Registration coming soon - Save the Date!
Wednesday, May 7, 10am (full scheduling coming soon
Location: Berlin Public Library, Kay Swan Meeting Room (2nd floor)
One day, two events you won't want to miss!
10:00 - 11:00 Shop the $5 Book Sale, presented by Maris Education, to find new childrens and Wisconsin nonfiction titles for your collections.
**Full schedule coming soon
Spend hands-on time exploring several of the items available for your library to borrow from the WCTS Creative Studio collection., including our new and revamped Storytime Kits, Pete's Garage collection, and play with the Occulus virtual reality equipment.
Learn about our newest digital resource - Creativebug. Get a demo about how your patrons can use it and how you can use it to build and enhance programs. Leave with a ready-to-go program guide and inspiration to create more!
Book Sale:
Maris Dambekaln of Maris Education will bring a large selection of nonfiction children's books and Wisconsin Historical Society materials priced at $5 which you may purchase for your library.
Everything will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. You'll want to come early! You don't need to bring cash -- Maris will compile one invoice for WCTS, and we'll invoice your library separately.
Creative Studios Demo:
A number of kits and tools from the Creative Studios collection will be out for you to play with. Crystal will demo several of them. Ask questions, learn more about how you can use them at your library, and leave with new skills.
Library directors: attendance at Creative Studios Demo Day can record one (1) Tech CE hour toward recertification.
Lunch: A free pizza lunch will be provided for attendees.
Non-WCTS members are welcome to attend.
Contact Crystal Marschall at or 920-361-1916.