Choosing Quality Nonfiction
Location: Kay Swan Meeting Room (2nd floor), Berlin PL, 121 West Park Ave., Berlin (map & driving directions)
9am — coffee and conversation
9:30am — Maris $5 Book Sale
Maris Dambekaln of Maris Education will bring a large selection of books which you may purchase for your library. For those of you unfamiliar with this sale, Maris brings boxes of children's books priced at $5. Everything will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. You'll want to come early! You don't need cash -- Maris will compile one invoice for WCTS, and we'll invoice your library separately.
10am — Nonfiction Collection Development
Presenter: Sandy Joseph, Materials Selection Librarian, Oshkosh Public Library
Sandy will discuss practical, hands-on techniques to build and maintain a healthy, well-rounded nonfiction collection.
RSVP to Cindy Wallace at WCTS, 920-361-1916 or email