Monthly Statistics Annual Circulation Statistics Special Reports
August 10, 2022 -- Karla Smith
There are a few reports that still run in WorkFlows and there are many reports that run in BLUEcloud Analytics (BC Analytics). Some run automatically, some need to be scheduled to run by each library, and some are run "as needed."
Here are some documents to help clarify which reports run where, and which ones you need to make sure are being run for your library:
The following reports still run in WorkFlows:
A report can be used to create lists of new items for libraries that are not using the Symphony Acquisitions software. The lists are for the library’s website. The report inserts the HTML needed for the titles to have links to the catalog and Syndetics for cover art and additional content. The lists are sorted by Home Location so that the library can easily split out or group various locations.
The reports can schedule the report to run monthly or weekly, or, if the library has had report training, the library can run it at anytime.
When inserted into the library's website, the list takes on the design and look of the library’s website:
If other libraries want new material lists on their websites and are interested in using the new report, contact Melissa Klein or Jay Harland; Melissa will set up the report and Jay will add it to the website.
Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.
Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.
All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
Februrary | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Statistic Reports for June-December, 2014.
Month | User Satistics | Item Statistics |
January | ||
February | ||
March | ||
April | ||
May | ||
June | ||
July | ||
August | ||
September | ||
October | ||
November | ||
December |
The New Users report shows the total number of new users registered over the course of the month. The Total Active Users report totals the number of patrons who have used their library card within the past month. Both of these reports are split out by User Cat1.
The Circ by User Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library within the past month, split out by User Cat 1.
The Circ by Item Type report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Type.*
The Circ by Item Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Cat1.*
The Circ by Home Location report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Home Location.*
*Item Type, Item Cat 1, and Home Loc: An item's Type describes how the item circulates (ex: how long it circluates and what fine is applied to it if it is overdue). ItemCat1 describes broadly what the item "is", for statistical purposes. An item's Home Location (HomeLoc) describes where in the library it is shelved. There can be overlap between Type, ItemCat1, and Home Loc: Type=DVD, ItemCat1=DVD, HomeLoc=DVD. However, there can also be distinctions: Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=BOOK, HomeLoc=NONFICTION ; Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=LARGEPRINT, HomeLoc=LGPRT-MYS.
Month | User Satistics | Item Statistics | Item Stats by Age |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
The New Users report shows the total number of new users registered over the course of the month. The Total Active Users report totals the number of patrons who have used their library card within the past month. Both of these reports are split out by User Cat1.
The Circ by User Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library within the past month, split out by User Cat 1.
The Circ by Item Type report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Type.*
The Circ by Item Cat 1 report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Cat1.*
The Circ by Home Location report shows the total number of checkouts at each library over the past month, split out by the item's Home Location.*
*Item Type, Item Cat 1, and Home Loc: An item's Type describes how the item circulates (ex: how long it circluates and what fine is applied to it if it is overdue). ItemCat1 describes broadly what the item "is", for statistical purposes. An item's Home Location (HomeLoc) describes where in the library it is shelved. There can be overlap between Type, ItemCat1, and Home Loc: Type=DVD, ItemCat1=DVD, HomeLoc=DVD. However, there can also be distinctions: Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=BOOK, HomeLoc=NONFICTION ; Type=BOOK, ItemCat1=LARGEPRINT, HomeLoc=LGPRT-MYS.
Monthly Statistics from 2017.
Month | User Satistics | Item Statistics |
December | ||
November | ||
October | ||
September | ||
August | ||
July | ||
June | ||
May | ||
April | ||
March | ||
February | ||
January |
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics |
December | ||
November | ||
October | ||
September | ||
August | ||
July | ||
June | ||
May | ||
April | ||
March | ||
February | ||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.
Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.
All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", unless otherwise specified.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.
Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.
All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
February | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
Each month a series of reports run that generate statistics for library use.
Each report is an Excel spreadsheet, and most open to the sheet listing the system totals; each library's individual stats have their own sheet. Use the green arrows in the lower lefthand footer of Excel to scroll through sheets to find your libary.
All reports of circulation statistics count both checkouts and renewals as a "circulation", except for "Circ by Hour and Day" which considers only checkouts, and the Shoutbomb renewal reports, which consider only renewals.
