What's New in WALS

Monday 'Minder 2021.24


Today’s Topic: EStuff Only, or, No Estuff nohow!...How to clean your Windows!

Continuing from where we left off last week...Some limiting can be done even without using the facets.  Did you know you can tell the catalog up front whether to search ematerials or not?...Read more...

Monday 'Minder 2021.23


Today’s Topic: "Fascinating Facets!...and Emojis, Emojis Everywhere!

Enterprise, our public access catalog, is really very powerful.  Did you know you can fine-tune your search not only to include certain things, but also to exclude certain things?...Read more...

Monday 'Minder 2021.22


Today’s Topic: "I paid for that" or Where did that bill go?...and shortcuts to select text.

Sometimes you are pretty sure there ought to be a bill on a patron's record. Or sometimes a patrons says "I paid for that" when they still owe $$ for something.  How do you look to see information about  whether/when/how a bill was paid...Read more...

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