What's New for Member Libraries

Posted by Angela Schneider
Winnefox Library System
Monday, January 8, 2024 - 6:17pm

NEW: How to Write Effective Survey Questions to Get Useful Data

Marketer and wordsmith Kathy Dempsey can prepare you to avoid survey pitfalls. Sign up for this webinar so you’ll understand the tactics: -Every word you choose matters. -Beware of open-ended questions. -Always avoid library lingo. -Never ask about “interest.” -Ask the same question more than once. -Write, test, tweak, repeat. -What makes people take surveys? 

What's New in WALS

smith's picture
Posted by Karla Smith
Winnefox Library System
Monday, March 3, 2025 - 11:32am


Today's Topic: Spring Housecleaning! aka Database Maintenance
Today's Tech Tip: Schedule sending an email

Just as one cleans out one's garden at certain times of the year, so I do periodic cleaning of our shared database and it is getting to be about that time. It is frustrating for patrons and staff to wade through search results with copies that say "Withdrawn" or "LongOverdue" or "Missing."

The obvious ones to clean up are all those items you weeded. You check out weeded items to your WD-XX user (ex WD-PO, for PoySippi), and that changes the status (Current Location) to WITHDRAWN2 which patrons can't see in the catalog.  The next step is a report to move all those withdrawn items to a special, system-location of DISCARD.  As I said, those are the obvious ones, but there are a bunch more. For example...

What's New in General

Posted by Joy Schwarz
Winnefox Library System
Monday, April 3, 2017 - 8:20am

Get registration links & descriptions of each session(link is external) at Sparks. Here's a list of the webinars with their dates & times:

Making Your Collection Count
April 19, 10 - 11 am

Adult Selection Tools
May 12, 1 - 2 pm

Tips for Building a Well-Rounded Collection for Youth
September 7, 1 -2 pm

Data-Informed Collection Development
October 26, 10 - 11 am

Promoting Your Collection:  Merchandising and More
November 3, 10 – 11:30 am

This webinar series is sponsored by Winnefox and 10 other library systems.

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