What's New for Member Libraries

Posted by Joy Schwarz
Winnefox Library System
Monday, July 2, 2018 - 8:42am

You & your library's trustees are invited to attend any or all 5 of these webinars during Wisconsin Trustee Training Week, August 13 – 17, 2018. All presentations start at noon, and last 60 minutes.

What's New in WALS

smith's picture
Posted by Karla Smith
Winnefox Library System
Monday, October 24, 2022 - 8:30am


Today’s Topic: Googling for Library Books, Or, helping patrons use your library instead of Amazon. Pt. I

When patrons want to get a book/DVD/whatever, what's their first stop? Google. And what is Google's top result usually? An ad for the item on Amazon and a table on the right with info about the item. What if those things led the patron to the catalog and your library?   Read More...

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