What's New in WALS

Avoiding Notices going to Spam folders

One of the first suggestions we always give patrons who report that they didn’t get an email notice is to add sirsi@xavier.winnefox.org to their list of safe senders,  Contacts/address book, or something similar to avoid being marked as Spam.

The new server has a new name, and now patrons will need to change “xavier” to “vetinari” in that address—or just add sirsi@vetinari.winnefox.org  -- this is especially true of AOL addresses.


Percentage of Renewals

Have you ever wondered how much your patrons are renewing materials? Here is a report that gives you an idea...

Using data from the last 12 months (Aug 5th 2014-Aug 4th 2015), this spreadsheet will show the percentage of total circulation that comes from renewals. There are two tables, one sorted by library and one sorted by percentage.

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