Duplicate User Record for two other examples.
    • It is extremely important that you include the library’s initials in the Note (ex: OS – Oshkosh Public Library), and be as detailed as possible, so that others can tell who placed the note in the record, and under what circumstances to unbar the card
  • Make other changes to user record as necessary (indicating Duplicate or Deceased, removing email addresses, etc). 
  • When finished, press Save to close the record.

To Unbar Patron:

  • Click Modify/Renew User Wizard.
  • Either scan patron card, or search for patron through the User Search helper.
  • Type in Last Name, first initial of First Name. Press the Search button or hit the Enter Key
  • Locate patron in hitlist (verify with birthdate and phone number)
  • Highlight patron and click “Modify User”
  • In user record, click on “Privilege” tab.
  • In “Status” dropdown box, click the arrow and select “Okay”. Enter your override.
  • Click on “Extended Info” tab.
  • Remove any note in Comment box.
  • Make other changes as necessary.
  • When finished, press Save to close the user record.

Duplicate user records

Procedure—Duplicate User Records in the Database
--Updated 2/2022, Karla Smith

Users are to have only one library card for regular use.

The only exceptions are:

  • Children with divorced or separated parents whose parent(s) have requested separate cards.
  • Teacher cards

The library that discovers the duplicate-record problem is responsible for handling the records so the problem can get fixed.
When staff notice that there is more than one record for the user in the database, one of the records needs to be marked as a duplicate. How this is done depends on whether or not the user is present.

IF the user is present when the duplicate is noticed:
The user must decide which card he/she will keep. The other card or cards becomes the duplicate(s).
All fines must be paid off on the duplicate card(s), or manually added to the record the patron will be using.
The duplicate record must be edited to add the word DUPLICATE and the library’s initials and a comma before the user’s last name
The duplicate record’s Profile must be changed to REMOVE..
A note must be put in the record.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John, BE ChrisK 10/2/2020.

IF the user is NOT present when the duplicate is noticed and BOTH cards are being used:
Bar both cards.
Put a note in both cards.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John. NE NancyB 10/12/2019.

When patron decides which card to use, change the User Profile of the unused card to REMOVE and UN-Bar both cards. 

IF the user is NOT present when the duplicate is noticed and only one card is being used(ie, has no holds or checkouts):
The duplicate record must be edited to add the word DUPLICATE and the library’s initials and a comma before the user’s last name
The duplicate record’s Profile must be changed to REMOVE.This prevents the patron from using it again.
A note must be put in the record.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John, BE ChrisK 10/2/2020.
If money is owed on the INACTIVE card, either waive/forgive them or re-create the bills on the active card and add a bill note. You can use the bill type of OLDFINE, or MISC. 

User profile of REMOVE
When the library has determined that a card will no longer be used, change the profile to REMOVE and make sure it is not barred, so that reports can be used to get the record out of the database.

Library Use Cards

In order to allow library staff to place holds and checkout materials that they need for their jobs, we have created a User Profile called "LIBRARYUSE." 

Materials checkedout to staff for purposes of doing their job does not count as circulation as far as your library stats go. That is why staff should never use their personal cards for checking out Storytime materials, or books you're using for Book Clubs, etc.  Your personal card should only be used for materials you are checking out for your own personal use.

The LIBRARYUSE Profile is excluded from statistics reports, it has an unlimited load period, and is FineFree, etc.   This profile is not to be used to checkout items for personal use--altho' the name on the record often includes the name of the staff person using it.  

LIBRARYUSE cards should be entered in one of the the following formats:

  1.  Last Name “LIBRARYNAME, type of card"   Ex: Last name: "WESTFIELD, BOOK CLUB" 
    1. First name: optional. May use name of staff person doing the program. Ex: "WESTFIELD, BOOK CLUB, VICTORIA S"
  2. Last Name "LIBRARYNAME"  First Name: type of card.  Ex: "BOOK CLUB"
  3. Last Name "DUMMY"  First Name: Staff name, or type of card, or description of use.  Ex: "DUMMY, RIPON JUV AWARDS"
  4. Use the address and demographics of your library, and a work (name@xxxxxlibrary.org) email address. 
  5. We recommend not entering a phone number and putting "?????"  in the Zipcode field as an added precaution to prevent any notifications except email.    

For the purpose of these cards, use your library's city not the actual name.  ex "WESTFIELD" not "ETHEL EVERHARD"

They can either have a barcode that can be scanned, or can be text like "RI-STORYTIME". The ID just needs to be unique. If you go this route please prefix the ID with your library's 2-letter code. Ex: "GR-STORYTIME"

Think about whether you want these LIBRARYUSE cards to have their Charge History turned on. For Book clubs and Storytimes you probably want it on so you know what you've used already. For placing holds on copies to come back for repair/relabeling/whatever, probably not.

Questions? Please contact Karla Smith or Melissa Klein. 

Multiple Email addresses

A user can have more than one email address in his/her record.  Both addresses go in the email field.

Separate the two addresses with a comma, and no space:

Image of User Address with two emails, with a comma between the emails

Removing user-database records, Deceased, Moved, etc.

Procedure—Updated 2/19/2024 by Karla Smith

The database records do not get removed immediately from the database. But they should be edited promptly if you know that the patron will no longer be using their card.

Deceased patrons:

1) CATALOG:   Log into the catalog as the patron and go to their Favorite Author Tab.  Click "Uncheck All" and then Submit at the bottom of the page.


  • Add the word DECEASED and a comma before the last name of the user.
    Example: DECEASED, DOE, JOHN M
  • Change the User Profile to REMOVE.   
  • Do NOT set the patron record to BARRED.
  • Remove all holds.
  • Decide whether you plan to try to recover any material they have checkedout, or any $$ for outstanding bills.
    • If so, print out their list of checkouts/bills. Write their contact info on the printout. Follow up with them manually.
  • Discharge their checkouts & Forgive or Waive their bills.  . 
  • In the address, change the zip code to ????? and remove the Email Address & Phone Number. This will prevent notices from being sent.
  • On the extended Info Tab, enter a note to indicate which library made the change and the date of the change:
    Example: OPL-Deceased. Do not use. --OS, MattS, 6/24/2020

Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.

Patrons who have moved, are inactive, have requested to be removed:

1) CATALOG:   Log into the catalog as the patron and go to their Favorite Author Tab.  Click "Uncheck All" and then Submit at the bottom of the page.


  • Add the word REMOVE and a comma before the last name of the user.
  • Example: REMOVE, DOE, JOHN M
  • Change the User Profile to REMOVE.   
  • Do NOT set the patron record to BARRED.
  • Remove all holds.
  • Decide whether you plan to try to recover any material they have checkedout, or any $$ for outstanding bills.
    • If so, print out their list of checkouts/bills. Write their contact info on the printout. Follow up with them manually.​
  • Discharge their checkouts & Forgive/Waive their bills.
  • On the extended Info Tab, enter a note to indicate which library made the change and the date of the change:
    • Example: OPL-Moved. Do not use. --OS, BeckyS, 6/24/2004

Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.

Periodically, reports are run to remove older, unused records from the database, including the ones for deceased patrons.

DENIED patrons:

"DENIED" means they are not allowed to have a card.  It is NOT the same as BARRED--which just means they are prevented from using some services.  Most common usage: a patron applies online for a card but are out of our service area.  You could do nothing and the card will eventually expire after 30 days and the patron will be removed.  However, in the meantime they can be using your online resources (to which their tax dollars don't contribute).  If this concerns you and if want to be able to distinguish these patrons from other patrons being removed, you can use DENIED.

Add the word DENIED and a comma before the last name of the user.


Change the User Profile to REMOVE.   
Do NOT set the patron record to BARRED.
Remove all holds.
On the extended Info Tab, enter a note to indicate which library made the change and the date of the change:

Example: OPL-Denied. Do not use. --OS, BeckyS, 6/24/2004

Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.

Teacher cards and Deposit sites

Updated: 9/6/2024 by K. Smith

Teacher Cards 

Teacher cards were introduced to facilitate getting books into the hands of children and provide materials to teachers that support their curriculum.  Teachers should also have a non-TEACHER-profile card for their personal library use. 

Any WALS library can choose to use the teacher card profile to issue a card to a teacher, day care provider, or home-schooler. Here are instructions for entering Teacher cards into WorkFlows.

WALS libraries have agreed teachers may only have 1 TEACHER profile card, and that all teachers using this card will have the same basic settings.  These settings apply to checkouts at any WALS library.  The simplified approach makes it easier for teachers regardless of which library or libraries they use.

Libraries are expected to address problems with delayed return of materials or other abuses by having conversations with the teacher. Uncorrected abuses will result in cancellation of the card by the library.

System-wide policy settings for the user profile of TEACHER:

  • Charge Limit: 150 items
  • Hold Limit:  50 items
  • Overdue Threshold: 50 items
  • Bill Threshold:  $250
  • Billable for lost material:   Yes
  • Holds can be placed for the teacher card.
  • The TEACHER profile is fine exempt.
  • Loan Periods: 7 Days for DVDs. 28 days with 2 renewals for everything else. 
  • Not allowed to checkout SHORTLOAN materials

The services the library provides to teachers is separate from the basic privileges granted by the Teacher Cards. Each library can determine the level of service provided to teachers. For example, some libraries pull collections and check things out in advance to speed pick up. Other libraries deliver materials.

Library Specific Options:

  • Without exceeding the system-wide settings, the loaning library decides what and how much may be checked out on the card at that library.  For example, a library may decide that Teachers may only checkout 30 items at a time. Tracking these customizations is the responsibility of the loaning library.
  • Overrides can be used to reduce or extend the loan period at checkout depending on the type of material or the policy of the individual library. Libraries must not exceed the system-wide settings on materials coming from other libraries without permission of the owning library. i.e. a library may not extend the due date or provide an extra renewal on materials that are not their own. 


Deposit Sites

Some libraries also provide deposit collections to day care centers or nursing homes.   These same rules apply to sites serving any age group.

