Sparks: Contribute Your Story & Suggest Ideas

It's easy to contribute tips and suggest ideas for Sparks posts by using this form.

Do you have something you want to share with other libraries?  You're invited to tell me about...

  • your fundraising event
  • a creative display
  • a program your customers loved
  • your library's success stories

Have a photo to share with your story? You can totally do that.

And while I can't guarantee your story will appear in Sparks, I do look forward to reading your story.

The Library Sparks blog is for sharing ideas from around the system & around the country about programming, fundraising, grants, free stuff, and more. Provided by the Winnefox Library System as a service to its 30 public libraries, it grew out of the 2008-2010 Strategic Plan as an idea for a system-wide "good ideas" sharing mechanism for Winnefox member libraries.

Give me the Who, What, Where, Why, and When. :-) You can type or copy & paste your story into the box above. Or you can copy & paste a link to the Facebook post or web page that tells the story.
(maximum photo file size: 2 MB)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.