Makerspaces in the Library workshop registration form

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Makerspaces in the Library: Full STEAM Ahead

Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Time: 9:30am to 3:30pm
Location: Ripon Public Library (map)
Presenter: Shannon Barniskis

If you’ve wondered about the makerspace movement – even if it's not in your library's plan for the immediate future – here’s your chance to find out about it!

Shannon will lead a lively day of experiences:Image

  • Why put makerspaces in public libraries?
    • Shannon will discuss how the Lomira QuadGraphics Community Library (service population 3,000) joined the makerspace movement, incorporating programs, tools, and materials that support Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) with robots, a 3D printer, and both digital & analog arts
  • Hands-on with elements of the makerspace environment:
    • Learn to solder
    • Create a makey-makey banana piano
    • Work with Drawdio, play with Octolively, and view other projects
    • Print with a 3D printer, and work on creating models to print
  • Discuss possibilities for instituting makerspaces in your libraries:
    • What tools and resources do you already have?
    • What else would you need?
  • Bring it home to the library's mission

Shannon was recently director of the Lomira QuadGraphics Community Library in Lomira, Wisconsin and is currently a PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Studies.  You can read about libraries and makerspaces at  Shannon will be coming to Ripon fresh from having attended the Bay Area Maker Faire in California.

9:00 - 9:30am coffee & conversation
9:30 - Noon workshop, part 1
Noon - 1pm catered lunch ($7) or bring your own
1 - 3:30pm workshop, part 2

Continuing education contact hours: 5 technology-related