The rules for any user with the profile of DEPOSIT are:

  • Charge Limit: 150 items
  • Hold Limit:  50 items
  • Overdue Threshold: 50 Items
  • Bill Threshold:  $500
  • Billable for unreturned items: Yes
  • Holds can be placed for the deposit collection account.
  • The DEPOSIT profile is fine exempt.
  • Loan Period: 60 days.

Overrides can be used to reduce or extend the loan period at checkout depending on the type of material.

Guidelines for entering teacher cards

Before entering a teacher card record in the database, search to make sure a card hasn't already been issued.  There is only one Teacher card per person, regardless of how many libraries the patron uses.

If there is no existing record, enter a new one using the same process as a regular record, with these additional steps:

  • In the Alt ID field, enter the word TEACHER and the last four digits of the library card number
    Example:  A teacher being issued card 1000200300498 would have an Alt ID of TEACHER0498
    • If there’s already an Alt ID with those numbers (ie, the error message “Alternate ID already exists”), then the last five digits of the library card should be used to make the Alt ID unique.
  • Change the profile to TEACHER
  • In the Phone field, enter (T) after the phone number.  This is useful for libraries that call users for holds.
  • (optional, but helpful) In the Extended notes, enter your library abbreviation and the words "Teacher Card."  This helps identify the library that issued the card.   Example: PAPL-Teacher Card


Screenshot of sample Teacher Card

User category fields

User categories are fields in the patron record that are used to record statistical information about the user.

User Category 1 is for the residence of the borrower.
User Category 2 is for the county of the borrower.
User Category 3 is for the gender of the borrower.

User category 1 codes-residence of the user

UserCat1 is used to record where the user lives. The drop-down menu of choices is by county, with a two-letter code for each of the five Winnefox counties: FO, GL, MQ, WA, or WN. This is followed by I for incorporated area, or T for town. The is a code for each municipality and town(ship) in each of the counties. There are codes for counties adjacent to Winnefox counties.

Since county funding and cross-county payments are based on circulation by UserCat1, it is important to code the patron record correctly. WALS can run clean up lists for libraries, or set up report templates for libraries to run their own review lists.

For summer/part-year residents, it is correct to code the user for the property they use when living in our service area, even if they do not use that address for mail.

You can use one of our collection of resources, available on the Links for Finding Where Patrons Live page, to determine the political jurisdiction of a particular address.


All codes

For a document of all codes formated for printing, please see here.


