What's New for Member Libraries

Watch at Your Convenience: Trustee Training Week Recordings

If you missed any of the webinars during Trustee Training Week, you can watch recordings and view presenters’ slides – any time it’s convenient for you – at the TTW Recordings page.

  • Crafting Your Library's Story with Data
  • Effective Boards Have Effective Meetings!
  • From Advocate to Activist
  • Orientation for New Library Board Trustees
  • Wisconsin Public Library Standards for Trustees

5 Webinars in 1 Week this August

You & your library's trustees are invited to attend any or all 5 of these webinars during Wisconsin Trustee Training Week, August 13 – 17, 2018. All presentations start at noon, and last 60 minutes.

Be a presenter at Tech Days this September

Do you have a tech tool that makes library work easier, a technology program or service that draws adults, teens or children into your doors, or cool apps you’ve found or created for library use?  If so, consider sharing it with your library colleagues at Tech Days this September!

Use the Tech Days presentation proposal form to let me know what you'd like to show and share. (Sorry, the proposal submission deadline was June 29, 2018.)

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