Video Game Consoles

Video gaming equipment is available for loan to Winnefox libraries.  To reserve a console, contact Pete Hodge at sends e-mail) or 920-236-5273.

Here's what's available...

Two Nintendo Wii Consoles (each with 4 controllers) each include:

  • Guitar Hero III (2 guitars)
  • Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party (with spare dance pad)
  • Wii Sports
  • Mario Party 8
  • Rayman Raving Rabbids
  • Mario Strikers
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Mario Cart for Wii
  • Boom Blox Bash Party
  • Carnival Games
  • Monster Jam: Urban Assault

Two Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles (each with 4 controllers) each include:

  • Guitar Hero III (2 guitars)
  • Dance Dance Revolution Universe (with spare dance pad)
  • Burnout Revenge
  • Madden 08
  • Table Tennis
  • NBA Street

Two digital projectors with external speakers.

Console Rules and Regs:

  • The loan period will be limited to one week.
  • Consoles and games will be loaned on a first-come, first-serve basis.  However, I'll try to keep things fair so every library gets a chance to borrow them if demand is high.
  • There will be a loose limit of two consoles per library, but we'll try to be as flexible as possible and adjust to each library's needs.
  • We'll probably be able to loan only one projector at a time.  If you request more than one console, you'll either need to swap or use your own projector/TV.
  • Please have some wet-wipes or a similar product on hand to help keep the equipment clean.
  • I'll be including spare AA batteries with each console for the wireless controllers, but it would be a good idea to have some on hand just in case.
  • Please do all the setup of equipment yourself.  Patrons can advise, but we would rather not have them setting things up.
  • Plan on receiving the equipment a few days before your program is scheduled.  I highly recommend you give yourself time to set up and test out the equipment beforehand.  There are instruction sheets included with each console, but nothing compares to just trying it out for yourself.

Instruction sheets for hooking up the equipment:

Contact Pete Hodge at 920-236-5273 or sends e-mail) for more information.