FDT-ALTO Fond du Lac - Alto, Town of
FDT-ASHFRD Fond du Lac - Ashford, Town of
FDT-AUBURN Fond du Lac - Auburn, Town of
FDI-BRANDN Fond du Lac - Brandon, Village of
FDT-BYRON Fond du Lac - Byron, Town of
FDT-CALUMT Fond du Lac - Calumet, Town of
FDI-CMPBSP Fond du Lac - Campbellsport, Village of
FDT-EDEN Fond du Lac - Eden, Town of
FDI-EDEN Fond du Lac - Eden, Village of
FDT-ELDORD Fond du Lac - Eldorado, Town of
FDT-EMPIRE Fond du Lac - Empire, Town of
FDI-FAIRWT Fond du Lac - Fairwater, Village of
FDI-FDL Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, City of
FDT-FDL Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, Town of
FDT-FOREST Fond du Lac - Forest, Town of
FDT-FRNDSP Fond du Lac - Friendship, Town of
FDT-LAMRTN Fond du Lac - Lamartine, Town of
FDT-MARSH Fond du Lac - Marshfield, Town of
FDT-METOMN Fond du Lac - Metomen, Town of
FDI-MTCALV Fond du Lac - Mt. Calvary, Village of
FDI-NFDL Fond du Lac - North Fond du Lac, Village of
FDT-OAKFLD Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Town of
FDI-OAKFLD Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Village of
FDT-OSEOLA Fond du Lac - Osceola, Town of
FDI-RIPON Fond du Lac - Ripon, City of
FDT-RIPON Fond du Lac - Ripon, Town of
FDS-RIPNST Fond du Lac - Ripon College Student
FDI-ROSNDL Fond du Lac - Rosedale, Village of
FDT-ROSNDL Fond du Lac - Rosendale, Town of
FDT-SPRNGV Fond du Lac - Springvale, Town of
FDI-STCLD Fond du Lac - St. Cloud, Village of
FDT-TAYCH Fond du Lac - Taycheetah, Town of
FDI-WAUPUN Fond du Lac - Waupun, City of
FDT-WAUPN Fond du Lac - Waupun, Town of
GLI-BERLIN Green Lake - Berlin, City of
GLT-BERLIN Green Lake - Berlin, Town of
GLT-BRKLN Green Lake - Brooklyn, Town of
GLI-GREENL Green Lake - Green Lake, City of
GLT-GRNLK Green Lake - Green Lake, Town of
GLT-KINGST Green Lake - Kingston, Town of
GLI-KINGST Green Lake - Kingston, Village of
GLT-MACKFD Green Lake - Mackford, Town of
GLT-MNCHST Green Lake - Manchester, Town of
GLI-MARKSN Green Lake - Markesan, Village of
GLT-MRQTTE Green Lake - Marquette, Town of
GLI-MARQT Green Lake - Marquette, Village of
GLT-PRNCTN Green Lake - Princeton, Town of
GLI-PRINCT Green Lake - Princeton, Village of
GLT-SENECA Green Lake - Seneca, Town of
GLT-SATMAR Green Lake - St. Marie, Town of
MQT-BUFFLO Marquette - Buffalo, Town of
MQT-CRYSLK Marquette - Crystal Lake, Town of
MQT-DOUGLS Marquette - Douglas, Town of
MQI-ENDEAV Marquette - Endeavor, Village of
MQT-HARRIS Marquette - Harris, Town of
MQT-MECAN Marquette - Mecan, Town of
MQT-MONTEL Marquette - Montello, Town of
MQI-MONTLL Marquette - Montello, Village of
MQT-MOUNDV Marquette - Moundville, Town of
MQT-NESHKR Marquette - Neshkoro, Town of
MQI-NESHKR Marquette - Neshkoro, Village of
MQT-NEWTON Marquette - Newton, Town of
MQT-OXFORD Marquette - Oxford, Town of
MQI-OXFORD Marquette - Oxford, Village of
MQT-PACKWK Marquette - Packwaukee, Town of
MQT-SHLDS Marquette - Shields, Town of
MQT-SPRNGF Marquette - Springfield, Town of
MQT-WESTFD Marquette - Westfield, Town of
MQI-WESTFD Marquette - Westfield, Village of
WAT-AURORA Waushara - Aurora, Town of
WAI-BERLIN Waushara - Berlin in Waushara County, City of
WAT-BLMFLD Waushara - Bloomfield, Town of
WAT-COLOMA Waushara - Coloma, Town of
WAI-COLOMA Waushara - Coloma, Village of
WAT-DAKOTA Waushara - Dakota, Town of
WAT-DEERFD Waushara - Deerfield, Town of
WAT-HNCOCK Waushara - Hancock, Town of
WAI-HANCCK Waushara - Hancock, Village of
WAT-LEON Waushara - Leon, Town of
WAI-LOHRVL Waushara - Lohrville, Village of
WAT-MARION Waushara - Marion, Town of
WAT-MTMOR Waushara - Mount Morris, Town of
WAT-OASIS Waushara - Oasis, Town of
WAT-PLNFLD Waushara - Plainfield, Town of
WAI-PLNFLD Waushara - Plainfield, Village of
WAT-POYSIP Waushara - Poy Sippi, Town of
WAI-REDGNT Waushara - Redgranite, Village of
WAT-RCHFD Waushara - Richford, Town of
WAT-ROSE Waushara - Rose, Town of
WAT-SAXEVL Waushara - Saxeville, Town of
WAT-SPRNWT Waushara - Springwater, Town of
WAT-WARREN Waushara - Warren, Town of
WAI-WAUTOM Waushara - Wautoma, City of
WAT-WAUTMA Waushara - Wautoma, Town of
WAI-WILDRS Waushara - Wild Rose, Village of
WNT-ALGOMA Winnebago - Algoma, Town of
WNI-APLTON Winnebago - Appleton in Winnebago County, City of
WNT-BLCKWF Winnebago - Black Wolf, Town of
WNT-CLAYTN Winnebago - Clayton, Town of
WNI-FOXCR Winnebago - Fox Crossing, Village of
WNI-MENASH Winnebago - Menasha, City of
WNI-NEENAH Winnebago - Neenah, City of
WNT-NEENAH Winnebago - Neenah, Town of
WNT-NEKIMI Winnebago - Nekimi, Town of
WNT-NEPSKN Winnebago - Nepeuskun, Town of
WNI-OMRO Winnebago - Omro, City of
WNT-OMRO Winnebago - Omro, Town of
WNT-OSHKSH Winnebago - Oshkosh, Town of
WNI-OSH-C Winnebago - Oshkosh Central, City of
WNI-OSH-E Winnebago - Oshkosh East, City of
WNI-OSH-S Winnebago - Oshkosh South, City of
WNI-OSH-W Winnebago - Oshkosh West, City of
WNT-POYGAN Winnebago - Poygan, Town of
WNT-RUSHFD Winnebago - Rushford, Town of
WNT-UTICA Winnebago - Utica, Town of
WNT-VINELD Winnebago - Vinland, Town of
WNT-WNCHST Winnebago - Winchester, Town of
WNT-WNCN Winnebago - Winneconne, Town of
WNI-WINNCN Winnebago - Winneconne, Village of
WNT-WOLFR Winnebago - Wolf River, Town of
X-AD-I-ADA X - Adams - Adams, City of
X-AD-T-ADA X - Adams - Adams, Town of
X-AD-BIGFL X - Adams - Big Flats, Town of
X-AD-COLBN X - Adams - Colburn, Town of
X-AD-DELLP X - Adams - Dell Prairie, Town of
X-AD-EAST X - Adams - Easton, Town of
X-AD-JACK X - Adams - Jackson, Town of
X-AD-LEOLA X - Adams - Leola, Town of
X-AD-LINC X - Adams - Lincoln, Town of
X-AD-MON X - Adams - Monroe, Town of
X-AD-CHEST X - Adams - New Chester, Town of
X-AD-NEWH X - Adams - Newhaven, Town of
X-AD-PREST X - Adams - Preston, Town of
X-AD-QUIN X - Adams - Quincy, Town of
X-AD-RICH X - Adams - Richfield, Town of
X-AD-ROME X - Adams - Rome, Town of
X-AD-SPRIN X - Adams - Springville, Town of
X-AD-STRPR X - Adams - Strong Prairie, Town of
X-CA-APLTN X - Calumet - Appleton in CA County, City of
X-CA-I-BRI X - Calumet - Brillion, City of
X-CA-T-BRI X - Calumet - Brillion, Town of
X-CA-T-BRO X - Calumet - Brothertown, Town of
X-CAT-CHAR X - Calumet - Charleston, Town of
X-CA-I-CHI X - Calumet - Chilton, City of
X-CA-T-CHI X - Calumet - Chilton, Town of
X-CA-I-HAR X - Calumet - Harrison, Village of
X-CA-I-HIL X - Calumet - Hilbert, Village of
X-CA-MNASH X - Calumet - Menasha in CA County, City of
X-CA-I-NEW X - Calumet - New Holstein, City of
X-CA-T-NEW X - Calumet - New Holstein, Town of
X-CA-I-POT X - Calumet - Potter, Village of
X-CAT-RANT X - Calumet - Rantoul, Town of
X-CA-I-SHE X - Calumet - Sherwood, Village of
X-CA-T-STO X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Town of
X-CA-I-STO X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Village of
X-CAT-WOOD X - Calumet - Woodville, Town of
X-CO-CAMB X - Columbia - Cambria, Village of
X-CO-COL X - Columbia - Columbus, City of
X-CO-T-COU X - Columbia - Courtland, Town of
X-CO-T-DEK X - Columbia - Dekorra, Town of
X-COI-FALL X - Columbia - Fall River, Village
X-CO-T-FOR X - Columbia - Fort Winnebago, Town of
X-CO-I-FRI X - Columbia - Friesland, Village
X-CO-T-HAM X - Columbia - Hampden, Town of
X-COT-LEED X - Columbia - Leeds, Town of
X-CO-T-LEW X - Columbia - Lewiston, Town of
X-COI-LODI X - Columbia - Lodi, City of
X-CO-T-MAR X - Columbia - Marcellon, Town of
X-CO-T-NEW X - Columbia - Newport, Town of
X-CO-T-OTS X - Columbia - Otsego, Town of
X-CO-T-PAC X - Columbia - Pacific, Town of
X-CO-PARD X - Columbia - Pardeeville, Village of
X-CO-PORT X - Columbia - Portage, City of
X-CO-I-POY X - Columbia - Poynette, Village of
X-CO-T-RAN X - Columbia - Randolph, Town of
X-COI-RAN X - Columbia - Randolph, Village of
X-CO-I-RIO X - Columbia - Rio, Village of
X-CO-SCOTT X - Columbia - Scott, Town of
X-CO-T-SPR X - Columbia - Springvale, Town of
X-CO-T-WEY X - Columbia - Weyocena, Town of
X-COI-WISD X - Columbia - Wisconsin Dells, City of
X-DOT-BVD X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Town of
X-DOI-BVD X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Village of
X-DOI-BROW X - Dodge - Brownsville, Village of
X-DOT-BURN X - Dodge - Burnett, Town of
X-DO-T-CHE X - Dodge - Chester, Town of
X-DO-T-CLY X - Dodge - Clyman, Town of
X-DO-I-FOX X - Dodge - Fox Lake, City of
X-DO-T-FOX X - Dodge - Fox Lake, Town of
X-DOI-HORI X - Dodge - Horicon, City of
X-DOT-HUB X - Dodge - Hubbard, Town of
X-DOI-HUST X - Dodge - Hustiford, Village of
X-DOI-JUN X - Dodge - Juneau, City of
X-DO-T-LER X - Dodge - Leroy, Town of
X-DO-T-LOM X - Dodge - Lomira, Town of
X-DO-I-LOM X - Dodge - Lomira, Village of
X-DOT-LOW X - Dodge - Lowell, Town of
X-DOI-MAY X - Dodge - Mayville, City of
X-DOT-OAKG X - Dodge - Oak Grove, Town of
X-DOI-RAN X - Dodge - Randolph, Village of
X-DOT-THER X - Dodge - Theresa, Town of
X-DOI-THER X - Dodge - Theresa, Village of
X-DO-T-TRE X - Dodge - Trenton, Town of
X-DOI-WAPN X - Dodge - Waupun, City of
X-DOT-WEST X - Dodge - Westford, Town of
X-OU-APLTN X - Outagamie - Appleton, City of
X-OUI-BEAR X - Outagamie - Bear Creek, Village of
X-OUT-BLAC X - Outagamie - Black Creek, Town of
X-OUT-BOV X - Outagamie - Bovinia, Town of
X-OU-T-BUC X - Outagamie - Buchanan, Town of
X-OU-T-CEN X - Outagamie - Center, Town of
X-OUT-CICE X - Outagamie - Cicero, Town of
X-OU-T-DAL X - Outagamie - Dale, Town of
X-OUT-DEER X - Outagamie - Deer Creek, Town of
X-OU-T-ELL X - Outagamie - Ellington, Town of
X-OU-T-FRE X - Outagamie - Freedom, Town of
X-OU-TGRAN X - Outagamie - Grand Chute, Town of
X-OU-TGREE X - Outagamie - Greenville, Town of
X-OU-T-HOR X - Outagamie - Hortonia, Town of
X-OUI-KAUK X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, City of
X-OU-T-KAU X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, Town of
X-OUT-LIBT X - Outagamie - Liberty, Town of
X-OUT-MAIN X - Outagamie - Maine, Town of
X-OUT-MAPL X - Outagamie - Maple Creek, Town of
X-OUI-NLON X - Outagamie - New London, City of
X-OUI-BLAC X - Outagamie - of Black Creek, Village
X-OUI-COMB X - Outagamie - of Combined Locks, Village
X-OUI-HAR X - Outagamie - of Harrison, Village
X-OUI-HORT X - Outagamie - of Hortonville, Village
X-OUI-KIMB X - Outagamie - of Kimberly, Village
X-OUI-LCHU X - Outagamie - of Little Chute, Village
X-OUI-NICH X - Outagamie - of Nichols, Village
X-OUI-SHIO X - Outagamie - of Shiocton, Village
X-OUI-WRIG X - Outagamie - of Wrightstown, Village
X-OUT-ONEI X - Outagamie - Oneida, Town of
X-OUT-OSB X - Outagamie - Osborn, Town of
X-OUI-SEYM X - Outagamie - Seymour, City of
X-OUT-SEYM X - Outagamie - Seymour, Town of
X-OU-T-VAN X - Outagamie - Vandenbroek, Town of
X-OUTSTATE X - Out of State
X-PO-T-ALM X - Portage - Almond, Town of
X-PO-I-ALM X - Portage - Almond, Village of
X-POT-AMH X - Portage - Amherst, Town of
X-POI-AMH X - Portage - Amherst, Village of
X-POI-AMHJ X - Portage - Amherst Junction, Village of
X-POT-BELM X - Portage - Belmont, Town of
X-POT-BUEN X - Portage - Buena Vista, Town of
X-POT-CARS X - Portage - Carson, Town of
X-POT-GRAN X - Portage - Grant, Town of
X-POT-HULL X - Portage - Hull, Town of
X-POT-LANA X - Portage - Lanark, Town of
X-POT-LINW X - Portage - Linwood, Town of
X-POT-NHOP X - Portage - New Hope, Town of
X-POT-PINE X - Portage - Pine Grove, Town of
X-PO-I-PLO X - Portage - Plover, Village of
X-POI-ROSH X - Portage - Rosholt, Village of
X-POI-STEV X - Portage - Stevens Point, City of
X-POI-WHIT X - Portage - Whiting, Village of
X-SHT-CASC X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Town of
X-SHI-CASC X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Village of
X-SHI-GLEN X - Sheboygan - Glenbeulah, Village of
X-SH-T-GRE X - Sheboygan - Greenbush, Town of
X-SHT-HERM X - Sheboygan - Herman, Town of
X-SHT-LYND X - Sheboygan - Lyndon, Town of
X-SH-T-MIT X - Sheboygan - Mitchell, Town of
X-SHI-OOST X - Sheboygan - Oostburg, Village of
X-SHI-PLYM X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, City of
X-SHT-PLYM X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, Town of
X-SHT-RHIN X - Sheboygan - Rhine, Town of
X-SH-T-RUS X - Sheboygan - Russell, Town of
X-SH-T-SCO X - Sheboygan - Scott, Town of
X-SHI-SHEB X - Sheboygan - Sheboygan, City of
X-SHT-SHRM X - Sheboygan - Sherman, Town of
X-SHI-WALD X - Sheboygan - Waldo, Village of
X-SHT-WILS X - Sheboygan - Wilson, Town of
X-WST-ADDI X - Washington - Addison, Town of
X-WS-T-BAR X - Washington - Bartonville, Town of
X-WST-ERIN X - Washington - Erin, Town of
X-WST-FARM X - Washington - Farmington, Town of
X-WSI-GERM X - Washington - Germantown, Village of
X-WST-HART X - Washington - Hartford, Town of
X-WSI-HART X - Washington - Hartford, Village of
X-WSI-JACK X - Washington - Jackson, Village of
X-WS-T-KEW X - Washington - Kewaskum, Town of
X-WS-I-KEW X - Washington - Kewaskum, Village of
X-WSI-NEWB X - Washington - Newburg, Village of
X-WST-POLK X - Washington - Polk, Town of
X-WSI-RICH X - Washington - Richfield, Village of
X-WSI-SLIN X - Washington - Slinger, Village of
X-WST-TREN X - Washington - Trenton, Town of
X-WS-T-WAY X - Washington - Wayne, Town of
X-WSI-WEST X - Washington - West Bend, City of
X-WST-WEST X - Washington - West Bend, Town of
X-WPT-BEAR X - Waupaca - Bear Creek, Town of
X-WP-T-CAL X - Waupaca - Caledonia, Town of
X-WPI-CLIN X - Waupaca - Clintonville, City of
X-WP-T-DAY X - Waupaca - Dayton, Town of
X-WPT-DUP X - Waupaca - Dupont, Town of
X-WPT-FARM X - Waupaca - Farmington, Town of
X-WP-T-FRE X - Waupaca - Fremont, Town of
X-WP-I-FRE X - Waupaca - Fremont, Village of
X-WPT-HAR X - Waupaca - Harrison, Town of
X-WPT-HELV X - Waupaca - Helvetia, Town of
X-WPT-IOLA X - Waupaca - Iola, Town of
X-WPI-IOLA X - Waupaca - Iola, Village of
X-WPT-LAR X - Waupaca - Larrabee, Town of
X-WPT-LEB X - Waupaca - Lebanon, Town of
X-WP-T-LIN X - Waupaca - Lind, Town of
X-WPT-LWOL X - Waupaca - Little Wolf, Town of
X-WPI-MANA X - Waupaca - Manawa, City of
X-WPI-MARI X - Waupaca - Marion, City of
X-WPT-MATT X - Waupaca - Matteson, Town of
X-WPT-MUKW X - Waupaca - Mukwa, Town of
X-WPI-NLON X - Waupaca - New London, City of
X-WPI-OGDN X - Waupaca - Ogdensburg, Village of
X-WPT-ROY X - Waupaca - Royalton, Town of
X-WPT-SCAN X - Waupaca - Scandanavia, Town of
X-WPT-SLAW X - Waupaca - St Lawrence, Town of
X-WPT-UNIO X - Waupaca - Union, Town of
X-WPI-WAUP X - Waupaca - Waupaca, City of
X-WPT-WAUP X - Waupaca - Waupaca, Town of
X-WP-I-WEY X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, City of
X-WP-T-WEY X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, Town of
X-OTHER-WI XX - Other Wisconsin, Not bordering Winnefox
Y-ILL Y - Interlibrary Loan
X-AD-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Adams, Area with no library
X-CA-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Area without a library, Area with no library
X-CA-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Calumet, Area with a library
X-CO-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Columbia, Area with a library
X-CO-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Columbia, Area with no library
X-DO-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Dodge County, Area with a library
X-DO-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Dodge County, Area without a library
X-OU-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Outagamie, Area with a library
X-OU-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Outagamie, Area with no library
X-PO-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Portage, Area with a library
X-PO-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Portage, Area without a library (Do Not Use)
X-SH-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Sheboygan, Area with a library
X-SH-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Sheboygan, Area without a library
X-AD-ADAMS Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed
X-POI-PORT Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed
X-PO-T-PI Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed
X-CA-T-HAR Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed, Calumet - Harrison, Town of
FDT-XUNKWN Z - DO NOT USE - Unknown Town
X-WS-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Washington, Area with a library
X-WS-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Washington, Area without a library
X-WP-LIB Z - DO NOT USE - Waupaca, Area with a library
X-WP-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Waupaca, Area without a library
FDI-WAUPX Z - DO NOT USE - Waupun in Dodge County
WNT-MEN-E Z - DO NOT USE - Winnebago - Menasha East, Town of
WNT-MEN-W Z - DO NOT USE - Winnebago - Menasha West, Town of
X-WI-NOLIB Z - DO NOT USE - Wisconsin, Area with no library
Z-OTHER Z - Other
Z-ILL Z - Winnefox ILL
Z-ILL-DIR Z - Winnefox ILL - Direct
Z-ILL-ES Z - Winnefox ILL - Eastern Shores
Z-ILL-MII Z - Winnefox ILL - Minitex
Z-ILL-NI Z - Winnefox ILL - Nicolet
Z-ILL-NW Z - Winnefox ILL - Northern Waters
Z-ILL-OW Z - Winnefox ILL - Outagamie Waupaca
Z-ILL-OUT Z - Winnefox ILL - Out of State
Z-ILL-SW Z - Winnefox ILL - Southwest
Z-ILL-WLS Z - Winnefox ILL - Within Winnefox

