Location: Oshkosh Public Library Conference Room (lower level)
WTEC consists of the directors of the Berlin, Fond du Lac, Menasha, Neenah, Omro, Oshkosh, Princeton, Ripon, and Westfield libraries, with Winnefox staff Karla Smith, Cindy Wallace, and Mark Arend as non-voting members. Anyone is welcome to attend.
1. Call to order and establishment of a quorum.
2. Approval of the Minutes for 12 July
3. OWLSnet proposal
4. WALS budget
5. ShortLoan items and special cards (homebound, teacher, etc)
6. Database quality control and editing records
7. OverDrive/WPLC update
8. General technology update and discussion of projects
9. Future agenda items?
10. Next meeting date: 8 November
Contact Mark Arend arend@winnefox.org or 920-236-5222.