What's New for Member Libraries

Missed These? You Can Still Manage your Email & Desk with These Webinar Recordings

Missed these webinars in March? You can watch the recordings anytime!
Is your inbox is full of a backlog of unread or unanswered emails? Does paperwork spill onto every available surface? Do you want to get more stuff done in less time, while looking effortless in the process?
If you answered yes to any of those questiions, watch these NEWI-sponsored webinar recordings:
Overcoming the Email Avalanche(link is external)
From Inbox to Completion(link is external)

Manage your Email & Workflow with These Webinars in March

Is your inbox is full of a backlog of unread or unanswered emails? Does paperwork spill onto every available surface? Do you want to get more stuff done in less time, while looking effortless in the process? If you answered yes to any of those questiions, plan to attend one or both of thse NEWI-sponsored webinars in March:
Overcoming the Email Avalanche, 3/20 at 10am
From Inbox to Completion, 3/27 at 10am

Recordings of Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference webinars

Recordings of all 14 webinars from the Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference are now available here(link is external). Watch sessions in 4 tracks — small & mighty, marketing, youth services, and library leadership — plus opening and closing sessions.

The 7th annual WWWC was a state-wide virtual conference supported by all 16 library systems and DPI. Because of this collaboration, all sessions are available to you at no cost.

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