Monthly Statistics

Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.

Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.

All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.

Statistics for the month of:


Month User Statistics Item Statistics Shoutbomb Renewals

New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users

New Users Registered Online

Count Users Active 1 Month

Circ by UCat1

Circ by Home Loc

Circ by ICat1

Total Circ by Library

Circ of ILL Material

Circ by Hour and Day

Renews by UCat1

Renews by Home Loc

Renews by ICat1


New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.

Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.