Updated September 2023
The patron database is part of the shared automation system. With only a few exceptions, there is one record per user. That record/card may be used to check out material at any WALS library. If a user is delinquent at one library, he/she is usually delinquent at any other WALS library. Patrons with a Profile of PUBLIC get blocked at $10.00. Patrons with a Profile of PUBLIC2 get blocked at $25.00.
Libraries agree to follow format rules for entering patron records.
Libraries may collect and keep fine money owed at another library, but payment for lost materials and collection agency fees must be made to the library that owns the material.
The Library field in the patron record determines which Local Hold items are used to fill holds.
The User Profile field in the patron record determines the loan period, fine rate, and maximum fine for items checked out.
The User Category 1 field records where the user lives (or the code for the seasonal residence).VERY IMPORTANT!
The User Category 2 field records the county of the user's residence
The User Category 3 field records the gender of the user. Not important anymore
Exceptions to the one record per user:
Last Activity Date is updated by: Checkouts, discharges, renewals, paying fines, placing holds, using a Pharos-controlled public PC, or an online database that authenticates using the database. The date is NOT changed by changing the user's address, pin numbers, etc., or by renewing an expired card.
Updated 3/11/2025
The basics:
It is very important that UserCat1 field be entered accurately. Library funding formulas use this field.
Use myvote.wi.gov to look up addresses to obtain what municipality or township the patron lives in.
If the address is from one of the other counties within Winnefox, contact a library from that county for help with the User Cat1.
The code for other Wisconsin is: X-OTHER-WI
The code for Out of State is: X-OUTOFSTATE
The complete list of codes is listed under Patron Records.
If you need further help, contact Matt Schrottky at Oshkosh Public.
User Profiles
Checkouts and renewals to these profiles are used in the circulation statistical reports:
User Notes
Anytime you enter a note on a user record, sign the note using the format "LibraryCode, FirstName LastInitial Date".
Library code is the two-letter abbreviation commonly used to indicate library, especially in reports (ie, BE=Berlin, KI=Kingston, PI=Pine River, WN=Winneconne).
A note example: "Verify email. OS Melissa K 4/25/2018".
Barring Patrons - Updated Feb 21, 2025 by Smith
Anytime a library wishes to stop a user from being able to use a library card, their status may be manually set to Barred. Patrons may be Barred temporarily or more permanently. Barring a patron should not be done lightly. The BARRED status excludes patrons from the normal database maintenance.
BARRED is different than a status of DELINQUENT, which indicates the patron has unpaid fines or overdue items, and is set by the system. A delinquent patron with too high fines or too many overdues may become BLOCKED from checking out, also automatically set by the system. A Barred patron has been manually blocked from checking out.
Some examples of when patrons are set to Barred:
Some examples of when NOT to set patrons to Barred:
How to Bar a Patron:
To Unbar Patron:
Procedure—Duplicate User Records in the Database
--Updated 2/2022, Karla Smith
Users are to have only one library card for regular use.
The only exceptions are:
The library that discovers the duplicate-record problem is responsible for handling the records so the problem can get fixed.
When staff notice that there is more than one record for the user in the database, one of the records needs to be marked as a duplicate. How this is done depends on whether or not the user is present.
IF the user is present when the duplicate is noticed:
The user must decide which card he/she will keep. The other card or cards becomes the duplicate(s).
All fines must be paid off on the duplicate card(s), or manually added to the record the patron will be using.
The duplicate record must be edited to add the word DUPLICATE and the library’s initials and a comma before the user’s last name
The duplicate record’s Profile must be changed to REMOVE..
A note must be put in the record.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John, BE ChrisK 10/2/2020.
IF the user is NOT present when the duplicate is noticed and BOTH cards are being used:
Bar both cards.
Put a note in both cards.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John. NE NancyB 10/12/2019.
When patron decides which card to use, change the User Profile of the unused card to REMOVE and UN-Bar both cards.
IF the user is NOT present when the duplicate is noticed and only one card is being used(ie, has no holds or checkouts):
The duplicate record must be edited to add the word DUPLICATE and the library’s initials and a comma before the user’s last name
The duplicate record’s Profile must be changed to REMOVE.This prevents the patron from using it again.
A note must be put in the record.
Example: Duplicate card. Do not use. See other Smith, John, BE ChrisK 10/2/2020.
If money is owed on the INACTIVE card, either waive/forgive them or re-create the bills on the active card and add a bill note. You can use the bill type of OLDFINE, or MISC.
