1. Guessing Isn't Good Enough: Using Data to Make Effective Decisions workshop
2. Directors' Meeting afterwards
Date: Tuesday September 18, 2012
Location: Ripon Public Library, 120 Jefferson Street, Ripon (map)
Presenter: Jeff Gilderson-Duwe, Director of the Oshkosh Public Library and the Winnefox Library System
9:00 - 9:30am | coffee & conversation |
9:30am - 12:30 pm | Guessing Isn't Good Enough workshop |
12:30 - 1:00 pm | lunch (provided for directors; $7 for others) |
1:00 pm | Directors' meeting (others are welcome to attend) |
1. Guessing Isn't Good Enough: Using Data to Make Effective Decisions workshop
As leaders in our libraries, we make many decisions every day that influence the services we provide to the public. At their PLA 2012 Pre-Conference workshop, library consultants June Garcia and Sandra Nelson presented a model for using data rather than “past experiences and gut instinct” to make more effective decisions. With permission from Garcia and Nelson, Jeff will share some of the handouts from the workshop, present the decision-making model, and offer one case-study exercise for practice and discussion.
Lunch will be provided to directors; others may stay for lunch and for the meeting. The lunch cost for non-directors will be $7.00.
2. Directors' Meeting
Meeting topics will include:
- Introduction of new directors since the January meeting
- Follow-up from the morning's workshop: what statistics Winnefox can provide
- Overview of the 2013 Winnefox Budget
Continuing education contact hours: 3 (for workshop only)
CE activity report form
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