Codes for non-Winnefox counties

Adams County

X-AD-I-ADA X - Adams - Adams, City of
X-AD-T-ADA X - Adams - Adams, Town of
X-AD-BIGFL X - Adams - Big Flats, Town of
X-AD-COLBN X - Adams - Colburn, Town of
X-AD-DELLP X - Adams - Dell Prairie, Town of
X-AD-EAST X - Adams - Easton, Town of
X-AD-JACK X - Adams - Jackson, Town of
X-AD-LEOLA X - Adams - Leola, Town of
X-AD-LINC X - Adams - Lincoln, Town of
X-AD-MON X - Adams - Monroe, Town of
X-AD-CHEST X - Adams - New Chester, Town of
X-AD-NEWH X - Adams - Newhaven, Town of
X-AD-PREST X - Adams - Preston, Town of
X-AD-QUIN X - Adams - Quincy, Town of
X-AD-RICH X - Adams - Richfield, Town of
X-AD-ROME X - Adams - Rome, Town of
X-AD-SPRIN X - Adams - Springville, Town of
X-AD-STRPR X - Adams - Strong Prairie, Town of


Calumet County

X-CA-APLTN X - Calumet - Appleton in CA County, City of
X-CA-I-BRI X - Calumet - Brillion, City of
X-CA-T-BRI X - Calumet - Brillion, Town of
X-CA-T-BRO X - Calumet - Brothertown, Town of
X-CAT-CHAR X - Calumet - Charleston, Town of
X-CA-I-CHI X - Calumet - Chilton, City of
X-CA-T-CHI X - Calumet - Chilton, Town of
X-CA-I-HAR X - Calumet - Harrison, Village of
X-CA-I-HIL X - Calumet - Hilbert, Village of
X-CA-MNASH X - Calumet - Menasha in CA County, City of
X-CA-I-NEW X - Calumet - New Holstein, City of
X-CA-T-NEW X - Calumet - New Holstein, Town of
X-CA-I-POT X - Calumet - Potter, Village of
X-CAT-RANT X - Calumet - Rantoul, Town of
X-CA-I-SHE X - Calumet - Sherwood, Village of
X-CA-T-STO X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Town of
X-CA-I-STO X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Village of
X-CAT-WOOD X - Calumet - Woodville, Town of

Columbia County

X-CO-CAMB X - Columbia - Cambria, Village of
X-CO-COL X - Columbia - Columbus, City of
X-CO-T-COU X - Columbia - Courtland, Town of
X-CO-T-DEK X - Columbia - Dekorra, Town of
X-COI-FALL X - Columbia - Fall River, Village
X-CO-T-FOR X - Columbia - Fort Winnebago, Town of
X-CO-I-FRI X - Columbia - Friesland, Village
X-CO-T-HAM X - Columbia - Hampden, Town of
X-COT-LEED X - Columbia - Leeds, Town of
X-CO-T-LEW X - Columbia - Lewiston, Town of
X-COI-LODI X - Columbia - Lodi, City of
X-CO-T-MAR X - Columbia - Marcellon, Town of
X-CO-T-NEW X - Columbia - Newport, Town of
X-CO-T-OTS X - Columbia - Otsego, Town of
X-CO-T-PAC X - Columbia - Pacific, Town of
X-CO-PARD X - Columbia - Pardeeville, Village of
X-CO-PORT X - Columbia - Portage, City of
X-CO-I-POY X - Columbia - Poynette, Village of
X-CO-T-RAN X - Columbia - Randolph, Town of
X-COI-RAN X - Columbia - Randolph, Village of
X-CO-I-RIO X - Columbia - Rio, Village of
X-CO-SCOTT X - Columbia - Scott, Town of
X-CO-T-SPR X - Columbia - Springvale, Town of
X-CO-T-WEY X - Columbia - Weyocena, Town of
X-COI-WISD X - Columbia - Wisconsin Dells, City of

Dodge County

X-DOT-BVD X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Town of
X-DOI-BVD X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Village of
X-DOI-BROW X - Dodge - Brownsville, Village of
X-DOT-BURN X - Dodge - Burnett, Town of
X-DO-T-CHE X - Dodge - Chester, Town of
X-DO-T-CLY X - Dodge - Clyman, Town of
X-DO-I-FOX X - Dodge - Fox Lake, City of
X-DO-T-FOX X - Dodge - Fox Lake, Town of
X-DOI-HORI X - Dodge - Horicon, City of
X-DOT-HUB X - Dodge - Hubbard, Town of
X-DOI-HUST X - Dodge - Hustisford, Village of
X-DOI-JUN X - Dodge - Juneau, City of
X-DO-T-LER X - Dodge - Leroy, Town of
X-DO-T-LOM X - Dodge - Lomira, Town of
X-DO-I-LOM X - Dodge - Lomira, Village of
X-DOT-LOW X - Dodge - Lowell, Town of
X-DOI-MAY X - Dodge - Mayville, City of
X-DOT-OAKG X - Dodge - Oak Grove, Town of
X-DOI-RAN X - Dodge - Randolph, Village of
X-DOT-THER X - Dodge - Theresa, Town of
X-DOI-THER X - Dodge - Theresa, Village of
X-DO-T-TRE X - Dodge - Trenton, Town of
X-DOI-WAPN X - Dodge - Waupun, City of
X-DOT-WEST X - Dodge - Westford, Town of


