Post ALL-WALS Post


Thanks to everyone who attended the last ALL-WALS meeting! Melissa has posted all the documents from the meeting. They can be found under WALS-->ALL-WALS.  Or, here's the link:

One thing that's not in the documentation, and was voted to be an official Best Practices procedure:   It was decided that the official procedures for dealing with items that arrive at your library damaged but belong to another library should be to:

  • Check the item out to the owning library’s XX-DA user. A User search for "Damaged" will get you the library's User ID.
  • Write a note (we will eventually create a form) with as much info as possible—esp. a complete name, date, and library.
  • Preferably put item in Blue Delivery Bag or large envelope to prevent note from getting lost, or more damage occurring.

I will be ordering more credit card readers no later than April 15th. Let me know if you want one.

I sent out a more detailed email to Directors+.


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