Circulation Basics

Updated 11-18-2024 by Karla Smith

Online documentation is available for many of the special situations and circulation-related tasks.  There are also code lists for the various fields used in patron and item records.  

There is a training checklist that can help both new directors and new staff.  There is also a list of Routine Tasks that member libraries should be aware of.  The list is broken down by daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

Below are a few features of the Symphony software and how we use the shared system. Some are based on the way we chose to implement the software, others are based on the software design.

  • Loan periods, fine rates, and bills on items are based on the checkout library, NOT on the library that owns the item.
  • Bills for items returned late are calculated based on the checkout library, not the library where the item is returned. 
  • The library that collects overdue fines keeps the money. 
  • Money for payment of lost material is given to the library that owns the lost item.  
  • Money for the payment of a collection agency referral fee is given to the library that did the referral to the agency.
  • Accruing fines on overdue items (not yet returned) may stop users from checking out additional items and placing holds.
  • Overdue and returned items, overdue and unreturned items, and lost assumed items all contribute to the blocked status. The user is blocked at $10 (User Profile of Public) at most libraries.  Winnebago Co libraries, Endeavor PL, and Ripon PL, all block at $25 (User Profile of Public2). 
  • Library users have one library card that may be used at any Winnefox library. The exceptions to the one-card rule are Teacher cards, and children with divorced/separated parents who need two cards to keep track of material.
  • All libraries need to set High demand items to SHORTLOAN which circulate for only 14 days.