Mobile-Friendly Developments

ImageWinnefox staff are working to provide mobile-friendly versions of services.  It's our desire to improve the usability of library products for the increasing number of people who use a phone, ebook reader, or other mobile device to use our catalog and libraries' websites.

SirsiDynix catalog:

  • The catalog now supports mobile devices. You will see the mobile version when you visit the site on a mobile device.

Library websites:

  • All Drupal-based websites either have a separate mobile version of their website, or their site is responsive. Responsive design means the site can be scaled and resized to fit any device and any screen resolution.
  • All sites will eventually use responsive design.

Research tools:

If you'd like to see what a website looks like on a mobile device, use this simulator to view and navigate a website as if it were on an iPhone.

For further reading: The State of Mobile in Libraries 2012 (Library Journal, 7 Feb 2012)