What's New for Member Libraries

Posted by Joy Schwarz
Winnefox Library System
Monday, September 16, 2019 - 11:37am

Missed the Plain Language webinar in April? You can watch the recording for a limited time! From now through Sep 30th learn improved communication strategies:
• simplifying word choice
• active vs. passive voice
• layout and design.
• grammar tips
Wisconsin Literacy’s Plain Language webinar focuses on the fundamentals of plain language, including the benefits of using it in your work place.

What's New in WALS

smith's picture
Posted by Karla Smith
Winnefox Library System
Monday, November 7, 2022 - 6:05am


Today’s Topic: Wait! Don't buy that--get it from your library!! Pt. III Or, Son of the Bride of Helping Patrons Use your Library Instead of Amazon. 

Last week we looked at adding the Library Extension to one's browser. What if patron is already in a store and wants to know if we own an item before they buy it? There's an App for that!!     Read More...

What's New in General

Posted by Mark Arend
Winnefox Library System
Friday, January 30, 2015 - 11:36am

Our READ poster project is moving along well.  We have posters completed for Assembly Representatives Ballweg, Hintz, and Thiesfeldt and Senators Gudex and Olsen.  Several more sessions are scheduled for the next couple of weeks and we're waiting to hear back from several offices.  You can expect pictures to start to arrive in the next couple of weeks.


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