Wi-Fi or Internet Down?

Booted out of Workflows? Can’t get on the Internet? Is your network down? Here are three steps to help you figure out the scope of the problem.

First Step!

Is Workflows down?

If yes, check to see if it’s just Workflows, or if it’s a bigger problem by checking if the Internet down. You can test that by doing a random Google search in Chrome, Firefox or Edge. If the Internet is down too, skip to the next step.

If the Internet still works, but not Workflows, then restart the computer. If it still fails call WALS! If you can’t reach anyone at Winnefox, call the Oshkosh Public Library (920-236-5203 or 920-236-5205) and see if their Workflows is working.

Second Step!

If the Internet and Workflows are down on Computer #1, try the Internet on Staff Computer #2, or a public computer.

If the Internet fails on Staff Computer #2 or on a public computer in addition to Computer #1, next step.

If the Internet works on Computer #2 or a public computer, the problem is limited to Computer #1. If a reboot hasn’t fixed it, check the physical network connection on Computer #1 and/or call WALS.

Third Step!

If the Internet doesn’t work on Staff or Public computers, it’s time to call WALS. If no one is available, then check the network equipment.

For Spectrum/Charter libraries, this means it’s time to power-cycle (unplug/re-plug the power cord) your cable modem. And ONLY your cable modem. If the network doesn’t come up within 10 minutes after power-cycling your cable modem, and you can’t reach anyone at Winnefox, you can call Spectrum (877-892-4662) directly. You will need the libraries’ account number and the address of the library.

For non-Spectrum libraries, you only need to check to make sure the network equipment has power. If it does and things aren’t working, and you can’t reach anyone at Winnefox, you can call Badgernet (855-457-9273) directly. You may need your Site ID, but often just identifying the library and address is enough.

Bonus Round: Wireless

Is a patron having trouble with wireless? If other patrons or staff can access wireless on their devices, then it’s a problem with the patron’s equipment. If no one can access wireless, but regular computers are fine, it’s time to check the wireless equipment, and ONLY the wireless equipment.

Each library has one or more Cisco Meraki wireless access points (small, flat, white box with two cables running into it and a single LED light on it) that provides wireless for the library. Check to see that the cables are connected, and that the unit has power. If everything looks secure and it’s still not working, try pulling the power cord, plugging it back in, waiting 5 minutes, and trying again. If it’s still not working, contact WALS.

Winnefox numbers:

  • Pete Hodge – 920-236-5273
  • Jay Harland – 920-236-5139
  • Melissa Klein – 920-236-5230
  • Keetra Baker – 920-236-5182
  • Karla Smith – 920-236-5257

Spectrum Support: 877-892-4662
Badgernet Support: 855-457-9273

Library (Spectrum) National Account OLD Account - Spectrum might still be using
Berlin 91133401 Spectrum Account #8245110220057397
Brandon 103568801 Spectrum Account #8245110180006996
Campbellsport 103569501 Spectrum Account #8245110070015289
Coloma 103561001 Spectrum Account #8245113420003823
Green Lake 103562901 Spectrum Account #8245110290015515
Hancock 103563201 Spectrum Account #8245113430004266
Markesan 103563801 Spectrum Account #8245110230014206
North Fond du Lac 103569301 Spectrum Account #8245110020055230
Oakfield 103568901 Spectrum Account #8245110090006359
Omro 103569701 Spectrum Account #8245110380034632
Plainfield 103563301 Spectrum Account #8245113400006739
Princeton 103522501 Spectrum Account #8245110300021107
Redgranite 103563601 Spectrum Account #8245113380015536
Ripon 95730101 Spectrum Account #8245110240066758
Wautoma 96885601 Spectrum Account #8245113320027708
Westfield 103566601 Spectrum Account #8245113410012784
Wild Rose 103563901 Spectrum Account #8245113370008459
Winneconne 103564801 Spectrum Account #8245110390022114


DOA Teach Libraries BCN Site ID
Endeavor STOJEPVWI02
Leon-Saxeville (Pine River) STOJRRLWL11
Mill Pond (Kingston) STOJMKQWI02
Montello STOJOLOWI02
Neshkoro STOJWWXWI06
Packwaukee STOJEPVWI03
Winnefox STOJOSHWI08