CE Scholarship Fund 2023-2024

CE Scholarship Fund 2023-2024 Request Form

The application periods for all 2023-2024 scholarships have closed.  Details about the next round of scholarships for the 2024-2025 cycle will be announced in July 2024.

Winnefox offered competitive scholarships to support costs for library staff attendance at continuing education events with 2023-2024 funds, including:

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Scholarship recipients!

Conference Scholarship Recipients, be sure to: 

  • Submit all receipts for elibible expenses to Marcy Cannon within one month of your scholarship-supported CE activity.

Please note, if an individual receives personal reimbursement for the expense they will need to fill out a W-9 form. If reimbursement in one calendar year to a single individual totals more than $600, income from the scholarship is taxable.


Questions? Contact Angela Schneider at aschneider@winnefox.org or (920) 234-6213.

Scholarship funds are made possible by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Public Library Development Team, with funding support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

The entity which pays the expense is to whom the reimbursement check will be made payable.
A paragraph or two about how this activity will help you provide excellent service to your community, and how the scholarship will help your library.
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