What's New in WALS

Reminder: Adding Magazine Issues

Hi guys,

Just as a reminder, if you're adding a magazine issue, do remember to fill in all ItemCats for the item; they're all important, as blanks or incorrect values for ItemCats can be seen both on monthly stat reports, and in the catalog's filters.

ItemCat1 is for the broad type of material. Monthly stats rely on ICat1 to tell you generally what's circulating at your library.

The Power of Libraries

In this time of extreme budget cuts and moratoriums on government spending at any level, the public doesn't seem to understand the effect this will have on their libraries. If they do, there is still a prevailing perception that "we don't need libraries any more, we've got the internet."  Here is a video that helps illustrate the power and value of libraries in a way that the public, your county boards, municipal councils, etc can understand. Please share. 

Shortcuts to Wizards

Hi guys,

It's been awhile since we brought it up, so:

Did you know you can open the Checkout Wizard without clicking on it? Just hit the F5 key, found across the top row of your keyboard!

Many wizards can be quickly open this way by using one of the special F-keys; some will need to have the Shift or Alt key (on the bottom of your keyboard) pressed as well.

Which key opens which Wizard can be seen by looking to the left of the wizard name: 

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