Outagamie County

X-OU-APLTN X - Outagamie - Appleton, City of
X-OUI-BEAR X - Outagamie - Bear Creek, Village of
X-OUT-BLAC X - Outagamie - Black Creek, Town of
X-OUT-BOV X - Outagamie - Bovinia, Town of
X-OU-T-BUC X - Outagamie - Buchanan, Town of
X-OU-T-CEN X - Outagamie - Center, Town of
X-OUT-CICE X - Outagamie - Cicero, Town of
X-OU-T-DAL X - Outagamie - Dale, Town of
X-OUT-DEER X - Outagamie - Deer Creek, Town of
X-OU-T-ELL X - Outagamie - Ellington, Town of
X-OU-T-FRE X - Outagamie - Freedom, Town of
X-OU-TGRAN X - Outagamie - Grand Chute, Town of
X-OU-TGREE X - Outagamie - Greenville, Town of
X-OU-T-HOR X - Outagamie - Hortonia, Town of
X-OUI-KAUK X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, City of
X-OU-T-KAU X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, Town of
X-OUT-LIBT X - Outagamie - Liberty, Town of
X-OUT-MAIN X - Outagamie - Maine, Town of
X-OUT-MAPL X - Outagamie - Maple Creek, Town of
X-OUI-NLON X - Outagamie - New London, City of
X-OUI-BLAC X - Outagamie - of Black Creek, Village
X-OUI-COMB X - Outagamie - of Combined Locks, Village
X-OUI-HAR X - Outagamie - of Harrison, Village
X-OUI-HORT X - Outagamie - of Hortonville, Village
X-OUI-KIMB X - Outagamie - of Kimberly, Village
X-OUI-LCHU X - Outagamie - of Little Chute, Village
X-OUI-NICH X - Outagamie - of Nichols, Village
X-OUI-SHIO X - Outagamie - of Shiocton, Village
X-OUI-WRIG X - Outagamie - of Wrightstown, Village
X-OUT-ONEI X - Outagamie - Oneida, Town of
X-OUT-OSB X - Outagamie - Osborn, Town of
X-OUI-SEYM X - Outagamie - Seymour, City of
X-OUT-SEYM X - Outagamie - Seymour, Town of
X-OU-T-VAN X - Outagamie - Vandenbroek, Town of


Portage County

X-PO-T-ALM X - Portage - Almond, Town of
X-PO-I-ALM X - Portage - Almond, Village of
X-POT-AMH X - Portage - Amherst, Town of
X-POI-AMH X - Portage - Amherst, Village of
X-POI-AMHJ X - Portage - Amherst Junction, Village of
X-POT-BELM X - Portage - Belmont, Town of
X-POT-BUEN X - Portage - Buena Vista, Town of
X-POT-CARS X - Portage - Carson, Town of
X-POT-GRAN X - Portage - Grant, Town of
X-POT-HULL X - Portage - Hull, Town of
X-POT-LANA X - Portage - Lanark, Town of
X-POT-LINW X - Portage - Linwood, Town of
X-POT-NHOP X - Portage - New Hope, Town of
X-POT-PINE X - Portage - Pine Grove, Town of
X-PO-I-PLO X - Portage - Plover, Village of
X-POI-ROSH X - Portage - Rosholt, Village of
X-POI-STEV X - Portage - Stevens Point, City of
X-POI-WHIT X - Portage - Whiting, Village of

Sheboygan County

X-SHT-CASC X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Town of
X-SHI-CASC X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Village of
X-SHI-GLEN X - Sheboygan - Glenbeulah, Village of
X-SH-T-GRE X - Sheboygan - Greenbush, Town of
X-SHT-HERM X - Sheboygan - Herman, Town of
X-SHT-LYND X - Sheboygan - Lyndon, Town of
X-SH-T-MIT X - Sheboygan - Mitchell, Town of
X-SHI-OOST X - Sheboygan - Oostburg, Village of
X-SHI-PLYM X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, City of
X-SHT-PLYM X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, Town of
X-SHT-RHIN X - Sheboygan - Rhine, Town of
X-SH-T-RUS X - Sheboygan - Russell, Town of
X-SH-T-SCO X - Sheboygan - Scott, Town of
X-SHI-SHEB X - Sheboygan - Sheboygan, City of
X-SHT-SHRM X - Sheboygan - Sherman, Town of
X-SHI-WALD X - Sheboygan - Waldo, Village of
X-SHT-WILS X - Sheboygan - Wilson, Town of

Washington County

X-WST-ADDI X - Washington - Addison, Town of
X-WS-T-BAR X - Washington - Bartonville, Town of
X-WST-ERIN X - Washington - Erin, Town of
X-WST-FARM X - Washington - Farmington, Town of
X-WSI-GERM X - Washington - Germantown, Village of
X-WST-HART X - Washington - Hartford, Town of
X-WSI-HART X - Washington - Hartford, Village of
X-WSI-JACK X - Washington - Jackson, Village of
X-WS-T-KEW X - Washington - Kewaskum, Town of
X-WS-I-KEW X - Washington - Kewaskum, Village of
X-WSI-NEWB X - Washington - Newburg, Village of
X-WST-POLK X - Washington - Polk, Town of
X-WSI-RICH X - Washington - Richfield, Village of
X-WSI-SLIN X - Washington - Slinger, Village of
X-WST-TREN X - Washington - Trenton, Town of
X-WS-T-WAY X - Washington - Wayne, Town of
X-WSI-WEST X - Washington - West Bend, City of
X-WST-WEST X - Washington - West Bend, Town of


Waupaca County

X-WPT-BEAR X - Waupaca - Bear Creek, Town of
X-WP-T-CAL X - Waupaca - Caledonia, Town of
X-WPI-CLIN X - Waupaca - Clintonville, City of
X-WP-T-DAY X - Waupaca - Dayton, Town of
X-WPT-DUP X - Waupaca - Dupont, Town of
X-WPT-FARM X - Waupaca - Farmington, Town of
X-WP-T-FRE X - Waupaca - Fremont, Town of
X-WP-I-FRE X - Waupaca - Fremont, Village of
X-WPT-HAR X - Waupaca - Harrison, Town of
X-WPT-HELV X - Waupaca - Helvetia, Town of
X-WPT-IOLA X - Waupaca - Iola, Town of
X-WPI-IOLA X - Waupaca - Iola, Village of
X-WPT-LAR X - Waupaca - Larrabee, Town of
X-WPT-LEB X - Waupaca - Lebanon, Town of
X-WP-T-LIN X - Waupaca - Lind, Town of
X-WPT-LWOL X - Waupaca - Little Wolf, Town of
X-WPI-MANA X - Waupaca - Manawa, City of
X-WPI-MARI X - Waupaca - Marion, City of
X-WPT-MATT X - Waupaca - Matteson, Town of
X-WPT-MUKW X - Waupaca - Mukwa, Town of
X-WPI-NLON X - Waupaca - New London, City of
X-WPI-OGDN X - Waupaca - Ogdensburg, Village of
X-WPT-ROY X - Waupaca - Royalton, Town of
X-WPT-SCAN X - Waupaca - Scandanavia, Town of
X-WPT-SLAW X - Waupaca - St Lawrence, Town of
X-WPT-UNIO X - Waupaca - Union, Town of
X-WPI-WAUP X - Waupaca - Waupaca, City of
X-WPT-WAUP X - Waupaca - Waupaca, Town of
X-WP-I-WEY X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, City of
X-WP-T-WEY X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, Town of


X-OTHER-WI XX - Other Wisconsin, Not bordering Winnefox
X-OUTSTATE X - Out of State

Fond du Lac County codes

Name Description
FDT-ALTO Fond du Lac - Alto, Town of
FDT-ASHFRD Fond du Lac - Ashford, Town of
FDT-AUBURN Fond du Lac - Auburn, Town of
FDI-BRANDN Fond du Lac - Brandon, Village of
FDT-BYRON Fond du Lac - Byron, Town of
FDT-CALUMT Fond du Lac - Calumet, Town of
FDI-CMPBSP Fond du Lac - Campbellsport, Village of
FDT-EDEN Fond du Lac - Eden, Town of
FDI-EDEN Fond du Lac - Eden, Village of
FDT-ELDORD Fond du Lac - Eldorado, Town of
FDT-EMPIRE Fond du Lac - Empire, Town of
FDI-FAIRWT Fond du Lac - Fairwater, Village of
FDI-FDL Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, City of
FDT-FDL Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, Town of
FDT-FOREST Fond du Lac - Forest, Town of
FDT-FRNDSP Fond du Lac - Friendship, Town of
FDT-LAMRTN Fond du Lac - Lamartine, Town of
FDT-MARSH Fond du Lac - Marshfield, Town of
FDT-METOMN Fond du Lac - Metomen, Town of
FDI-MTCALV Fond du Lac - Mt. Calvary, Village of
FDI-NFDL Fond du Lac - North Fond du Lac, Village of
FDT-OAKFLD Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Town of
FDI-OAKFLD Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Village of
FDT-OSEOLA Fond du Lac - Osceola, Town of
FDI-RIPON Fond du Lac - Ripon, City of
FDT-RIPON Fond du Lac - Ripon, Town of
FDS-RIPNST Fond du Lac - Ripon College Student
FDI-ROSNDL Fond du Lac - Rosedale, Village of
FDT-ROSNDL Fond du Lac - Rosendale, Town of
FDT-SPRNGV Fond du Lac - Springvale, Town of
FDI-STCLD Fond du Lac - St. Cloud, Village of
FDT-TAYCH Fond du Lac - Taycheetah, Town of
FDI-WAUPUN Fond du Lac - Waupun, City of
FDT-WAUPN Fond du Lac - Waupun, Town of

Green Lake County codes

Name Description
GLI-BERLIN Green Lake - Berlin, City of
GLT-BERLIN Green Lake - Berlin, Town of
GLT-BRKLN Green Lake - Brooklyn, Town of
GLI-GREENL Green Lake - Green Lake, City of
GLT-GRNLK Green Lake - Green Lake, Town of
GLT-KINGST Green Lake - Kingston, Town of
GLI-KINGST Green Lake - Kingston, Village of
GLT-MACKFD Green Lake - Mackford, Town of
GLT-MNCHST Green Lake - Manchester, Town of
GLI-MARKSN Green Lake - Markesan, Village of
GLT-MRQTTE Green Lake - Marquette, Town of
GLI-MARQT Green Lake - Marquette, Village of
GLT-PRNCTN Green Lake - Princeton, Town of
GLI-PRINCT Green Lake - Princeton, Village of
GLT-SENECA Green Lake - Seneca, Town of
GLT-SATMAR Green Lake - St. Marie, Town of

