Use this online order form to request delivery supplies. Delivery box cards Delivery box cards, A - N Delivery box cards, O - Z These cards go in the pockets of red boxes Pink labels for statewide delivery Pink labels for statewide delivery These labels get inserted into ILL materials you're sending on the statewide van delivery system 1-part ILL forms 1-part ILL forms For in-library use Teal transfer slips Teal transfer slips Routing slips for these libraries Berlin Brandon Campbellsport Coloma Endeavor Fond du Lac Green Lake Hancock Kingston Markesan Menasha Montello Neenah Neshkoro North Fond du Lac Oakfield Omro Oshkosh Oxford Packwaukee Pine River Plainfield Poy Sippi Princeton Redgranite Ripon Wautoma WCTS Westfield Wild Rose Winneconne Winnefox Send them to me at * CHOOSE one:BerlinBrandonCampbellsportColomaEndeavorFond du LacGreen LakeHancockKingstonMarkesanMenashaMontelloNeenahNeshkoroNorth Fond du LacOakfieldOmroOshkoshOxfordPackwaukeePine RiverPlainfieldPoy SippiPrincetonRedgraniteRiponWautomaWCTSWestfieldWild RoseWinneconne E-mail * Quantity * Give me the usual amount Give me a little Give me a lot Comments Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Tags: deliveryILL