Disaster Preparedness workshop registration form

ImageDisaster Preparedness Workshop

Flood!  Fire!  Tornado!  Earthquake!  Zombies!

Disaster can strike your library at any time. Some disasters are natural, others are man-made. 

After attending this workshop you will know how to:

  • Assess your library’s risk
  • Mitigate those risks you can manage
  • Develop plans to mitigate the damage if disaster strikes

Date: Tuesday November 17, 2015
Time: 9am coffee & conversation; 9:30am - 12:30pm workshop
Location: Ripon Public Library (Silver Creek Meeting Room), 120 Jefferson Street, Ripon (map)

Presenter: Mark Arend, Assistant Director of Winnefox Library System

Continuing education contact hours: 3

This workshop is sponsored by the Winnefox Library System.

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