Marquette County codes

MQT-BUFFLO Marquette - Buffalo, Town of
MQT-CRYSLK Marquette - Crystal Lake, Town of
MQT-DOUGLS Marquette - Douglas, Town of
MQI-ENDEAV Marquette - Endeavor, Village of
MQT-HARRIS Marquette - Harris, Town of
MQT-MECAN Marquette - Mecan, Town of
MQT-MONTEL Marquette - Montello, Town of
MQI-MONTLL Marquette - Montello, Village of
MQT-MOUNDV Marquette - Moundville, Town of
MQT-NESHKR Marquette - Neshkoro, Town of
MQI-NESHKR Marquette - Neshkoro, Village of
MQT-NEWTON Marquette - Newton, Town of
MQT-OXFORD Marquette - Oxford, Town of
MQI-OXFORD Marquette - Oxford, Village of
MQT-PACKWK Marquette - Packwaukee, Town of
MQT-SHLDS Marquette - Shields, Town of
MQT-SPRNGF Marquette - Springfield, Town of
MQT-WESTFD Marquette - Westfield, Town of
MQI-WESTFD Marquette - Westfield, Village of

Waushara County codes

Name Description
WAT-AURORA Waushara - Aurora, Town of
WAI-BERLIN Waushara - Berlin in Waushara County, City of
WAT-BLMFLD Waushara - Bloomfield, Town of
WAT-COLOMA Waushara - Coloma, Town of
WAI-COLOMA Waushara - Coloma, Village of
WAT-DAKOTA Waushara - Dakota, Town of
WAT-DEERFD Waushara - Deerfield, Town of
WAT-HNCOCK Waushara - Hancock, Town of
WAI-HANCCK Waushara - Hancock, Village of
WAT-LEON Waushara - Leon, Town of
WAI-LOHRVL Waushara - Lohrville, Village of
WAT-MARION Waushara - Marion, Town of
WAT-MTMOR Waushara - Mount Morris, Town of
WAT-OASIS Waushara - Oasis, Town of
WAT-PLNFLD Waushara - Plainfield, Town of
WAI-PLNFLD Waushara - Plainfield, Village of
WAT-POYSIP Waushara - Poy Sippi, Town of
WAI-REDGNT Waushara - Redgranite, Village of
WAT-RCHFD Waushara - Richford, Town of
WAT-ROSE Waushara - Rose, Town of
WAT-SAXEVL Waushara - Saxeville, Town of
WAT-SPRNWT Waushara - Springwater, Town of
WAT-WARREN Waushara - Warren, Town of
WAI-WAUTOM Waushara - Wautoma, City of
WAT-WAUTMA Waushara - Wautoma, Town of
WAI-WILDRS Waushara - Wild Rose, Village of

Winnebago County codes

WNT-ALGOMA Winnebago - Algoma, Town of
WNI-APLTON Winnebago - Appleton in Winnebago County, City of
WNT-BLCKWF Winnebago - Black Wolf, Town of
WNT-CLAYTN Winnebago - Clayton, Town of
WNI-FOXCR Winnebago - Fox Crossing, Village of
WNI-MENASH Winnebago - Menasha, City of
WNI-NEENAH Winnebago - Neenah, City of
WNT-NEENAH Winnebago - Neenah, Town of
WNT-NEKIMI Winnebago - Nekimi, Town of
WNT-NEPSKN Winnebago - Nepeuskun, Town of
WNI-OMRO Winnebago - Omro, City of
WNT-OMRO Winnebago - Omro, Town of
WNT-OSHKSH Winnebago - Oshkosh, Town of
WNI-OSH-C Winnebago - Oshkosh Central, City of
WNI-OSH-E Winnebago - Oshkosh East, City of
WNI-OSH-S Winnebago - Oshkosh South, City of
WNI-OSH-W Winnebago - Oshkosh West, City of
WNT-POYGAN Winnebago - Poygan, Town of
WNT-RUSHFD Winnebago - Rushford, Town of
WNT-UTICA Winnebago - Utica, Town of
WNT-VINELD Winnebago - Vinland, Town of
WNT-WNCHST Winnebago - Winchester, Town of
WNT-WNCN Winnebago - Winneconne, Town of
WNI-WINNCN Winnebago - Winneconne, Village of
WNT-WOLFR Winnebago - Wolf River, Town of

User category 2 codes-county of the user

The user category 2 field is for the county of the user.  We code only for counties within Wisconsin.  There is an OUTOFSTATE code for non-Wisconsin counties.

ADAMS Adams County
ASHLAND Ashland County
BARRON Barron County
BAYFIELD Bayfield County
BROWN Brown County
BUFFALO Buffalo County
BURNETT Burnett County
CALUMET Calumet County
CHIPPEWA Chippewa County
CLARK Clark County
COLUMBIA Columbia County
CRAWFORD Crawford County
DANE Dane County
DODGE Dodge County
DOOR Door County
DOUGLAS Douglas County
DUNN Dunn County
EAU CLAIRE Eau Claire County
FLORENCE Florence County
FONDDULAC Fond du Lac County
FOREST Forest County
GRANT Grant County
GREEN Green County
GREENLAKE Green Lake County
IOWA Iowa County
IRON Iron County
JACKSON Jackson County
JEFFERSON Jefferson County
JUNEAU Juneau County
KENOSHA Kenosha County
KEWAUNEE Kewaunee County
LACROSSE La Crosse County
LAFAYETTE Lafayette County
LANGLADE Langlade County
LINCOLN Lincoln County
MANITOWOC Manitowoc County
MARATHON Marathon County
MARINETTE Marinette County
MARQUETTE Marquette County
MENOMINEE Menomonee County
MILWAUKEE Milwaukee County
MONROE Monroe County
OCONTO Oconto County
ONEIDA Oneida County
OUTAGAMIE Outagamie County
OZAUKEE Ozaukee County
PEPIN Pepin County
PIERCE Pierce County
POLK Polk County
PORTAGE Portage County
PRICE Price County
RACINE Racine County
RICHLAND Richland County
ROCK Rock County
RUSK Rusk County
SAUK Sauk County
SAWYER Sawyer County
SHAWANO Shawano County
SHEBOYGAN Sheboygan County
STCROIX St. Croix County
TAYLOR Taylor County
TREMPEALEU Trempealeu County
VERNON Vernon County
VILAS Vilas County
WALWORTH Walworth County
WASHBURN Washburn County
WASHINGTON Washington County
WAUKESHA Waukesha County
WAUPACA Waupaca County
WAUSHARA Waushara County
WINNEBAGO Winnebago County
WOOD Wood County

User profile fields

The Profile field in the patron record is used with the circulation map to control the checkout of library material.

Most libraries use the profile of PUBLIC for most of their users. This profile has a $10.00 fine threshold. Above that amount, the user is blocked from checking out items and placing holds. The PUBLIC2 profile (used by Endeavor, Menasha, Neenah, Omro, Oshkosh, Ripon & WInneconne) has a threshold hold of $25.00

Other profiles are used for specific types of patrons or situations. The profiles listed below are used with patrons. There are other profiles in the drop-down list in the software, but the others are NOT counted in circulation reports and are NOT to be used for patrons. The others are used by the Symphony software or for in-house staff transactions.

Profiles for patron records:

User Profile Loan Period Fine Rate Maximum Fine Maximum Holds Maximum Checkouts Card Expiration Overdue Threshold Bill Threshold
BUSINESS* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 50 items 100 items 16 months 20 items $25.00
DEPOSIT 60 days No fine No fine 50 items 150 items No expiration 50 items $500.00
HOMEBOUND 60 days No fine No fine 50 items 100 items No expiration 20 items $500.00
J-RESTRICT* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 50 items 100 items 16 months 20 items $5.00
LIMITED* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 5 items 10 items 16 months 3 items $5.00
LIMITED3* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 3 items 3 items 16 months 3 items $5.00
PUBLIC* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 50 items 100 items 16 months 20 items $10.00
PUBLIC2* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 50 items 100 items 16 months 20 items $25.00
REMOVE** No Loans Allowed N/A $0.00 0 Items 0 Items Never Expires 0 Items $0.00
STAFF* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* Rules set by each library* 50 items 100 items 16 months 20 items $25.00
TEACHER 28 days No fine No fine 50 items 150 items 16 months 50 items $250.00

*The circulation rules are based on the Item Type of the item being checked out and are the same for each of these user Profiles.
**Used for patrons entered in error, deceased, duplicates, etc. Any patron record with a profile listed in this table that can be gotten rid of.

There are also separate rules for J-RESTRICT that limit, based on Item Type, what that Profile is allowed to check out.

The Overdue Threshold is the maximum number of items that can be overdue on the card. When the Overdue Threshold is reached, the card is Blocked.

All the above are allowed to renew their cards online.

Other Profiles of note: These are NOT to be used for patrons. LIBRARYUSE is for inhouse use. ONLINEREG is automatically assigned to patrons who register online. 

User Profile Loan Period Fine Rate Maximum Fine Maximum Holds Maximum Checkouts Card Expiration Overdue Threshold Bill Threshold
LIBRARYUSE Unlimited No fine None Unlimited Unlimited Never Expires None None
ONLINEREG No Checkouts Allowed No Checkouts Allowed N/A 10 0 Items 30 days 0 Items $5.00




Updated March 14, 2023 -- Karla Smith


Links for Finding Where Patrons Live

There are a number of online sites that can be used to do an address search to determine the political jurisdiction of that address.


Online Patron Registration

Online User Registration--Staff Procedures

When the patron comes in to complete their registration, they hopefully will have brought the confirmation email with them. This includes their temp ID.  If they don’t have it, that’s fine—you don’t really need it, it is just to make it easier to find their temporary record.

Basically, you will want to treat them like a new registration—following your library’s procedures for registering new patrons. The main difference is that, when you look them up to make sure they don’t already have a card, they will already have a card with a temporary 6-digit number.

