Style rules for entering patron records

Updated 3/11/2025

The basics:

  • To avoid creating duplicate records, search by Birth Date

  • ALL CAPS FOR EVERYTHING(except Notes & Email Address)

  • NO punctuation except hyphens

  • Name conventions:
    • The name must be entered in the Last, First and Middle name fields.
    • Use the Name as it appears on the person's identification—do not use nicknames.
      The occasional exception might be if using the real first name would cause major confusion when searching for the user by name. You can also put clarifying information in the extended notes field.
    • Do not use the Preferred name field—it files incorrectly.
    • Use a hyphen for double last names so they file correctly in the displays (Example:  GILDERSON-DUWE)
    • NO APOSTROPHES in last names!  Jack O'Neil becomes ONEIL, JACK.  
    • Do not use MR, MRS, MS or DR anywhere.
    • JR and SR, etc, goes in the SUFFIX field.  Do not use a period.
    • Do not use a period after the middle initial.
    • Do not use any punctuation at all (except hyphens where appropriate).   
  • Addresses
    • Use the USPS standard abbreviations for ST, RD, HWY, etc. IN ALL CAPS.
    • Use APT for "apartment" followed by the number. Do not use "#". Ex: APT 8, STE 4
    • Use PO BOX (not P. O. Box, etc.) IN ALL CAPS
    • Do not put a comma or / between CITY STATE
    • Use the PHONE field of Address 1 for a phone number. If a patron recieves phone notifications, they will only be notified at the phone number in the PHONE field of Address 1.
      Preferably, the patron should only give one phone number, but if a patron has volunteered a second phone number, and understands that they will not recieve notifications at this secondary number, the second number can be entered into the PHONE field of Address 2. 
    • Using EML behind the phone number to indicate the user has an email address is optional.  Do not put EML in any field except the phone number.
  • ALWAYS fill in the User category 1, 2 and 3 fields.
  • ALWAYS fill the Birth Date.

It is very important that UserCat1 field be entered accurately.  Library funding formulas use this field.

Use  to look up addresses to obtain what municipality or township the patron lives in.

If the address is from one of the other counties within Winnefox, contact a library from that county for help with the User Cat1.

The code for other Wisconsin is:  X-OTHER-WI

The code for Out of State is:  X-OUTOFSTATE

The complete list of codes is listed under Patron Records.

If you need further help, contact Matt Schrottky at Oshkosh Public.

User Profiles
Checkouts and renewals to these profiles are used in the circulation statistical reports:

User Notes

Anytime you enter a note on a user record, sign the note using the format "LibraryCode, FirstName LastInitial Date".

Library code is the two-letter abbreviation commonly used to indicate library, especially in reports (ie, BE=Berlin, KI=Kingston, PI=Pine River, WN=Winneconne). 

A note example: "Verify email. OS Melissa K 4/25/2018".