Electronic Resources / Research Tools

Winnefox provides access to many reliable resources, available to both you and your patrons through your library’s website. These resources include those provided by BadgerLink and WPLC, as well as others we purchase cooperatively for all of our libraries:

  • BadgerLink resources include numerous EBSCO products, ECB Wisconsin Media Lab, products, Encyclopedia Britannica, HeritageQuest, LearningExpress, LitFINDER, NewspaperARCHIVE, TeachingBooks, Wisconsin Newspapers Digital Research Site.
  • WPLC provides both of our electronic book offerings, EBSCO eBooks and Overdrive.

On your library’s Research Tools web page, we categorize the available resources into subject guides (biographies, genealogy, health, etc.) format (encyclopedias, newspapers, etc.), and also offer an A-Z list of resources.

Your patrons may access these online resources from within your library or from their home or work computer.  When accessing these resources from home, patrons are presented with an authentication screen where they need to enter their library card number and PIN.  (This is the same library card number and PIN that patrons use to access their account through our catalog).  We use a product called EZProxy to manage home access to resources.

We also provide links to recommended websites.  (Access to these websites doesn’t require a library card number or PIN.)  If you often use a web site to answer your patron’s reference questions but it isn’t listed on one of the subject/format web pages, please contact Keetra Baker baker@winnefox.org who can add it to the appropriate page(s), so other libraries may benefit from linking to it too.

We provide usage statistics for these products, updated monthly.  Included in these statistics are various reports we receive from each resource’s vendor including COUNTER statistics, and a record of the number of times your patrons click a link to any of our resources or recommended websites. 

If your library manages its own website & you link to any of these resources outside your Electronic Resources / Research Tools pages, OR If you have a link to an outside resource you’d like tracked, please contact Keetra Baker for information on creating the URL to use so clicks for those links are tracked in your click-counts.

Winnefox participates in the OverDrive Advantage program to purchase additional copies of popular titles, available exclusively to WLS libraries' cardholders. Winnefox libraries contribute to a local buying pool so their patrons have a reduced waiting list on popular titles in the statewide WPLC shared collection.  Here are titles that have been purchased recently:

If you have any questions regarding your Electronic Resources / Research Tools, please contact Keetra Baker baker@winnefox.org.
