What's New for Member Libraries

Collection Development Webinar Series Continues

Get registration links & descriptions of each session at Sparks. Here's a list of the webinars with their dates & times:

Tips for Building a Well-Rounded Collection for Youth
September 7, 1 -2 pm

Data-Informed Collection Development
October 26, 10 - 11 am

Promoting Your Collection:  Merchandising and More
November 3, 10 – 11:30 am

This is a continuation of a 5-webinar series that began in April & May; the series is sponsored by Winnefox and 10 other library systems.

5 Webinars in 1 Week in August

You & your library's trustees are invited to attend any or all 5 of these webinars during Wisconsin Trustee Training Week, August 21 – 25, 2017. All presentations start at noon, and last 60 minutes.

Bus Trip to ALA Exhibit Hall in Chicago

Update: the bus is full, but you may use this form to get on the waiting list.

This is only 1 seat left —register now to join us for a one-day excursion to McCormick Place in Chicago, to visit the Exhibit Hall of the American Library Association (ALA) annual conference.

You may board the bus in Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, or Appleton.

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