Statistics for the month of:
Month | User Statistics | Item Statistics | Shoutbomb Renewals |
December | |||
November | |||
October | |||
September | |||
August | |||
July | |||
June | |||
May | |||
April | |||
March | |||
Februrary | |||
January |
New Users counts the number of users registered at your library in the previous month. Total Active Users counts the number of users who have been active in some way in the last month.
Circ by ICat1 considers the number of checkouts for each ICat1, by ICat2 (Age Group), and splitting out each result CIRC/INHOUSE (ICat4), for each checkout library.
As a convenience to WALS libraries, some reports are produced by staff and made available as finished reports. These reports typcally include data for all of the WALS libraries.
When completed, these reports are made available as here via links to the documents.
2025-2024 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2024-2023.
2024-2023 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2023-2022.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2024)
2023-2022 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2022-2021.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2023)
2022-2021 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2021-2020.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2022)
2021-2020 Year to Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2020-2019.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2021)
2021 Top Books, by User Library - Most popular checkouts, based on User Library, for Fiction and Nonfiction. Each library has a tab.
2020-2019 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2019-2018.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2020)
2020 Top Books, by User Library - Most popular checkouts, based on User Library, for fiction and nonfiction. Each library has a tab.
2019-2018 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2018-2017.
Withdrawn by Item Cat1 - Items withdrawn in the first quarter of 2019 (1/1/2019-4/1/2019), split by Item Cat1 and paged by library.
Withdrawn by Home Location - Items withdrawn in the first quarter of 2019 (1/1/2019-4/1/2019), split by Home Location and paged by library.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2019)
Favorite Author Club Stats - Snapshot of statistics of the Favorite Author Club (autoplacement of holds for patrons for highly popular authors across the system), as of January 2020.
2018-2017 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for 2017-2016.
NetLender/NetBorrower -- This report shows which libraries send more items to fill holds than they recieve for their own holds (NetLender), and which libraries recieve more items than they send (NetBorrower). In addition, it shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owning library's items, and the amount that comes from other libraries.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2018)
2017-2016 Year-to-Date Circulation - A comparison of each month's total circ with the same month of the previous year, with a percentage change. Includes tabs for comparing 2016-2015.
NetLender/NetBorrower -- In addition to showing net lender and net borrower information, this report also shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owning library's collection and the amount that comes from other libraries.
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2017)
2017 Most Popular Titles - A ranked list of the most popular Adult titles checked out in 2017; renewals are not counted towards the total checkout, only the initial check out.
NetLender/NetBorrower -- In addition to showing net lender and net borrower information, this report also shows the amount of circulation that occurs from the owining library's collection and the amount that comes from other libraries.
Circulation by UserCat1, Resident-Nonresident: There are annual reports for each Winnefox county, with a separate sheet for each library, for the resident-Nonresident circulation statistics needed for the state annual report.
2016-2015 Year-to-Date Circulation:
2016-2015 Year-to-Date Circulation This YTD report shows the totals for each library with a comparison to the previous year and the percentage change. For previous years, including the comparion from 2014-2013 and 2013-2012, please see the 2015-2014 document.
2016 Most Popular Titles
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2016)
Circulation and Count of Books, Adult and Children's, by Dewey Range (2014)
Top 30 Dewey Categories, Ranked by Circulation and Count
These tables show the top thirty Dewey call number categories ranked by total item circulation and total item counts, split out by Adult and Children's collections for Item Type (for Adult collections) BOOK, BOOK-LH, and BOOK-NH, and (for Children's collections) JBOOK, JBOOK-LH, JBOOK-NH.
Circulation is based on what was checked out at each library, not the item’s owning library; the report may therefore show circulation in an area of the collection where the library does not own any items, based on the item count column. Item counts for the libraries of Campbellsport and Coloma are excluded, as those libraries use broad categories rather than Dewey.
Any nonfiction call number beginning with a prefix (ex. +, J, PB, etc) is also excluded.
B and BIO collections are INCLUDED, and added to the total 920 Dewey range.
In both the rank by circulation and the rank by count tables, subjects that are in the top thirty for both Adult and Children's collections are highlighted.
To see an individual library’s circulation and item count per Dewey range, and the complete ranking of all Dewey ranges by circulation and by item count please see: Circulation and Count by Dewey per Library
Circulation Trends, 2005-2014 by Broad Category of Material