Submitted by smith on
Topic: Checkouts to Date, or Time To Do Some Last Minute Shopping/Weeding
Tis the season for doing some collection clean-up, and spending any leftover 2022 Materials Budget money before the year's end... Read More...
Year end is a good time to do some last minute housecleaning before Melissa and I start cranking out the statistics for the dread Annual Report [cue dramatic: duh, duh, daa!!], and before the "Checkouts to Date" statistic gets reset on Jan 1. What's the Checkouts to Date statistic, you ask? It is the statistic that tells you how many times an item has circ'd to a patron in the past year. It shows on Call Number/Item tab of the Item Search Wizard, and on the Circ tab of the Detailed Display of an item.
And, now it appears on some of the BC Analytics reports you use. I have added it to:
- For Libraries/Item Lists/List Items--Basic
- For Libraries/Weeding Reports/List Items--Basic2
- For Libraries/Weeding Reports/Weeding List--Checkouts
- For Libraries/Weeding Reports/Weeding List by Dewey
- For Libraries/Weeding Reports/Collection Dev byDewey
Most of these reports will also let you filter by number of times an item was checked out this year.
Checkouts to Date (CtD) field is good for giving a picture of how much current traffic an item is getting. Previously, reports showed Total Number of Circ and could be filtered to exclude items with recent activity. However, there are several things that update Last Activity, and Total # of circs doesn't indicate how many circ'd when. Unlike Last Activity Date, Checkouts to Date only counts checkouts to real patrons--not WD, Damaged, LibraryUse, or InProcess. Using CtD, if a Fiction bk from 2018 has 300 Total Checkouts but only 1 Checkout to Date, it is clearly no longer as popular as it once was (or it has taken a walk).
Checkouts to Date are also good for Collection development. You can get a list of DVDs that have checked out more than 30 times this year alone in case you want to check for scratches and replace. You can run the Collection Dev by Dewey and see how many of your medical books have circ'd more than 3 times this year despite being published 20 yrs ago.
The possibilities are endless, but time is running out! ACT NOW, because this offer ends soon! Head over to BC Analytics soon to take advantage of this amazing, short-term opportunity! Restrictions may apply. Void where prohibited.
That's it for this week... Everyone enjoy the holidays and stay well!
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