Staff need to:

  • Issue a physical card with a normal 13/14-digit barcode
  • Modify the patron’s temporary User ID number with their new card number
  • Confirm patron’s phone, email, library; UserCats 1,2,3; Birthdate, and any other fields for a new user registration
  • Verify identity/proof of address
  • Ask if they want to track checkouts (Charge History). If not, set Charge History to NOHISTORY
  • Ask if they have placed any holds in Overdrive. If so, you will need to follow the procedures for Overdrive whenever a patron gets a new card.

Any other library-specific procedures for your library.

This is likely to vary by library, but I would suggest that staff give the patron your usual registration form and to tell the patron “You don’t need to fill out the address portion again, just fill in the other parts and sign.”

If you like, you can run a list of patrons who registered for a card online; details on how to do so are found in this video.

Online User Registration – Technical Details


Online User Registration is comprised of two parts: An online form and two verification scripts.

Part 1: The online form

  • The online form is very basic—asks for Name, Address, Phone, Birthdate, PIN, Email, and Library. 
  • It will only allow users whose zip codes are in our service area to register.
  • It will block duplicates based on Name and if Names match, then on Address. 
  • It generates an automatic barcode with a special User Profile of ONLINEREG. 
  • This profile is limited to placing 10 holds, is not allowed to check out materials (but can access online materials), cannot renew online, and expires after 30 days.

Part 2: The verification scripts

  • The script verifies that the address entered is a valid address.
  • It inserts a Usercat 1. If that patron lives in one of our 5 counties, it inserts Usercat 2 also.
  • It produces a list of registered users whose addresses are not found in American FactFinder. This doesn’t mean they are invalid—just that FactFinder couldn’t find the address as entered.
  • There are many valid reasons that FactFinder couldn’t find the address as entered. Here are some of the more common reasons:
    • Apartment information format
    • Mis-spelling of street name
    • Spaces or other characters in spots where FactFinder doesn’t expect them

Staff need to go through the list of online registrations that FactFinder couldn’t find and determine the reason and fix up the temporary record.

Once the temporary record is in the database, the patron can access Overdrive, most databases, and place holds.

The patron still needs to come into the library and verify their address before they can check out any physical materials.  ONLINEREG patrons cannot renew their accounts online.

Reports and statistics

Monthly Statistics                      Annual Circulation Statistics               Special Reports

August 10, 2022 -- Karla Smith

There are a few reports that still run in WorkFlows and there are many reports that run in BLUEcloud Analytics (BC Analytics). Some run automatically, some need to be scheduled to run by each library, and some are run "as needed." 

Here are some documents to help clarify which reports run where, and which ones you need to make sure are being run for your library:

The following reports still run in WorkFlows:

  • Clean Holds Report -- runs daily M-F. Libraries should login as REPORTS, print off the report, and look for those items on your hold shelf that have been cancelled or have expired. More details here.
  • Cash Management Reports -- runs daily or weekly depending on your library. This report is used to track payment of fines, bills, and library sales.  
  • Onshelf Hold List -- runs daily M-F.  Most libraries use the dynamically updated Onshelf Items Wizard in WorkFlows instead of the morning report, however, the report does run for each library and is found in Finished Reports when logged in as REPORTS.

HTML lists for new materials

A report can be used to create lists of new items for libraries that are not using the Symphony Acquisitions software. The lists are for the library’s website. The report inserts the HTML needed for the titles to have links to the catalog and Syndetics for cover art and additional content. The lists are sorted by Home Location so that the library can easily split out or group various locations.

The reports can schedule the report to run monthly or weekly, or, if the library has had report training, the library can run it at anytime.

When inserted into the library's website, the list takes on the design and look of the library’s website: https://greenlakelibrary.org/new-materials/

If other libraries want new material lists on their websites and are interested in using the new report, contact Melissa Klein or Jay Harland; Melissa will set up the report and Jay will add it to the website.

Monthly Statistics

Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.

Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.

All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2014 Archive

Statistic Reports for June-December, 2014.

2015 Archive


Month User Satistics Item Statistics

New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New  Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat 1

Circ by Home Loc


New users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat1

Circ by Home Loc


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by User Cat 1

Circ by Item Type

Circ by Item Cat1

Circ by Home Loc


The New Users report shows the total number of new users registered over the course of the month. The Total Active Users report totals the number of patrons who have used their library card within the past month. Both of these reports are split out by User Cat1.

The Circ by User Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library within the past month, split out by User Cat 1.

The Circ by Item Type report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Type.*

The Circ by Item Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Cat1.*

The Circ by Home Location report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Home Location.*

*Item Type, Item Cat 1, and Home Loc: An item's Type describes how the item circulates (ex: how long it circluates and what fine is applied to it if it is overdue). ItemCat1 describes broadly what the item "is", for statistical purposes. An item's Home Location (HomeLoc) describes where in the library it is shelved. There can be overlap between Type, ItemCat1, and Home Loc: Type=DVD, ItemCat1=DVD, HomeLoc=DVD. However, there can also be distinctions: Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=BOOK, HomeLoc=NONFICTION ; Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=LARGEPRINT, HomeLoc=LGPRT-MYS. 

2016 Archive



Month User Satistics Item Statistics Item Stats by Age

New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL Materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL Materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL Materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL Materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL Materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat 1 - All

Circ by ICat 1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1 - All

Circ by ICat1 - Renewals

Circ of ILL materials

Circ by ICat1 - Adults

Circ by ICat1 - YA/Teens

Circ by ICat1 - Juvenile


The New Users report shows the total number of new users registered over the course of the month. The Total Active Users report totals the number of patrons who have used their library card within the past month. Both of these reports are split out by User Cat1.

The Circ by User Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library within the past month, split out by User Cat 1.

The Circ by Item Type report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Type.*

The Circ by Item Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Cat1.*

The Circ by Home Location report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Home Location.*

*Item Type, Item Cat 1, and Home Loc: An item's Type describes how the item circulates (ex: how long it circluates and what fine is applied to it if it is overdue). ItemCat1 describes broadly what the item "is", for statistical purposes. An item's Home Location (HomeLoc) describes where in the library it is shelved. There can be overlap between Type, ItemCat1, and Home Loc: Type=DVD, ItemCat1=DVD, HomeLoc=DVD. However, there can also be distinctions: Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=BOOK, HomeLoc=NONFICTION ; Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=LARGEPRINT, HomeLoc=LGPRT-MYS. 

2017 Archive

Monthly Statistics from 2017.


Month User Satistics Item Statistics

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by  ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by  Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material


New Users

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

2018 Archive

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by Ucat1

Circ By Home Loc

Circ By ICat1

Total Circ By Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by Ucat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2019 Archive


Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by Icat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by Ucat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by Icat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by HomeLoc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2020 Archive


Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Libray

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1



New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2021 Archive

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Total Active Users

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2022 Archive

Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.

Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.

All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", unless otherwise specified.

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2023 Archive

Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.

Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.

All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by HomeLoc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

2024 Archive

Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.

Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.

All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ by ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1



New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.

Special reports

As a convenience to WALS libraries, some reports are produced by staff and made available as finished reports.  These reports typcally include data for all of the WALS libraries.

When completed, these reports are made available as here via links to the documents.


2025-2024 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2024-2023.


2024-2023 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2023-2022.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2024)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top 30 Dewey call number categories, ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections. Items are selected based on Item Cat1 of BOOK and Item Cat2 of ADULT (for Adult collections) and JUVENILE (for Children's collections). 
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count


2023-2022 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2022-2021.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2023)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
  • Top 30 Dewy Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collecitons, ranked by  circulation and count of items, which each library having their own tab.
    • These tables show the top 30 Dewey call number categories, ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections. Items are selected based on Item Cat1 of BOOK and Item Cat2 of ADULT (for Adult collections) and JUVENILE (for Children's collections). 
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count


2022-2021 Year to Date Circulation -  A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2021-2020.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2022)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
  • Top 30 Dewy Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collecitons, ranked by  circulation and count of items, which each library having their own tab.
    • These tables show the top 30 Dewey call number categories, ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections. Items are selected based on Item Cat1 of BOOK and Item Cat2 of ADULT (for Adult collections) and JUVENILE (for Children's collections). 
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count


2021-2020 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2020-2019.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2021)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
  • Top 30 Dewy Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collecitons, ranked by  circulation and count of items, which each library having their own tab.
    • These tables show the top 30 Dewey call number categories, ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections. Items are selected based on Item Cat1 of BOOK and Item Cat2 of ADULT (for Adult collections) and JUVENILE (for Children's collections). 
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count

2021 Top Books, by User Library - Most popular checkouts, based on User Library, for Fiction and Nonfiction. Each library has a tab.


2020-2019 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2019-2018.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2020)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's Collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
  • Top 30 Dewey Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top 30 Dewey call number categories, ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections. Items are selected based on Item Cat1 of BOOK and Item Cat2 of ADULT (for Adult collections) and JUVENILE (for Children's collections). 
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count

2020 Top Books, by User Library - Most popular checkouts, based on User Library, for fiction and nonfiction. Each library has a tab.


2019-2018 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2018-2017.

Withdrawn by Item Cat1 - Items withdrawn in the first quarter of 2019 (1/1/2019-4/1/2019), split by Item Cat1 and paged by library.

Withdrawn by Home Location - Items withdrawn in the first quarter of 2019 (1/1/2019-4/1/2019), split by Home Location and paged by library.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2019)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count  of items
  • Top 30 Dewey Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count.

Favorite Author Club Stats - Snapshot of statistics of the Favorite Author Club (autoplacement of holds for patrons for highly popular authors across the system), as of January 2020.

  • Total Followers by Format - A PDF showing each author's total number of followers, broken out by format, across the sytem.
  • Popular Authors by Library - An Excel document, with a tab for each library, showing the number of followers for each author at each library.
  • Total Followers by Library - A PDF document of the total number of individual users signed up for the Favorite Author Club, by pickup library.


2018-2017 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2017-2016.

