Electronic Resources Statistics

Most statistics will be posted as soon as possible after month end, although Gale Udemy stats take time to process.  Those typically complete by the 5th of the month and will be posted as soon after the 5th as they are available.  Check back!

Click-tracking - updated 07/01/2024
Top 5 Most-Clicked - updated 07/03/2024
Gale Courses - updated 07/01/2024
Gale Udemy (new product January) - updated 07/03/2024
Hoopla (for subscribing libraries) - updated 07/09/2024
Hoopla - UCat1 (for subscribing libraries) - updated 07/09/2024
Kanopy - updated 07/01/2024
Kanopy Accounts, Home Libraries - updated 07/01/2024
NewspaperARCHIVE - updated 07/01/2024
Niche Academy (discontinued July)
Overdrive - updated 07/01/2024
TeachingBooks - updated 07/01/2024
2023 2022 2021
Top 5 Most-Clicked
Top 5 Most-Clicked for 2022
Top 5 Most-Clicked for 2021
Gale Courses
Gale Courses Usercat1
Gale Courses
Gale Courses Usercat1
Gale Courses
Gale Courses Usercat1
Hoopla (for subscribing libraries) - -
Kanopy (new product March)
Kanopy Accounts, Home Libraries
- -
NewspaperARCHIVE NewspaperARCHIVE NewspaperARCHIVE
Niche Academy Niche Academy Niche Academy (new product June)
Overdrive Usercat1
Overdrive Usercat1
Overdrive Usercat1
TeachingBooks TeachingBooks TeachingBooks
- TransparentLanguage (discontinued February) TransparentLanguage
- Wall Street Journal (discontinued September) Wall Street Journal (new product August)

