What's New in WALS

Monday 'Minder 2025.2


Today’s Topic: Creating displays with other library's materials...and Insert Link shortcut in MS Office.

Just a gentle reminder that borrowing time-sensitive books from other libraries to put on display in your library is not appropriate behavior for WALS libraries. We are asking libraries to honor patron holds and share their holiday materials when patrons place holds on specific titles, but that doesn't extend to "sharing" with staff from other libraries to create local displays of seasonal materials in their library....Read more...

Return of Monday 'Minder 2025.01


There have been several requests for the return of the Monday ‘Minder, so I will do my best!  I will also be recruiting ‘Minders from other staff.  If YOU have an idea for a Monday ‘Minder, and would like to share, please let me know!   

That said, I have 1 new tech trick and an “oldie, but goodie” ‘Minder to kick us off.

Today’s Tech Tip: Do you use Chrome, Firefox, or Brave as your default browser? Does it annoy you that whenever you click on a link in Outlook it opens in Edge—even tho’ you have already set a default browser? Or that it automatically opens Excel or Word files in a browser?  Here’s how to fix it:

Screenshot of Outlook Advanced settings

Right above the setting for opening hyperlinks is the setting for opening Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.

Today's Topic:  Let's play "Find that Patron!!" 

At an ALL-WALS meeting last year it was decided that all WALS libraries would enter patron names "as written" (except in ALL-CAPS) on their ID or application form.  This means that VanderZanden gets entered as "VANDERZANDEN" and "Van der Zanden" gets entered  as "VAN DER ZANDEN."  Reminder: you need to be more diligent when searching for duplicate users because last names won't sort together anymore.  Read More...

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