Guidelines for entering teacher cards

Before entering a teacher card record in the database, search to make sure a card hasn't already been issued.  There is only one Teacher card per person, regardless of how many libraries the patron uses.

If there is no existing record, enter a new one using the same process as a regular record, with these additional steps:

  • In the Alt ID field, enter the word TEACHER and the last four digits of the library card number
    Example:  A teacher being issued card 1000200300498 would have an Alt ID of TEACHER0498
    • If there’s already an Alt ID with those numbers (ie, the error message “Alternate ID already exists”), then the last five digits of the library card should be used to make the Alt ID unique.
  • Change the profile to TEACHER
  • In the Phone field, enter (T) after the phone number.  This is useful for libraries that call users for holds.
  • (optional, but helpful) In the Extended notes, enter your library abbreviation and the words "Teacher Card."  This helps identify the library that issued the card.   Example: PAPL-Teacher Card


Screenshot of sample Teacher Card