Teen Tech Week is March 5-11: Be the Source of Change
Submitted by Schwarz on
Teen Tech Week™ is March 5–11, 2017 and the theme is "Be the Source of Change". Use these free tools to make Teen Tech Week a success at your library:
- Activitiy Ideas Toolkit — 50 ideas to try at your library
- Webinar Recordings — videos on topics including Developing Hands-On Learning Experiences for Teens, and TTW Activities for Older Teens
- Event Planning Toolkit — includes materials list, planning calendar, and more
- Publicity Toolkit — sample press release, sample letters to the editor, PSAs, and other tools to publicize TTW in your community
- Making in the Library Toolkit
— provides materials and resources for programs (stealth programming, sewing, bicycle repair, etc.), outreach, and collections
- 25 Easy Tips for Teens — ideas for getting teens involved in Teen Tech Week at your library
- websites on youth empowerment & community service, STEM resources, and internet safety