Submitted by Baker on
By the end of June, three of our current electronic resources will be discontinued:
- Kids Search
- Searchasaurus, and
- Student Research Center
I have added a note on the Research pages regarding these changes.
Don't worry, though! These resources will be replaced by a new resource called Explora. View this short video for a sneak peek or sign up for an upcoming June 18 training webinar if you'd like more information.
Unless you link to Kids Search, Searchasaurus, or Student Research Center from elsewhere on your site (besides the Research pages), there is nothing you need to do. I will take care of the changes as needed. If you do link to them elsewhere, you'll want to replace them with the new Explora link (contact me for your link) come July 1st.
I will feature Explora for a month later this year like I've been doing with other resources, probably once school gets underway in the fall.
- Baker's blog
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