NetLender/NetBorrower -- This report shows which libraries send more items to fill holds than they recieve for their own holds (NetLender), and which libraries recieve more items than they send (NetBorrower). In addition, it shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owning library's items, and the amount that comes from other libraries.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2018)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count  of items
  • Top 30 Dewey Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count.


2017-2016 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for comparing 2016-2015.

NetLender/NetBorrower -- In addition to showing net lender and net borrower information, this report also shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owning library's collection and the amount that comes from other libraries.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2017)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count  of items
  • Top 30 Dewey Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count.

2017 Most Popular Titles - A ranked list of the most popular Adult titles checked out in 2017; renewals are not counted towards the total checkout, only the initial check out.


NetLender/NetBorrower -- In addition to showing net lender and net borrower information, this report also shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owining library's collection and the amount that comes from other libraries.

Circulation by UserCat1, Resident-Nonresident: There are annual reports for each Winnefox county, with a separate sheet for each library, for the resident-Nonresident circulation statistics needed for the state annual report.

2016-2015 Year-to-Date Circulation:

  • 2016-2015 Year-to-Date Circulation This YTD report shows the totals for each library with a comparison to the previous year and the percentage change. For previous years, including the comparion from 2014-2013 and 2013-2012, please see the 2015-2014 document.

2016 Most Popular Titles

  • 2016 Top Circ Titles - This report ranks, by total circulation across the entire system, the most popular titles for 2016, for Adult Books, Adult DVDs, Juvy Books, and Juvy DVDs.

Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2016)

  • Top 30 Dewey Categories System-wide, for Adult and Children's collections, ranked by circulation and count  of items
  • Top 30 Dewey Categories of individual libraries, for Adult collections, ranked by circulation and count of items
    • These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
    • Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) are excluded, but biography collections with call numbers beginning with B or BIO are included, and added into the total 920 Dewey Range.
    • Item counts for the libraries of Brandon and Campbellsport are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey; any circ in item categoreis in those libraries comes from items owned by other libraries.
    • For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections. Red text indicates that the category has high circulation, but is not in the top 30 categories by item count.


  • Percentage of Circulation from Renewals -- From Aug 5th 2014-Aug 5th 2015, percentage of total circ that comes from renewals. Two charts: one by library, one by % (high to low).
  • 2015 Most Popular Titles -- This report ranks, by total number of checkouts for all items, the most popular items checked out across the entire system for 2015, regardless of owning library or checkout library.
  • Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2015)
    • Top 30 Dewey Categories, Ranked by Circulation and Count (System)
    • Top 30 Dewey Categories, Ranked by Circulation and Count (per Library)
    • These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
      Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Item counts for the libraries of Campbellsport and Coloma are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey.
      Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) is also excluded.
      B and BIO collections are INCLUDED, and added to the total 920 Dewey range.
      For both the Adult and Children's tabs, subjects that are in the top ten circulating subjects are highlighted, with the same color highlighting the subject on the count side of the report, to indicate which items are highly circulating and large collections.
  • Circulation by UserCat1, Resident-Nonresident: There are annual reports for each Winnefox county, with a separate sheet for each library, for the resident-Nonresident circulation statistics needed for the state annual report.


  • Total Circulation: Lists each library's total circulation for 2014, as a single number totalling all items and all users. 
  • Circulation by Item Owner Lists the total circulation of each library's items, split out by the checkout library (i.e., the total number of checkouts for Berlin's items at Berlin, the total checkouts of Berlin's items at Campbellsport, etc.)
  • Circulation by UserCat1, Resident-Nonresident There are annual reports for each Winnefox county, with a separate sheet for each library, for the resident-Nonresident circulation statistics needed for the state annual report.
  • 2014 Net Borrower/Lender Report

  • Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2014)

    • Top 30 Dewey Categories, Ranked by Circulation and Count 
      These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
      Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Item counts for the libraries of Campbellsport and Coloma are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey.
      Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) is also excluded.
      B and BIO collections are INCLUDED, and added to the total 920 Dewey range.
      In both the rank by circulation and the rank by count tables, subjects that are in the top thirty for both Adult and Children's collections are highlighted.
      To see an individual library’s circulation and item count per Dewey range, and the complete ranking of all Dewey ranges by circulation and by item count please see: Circulation and Count by Dewey per Library


  • Net Lender/Borrower Report
    In addition to showing net lender and net borrower information, this report also shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owining library's collection and the amount that comes from other libraries.
  • Circ -- Average By Hours and Users Report
    This report includes average circ by number of open hours per library; average circ by number of active patrons; number of unique users (who checked out at least one item) by Checkout library; average number of circs for those unique users.
  • Circulation by UserCat1, Resident-Nonresident
    There are annual reports for each Winnefox county, with a separate sheet for each library, for the resident-Nonresident circulation statistics needed for the state annual report.
  • Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2013)
    • Top 30 Dewey Categories, Ranked by Circulation and Count
      These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
      Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Item counts for the libraries of Campbellsport and Coloma are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey.
      Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) is also excluded.
      B and BIO collections are INCLUDED, and added to the total 920 Dewey range.
      In both the rank by circulation and the rank by count tables, subjects that are in the top thirty for both Adult and Children's collections are highlighted.
      To see an individual library’s circulation and item count per Dewey range, and the complete ranking of all Dewey ranges by circulation and by item count (also split out by Adult and Children's collections), please see the main 2013 Circulation by Dewey report, available here: Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Juvenile, by Dewey Range (2013)



  • Fond du Lac County
  • Green Lake County
  • Marquette County
  • Waushara County
  • WInnebago County
  • Count and circulation (2011) of books, adult and juvenile, by Dewey breakouts
    The Dewey report is based on the Item types--BOOK, BOOK-LH and BOOK-NH for adult, and JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, and JBOOK-NH for juvenile.
    The circulation is based on what was checked out at the library.  Since that material may have come from another library, the report may show circulation in a Dewey area where the library doesn't own any titles.  There is a description for each Dewey breakout.
    The report shows the counts and circulation for all of the WALS libraries.  It has been formatted for printing a single library at a time.  Use the print preview to determine the pages needed for just your library.
    The spreadsheet includes a "Top 30" for both adult and juvenile Dewey circulation and item counts.
    The report EXCLUDES adult nonfiction for Campbellsport and juvenile for Coloma because those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey for those parts of their collection.
    The report also EXCLUDES any nonfiction call number that starts with a letter rather than an actual dewey number:  The prefixes +, J, PB, WI, for example.
    The report DOES include B and BIO.  These were added to the 920 Dewey range.
  • Circulation by Owner of the Item (Net Lender/Net Borrower)

Circulation Trends, 2005-2014 by Broad Category of Material

  • This report shows each library's circulation of books, CDs, DVDs, etc., over the nine year period from 2005-2014. Each library's highest number of circulations in each category is indicated with red text on a red background.


Here are links to screenshots, screencasts, and downloadable FAQs, guides, and other demonstrations of how to use new or changed functions in Workflows.


The newest reporting software in WALS is called "Analytics". It is cloud-based: it requires no software to be installed on a particular computer, and is accessed through a web browser. The link to Analytics is: https://noam-bca-1.bc.sirsidynix.net/bcanalytics/asp/Main.aspx (For all user login questions, please contact Melissa Klein.)

Libraries can use Analytics to run reports on user and item data. These reports can be customized in a number of ways, and scheduled to email on a regular basis.

A training guide for Analytics can be found here.

A guide for running basic weeding lists can be found here.

Training videos for Analytics can be found here.

Cash Management

Cash Management is an optional set of wizards within Workflows that allows libraries to handle patron purchases of library-designated items (pay for print jobs, book sale items, Friends donations, etc), and then report on transactions at the workstation at the end of the day.

For libraries using Cash Management, there is a general tutorial on how to start using Cash Management, first presented at the March 30, 2016 All-WALS meeting: Cash Management Presentation.   There is also an overview video tutorial.

For common questions, there is also a Cash Management troubleshooting guide  available (after downloading, please select "Enable Editing" and press Ctrl while clicking to follow hyperlinks).

To perform a refund using Cash Management, please see the Cash Management Refunds document.

If you have questions, please contact Melissa at klein@winnefox.org, or 920-236-5230.

Catalog Tutorials

Documents on explanations and helpful tips on the new catalog ("Enterprise".)

Circulation Tutorials

How-tos, reminders, and other guides to general circulation functions can be found here.

Thirty-Second Reminders About Modifying Users

Removing Deceased Patrons (with thanks to the Neenah Public Library for sharing their guide)

Handling "Field Not Defined" error

How to use the Transfer Wizard


MobileCirc is an optional app developed by Sirsi for use on smartphones and tablets. It is the equivilent to WorkFlows on mobile devices. With a device that has the MobileCirc app, libraries can check out, register patrons, pull holds, perform weeding, and other circulation functions. Also, MobileCirc can be used to track events in the library, to generate statistics on who is using library programs.

For more information about MobileCirc, including installation and setup, please see the MobileCirc FAQ document, and the MobileCirc Event Tracking document, or contact Melissa Klein at klein@winnefox.org or 920-236-5230. 

Offline Circulation

In the event of an Internet outage, WorkFlows can be used ONLY to check out items.

Please see the guide Working with Offline Circulation for more information.

Mobile Circ is not a good substitute for WF Offline Circulation.

Updating WorkFlows

Updating Workflows:

Usually, when there is an update to the system, the next time you log into Workflows, you will be prompted to update Workflows. In general, this is a matter of following the prompts and accepting the default answers. A more detailed description of the process can be found in this document: Updating Workflows.

If you run into any problems, contact Karla (smith@winnefox.org), Melissa (klein@winnefox.org), or Pete (hodge@winnefox.org).

Video Tutorials

The main location for screencasts is: https://winnefox-system.screencasthost.com/

There are three channels of screencasts, representing different categories.





Watch for additions!

WCTS Selection (BCAcq)

BLUEcloud Acquisitions, or BCAcq, is the software used to allow libraries to select materials for purchase off of Selection Lists, and place Add-On orders for materials that are not on a Selection List. This software went live on 3/15/2020. 

The following are training documents on how to use various aspects of the software:

The following are videos on various aspects of the software: