What's New for Member Libraries

Posted by Joy Schwarz
Winnefox Library System
Monday, December 14, 2020 - 3:30pm

NEW: please update your library's info at Reopening Winnefox Libraries: Service Levels.
If you are looking for most recent updates regarding reopening, or the link to the webinar you want to attend, or information regarding remote board meeting, it is all at the COVID-19 Resources page. We will be updating it regularly.

What's New in WALS

smith's picture
Posted by Karla Smith
Winnefox Library System
Friday, January 31, 2025 - 2:15pm


Today’s Topic: How to get rid of all those Lost Item Alerts, or What to do when you get the “Item not found in Catalog” popup.

 When a patron doesn’t return an item, after 30 days it becomes LOST and the patron is Billed for the item. For 18-22 months, the item stays in LOST Limbo and remains in the database and on the patron’s record as LOST bill.  3-4 times/yr I run a report that moves these items and bills from LOST Limbo to UI Purgatory. This process removes the item from the database (so they don’t show in the catalog or WF), and removes the LOST bill, and replaces it with a UI-ITEM bill.  It also writes the item’s info to the patron record in the Lost Items Note field. Why do you care? ...Read more...

What's New in General

Baker's picture
Posted by Keetra Baker
Winnefox Library System
Monday, January 25, 2016 - 3:19pm

Due to lack of financial support, Flipster will be discontinued when our subscription is up on March 31st.  I will be putting a notice on the Research pages during early February to let patrons know.  If you currently have it featured somewhere on your website, you’ll want to start thinking about what you might want to put in its place.

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