What's New for Member Libraries

Posted by Joy Schwarz
Winnefox Library System
Thursday, May 23, 2019 - 10:23am

Do you have a tech tool that makes library work easier, a technology program or service that draws adults, teens or children into your doors, or apps you’ve found or created for library use? Please fill out this form to let us know what you’d like to share and show at a Tech Days East workshop this September! All topics at the intersection of technology and libraries are welcome.
• Possibilities include, but are not limited to, gadgets, coding, apps, digitization, VR / AR, innovative tools, social media, privacy, makerspaces, Google services, STEM / STEAM, data visualization, e-resources, and teaching tech to patrons. 
• Presentations might also focus on serving specific audiences such as preschoolers, tweens, teens, older adults, and people with varied abilities.

What's New in WALS

smith's picture
Posted by Karla Smith
Winnefox Library System
Monday, September 26, 2022 - 2:40pm


Today’s Topic: Suspending and UNsuspending holds for patrons in WorkFlows.

Truly, the easiest way to suspend and unsuspend holds is in the public catalog; however, one doesn't always have that option. And, as any good Scout knows, it is always better to be prepared with a backup plan!  Suspending a hold in WF is pretty straightforward, but when it comes to un-suspending? That's a different story!.....

What's New in General

Baker's picture
Posted by Keetra Baker
Winnefox Library System
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - 10:22am

Currently, when a patron clicks "Support" on the Overdrive help page at http://dbooks.wplc.info/en/Help.htm, they are directed to an online form (http://www.jotformpro.com/form/2733758317) that submits to staff at WiLS/WPLC.  However, WPLC will soon be discontinuing this option for patron support.  The form itself won't be going away, but the results will no longer be directed to WiLS Staff.  Instead, the submissions will be coming our way.

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