User profile of REMOVE
When the library has determined that a card will no longer be used, change the profile to REMOVE and make sure it is not barred, so that reports can be used to get the record out of the database.
In order to allow library staff to place holds and checkout materials that they need for their jobs, we have created a User Profile called "LIBRARYUSE."
Materials checkedout to staff for purposes of doing their job does not count as circulation as far as your library stats go. That is why staff should never use their personal cards for checking out Storytime materials, or books you're using for Book Clubs, etc. Your personal card should only be used for materials you are checking out for your own personal use.
The LIBRARYUSE Profile is excluded from statistics reports, it has an unlimited load period, and is FineFree, etc. This profile is not to be used to checkout items for personal use--altho' the name on the record often includes the name of the staff person using it.
LIBRARYUSE cards should be entered in one of the the following formats:
For the purpose of these cards, use your library's city not the actual name. ex "WESTFIELD" not "ETHEL EVERHARD"
They can either have a barcode that can be scanned, or can be text like "RI-STORYTIME". The ID just needs to be unique. If you go this route please prefix the ID with your library's 2-letter code. Ex: "GR-STORYTIME"
Think about whether you want these LIBRARYUSE cards to have their Charge History turned on. For Book clubs and Storytimes you probably want it on so you know what you've used already. For placing holds on copies to come back for repair/relabeling/whatever, probably not.
Questions? Please contact Karla Smith or Melissa Klein.
A user can have more than one email address in his/her record. Both addresses go in the email field.
Separate the two addresses with a comma, and no space:
Procedure—Updated 2/19/2024 by Karla Smith
The database records do not get removed immediately from the database. But they should be edited promptly if you know that the patron will no longer be using their card.
Deceased patrons:
1) CATALOG: Log into the catalog as the patron and go to their Favorite Author Tab. Click "Uncheck All" and then Submit at the bottom of the page.
Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.
Patrons who have moved, are inactive, have requested to be removed:
1) CATALOG: Log into the catalog as the patron and go to their Favorite Author Tab. Click "Uncheck All" and then Submit at the bottom of the page.
Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.
Periodically, reports are run to remove older, unused records from the database, including the ones for deceased patrons.
DENIED patrons:
"DENIED" means they are not allowed to have a card. It is NOT the same as BARRED--which just means they are prevented from using some services. Most common usage: a patron applies online for a card but are out of our service area. You could do nothing and the card will eventually expire after 30 days and the patron will be removed. However, in the meantime they can be using your online resources (to which their tax dollars don't contribute). If this concerns you and if want to be able to distinguish these patrons from other patrons being removed, you can use DENIED.
Add the word DENIED and a comma before the last name of the user.
Change the User Profile to REMOVE.
Do NOT set the patron record to BARRED.
Remove all holds.
On the extended Info Tab, enter a note to indicate which library made the change and the date of the change:
Example: OPL-Denied. Do not use. --OS, BeckyS, 6/24/2004
Be sure to save the changes after making the edits.
Updated: 9/6/2024 by K. Smith
Teacher Cards
Teacher cards were introduced to facilitate getting books into the hands of children and provide materials to teachers that support their curriculum. Teachers should also have a non-TEACHER-profile card for their personal library use.
Any WALS library can choose to use the teacher card profile to issue a card to a teacher, day care provider, or home-schooler. Here are instructions for entering Teacher cards into WorkFlows.
WALS libraries have agreed teachers may only have 1 TEACHER profile card, and that all teachers using this card will have the same basic settings. These settings apply to checkouts at any WALS library. The simplified approach makes it easier for teachers regardless of which library or libraries they use.
Libraries are expected to address problems with delayed return of materials or other abuses by having conversations with the teacher. Uncorrected abuses will result in cancellation of the card by the library.
System-wide policy settings for the user profile of TEACHER:
The services the library provides to teachers is separate from the basic privileges granted by the Teacher Cards. Each library can determine the level of service provided to teachers. For example, some libraries pull collections and check things out in advance to speed pick up. Other libraries deliver materials.
Library Specific Options:
Deposit Sites
Some libraries also provide deposit collections to day care centers or nursing homes. These same rules apply to sites serving any age group.
The rules for any user with the profile of DEPOSIT are:
Overrides can be used to reduce or extend the loan period at checkout depending on the type of material.
Before entering a teacher card record in the database, search to make sure a card hasn't already been issued. There is only one Teacher card per person, regardless of how many libraries the patron uses.
If there is no existing record, enter a new one using the same process as a regular record, with these additional steps:
User categories are fields in the patron record that are used to record statistical information about the user.
User Category 1 is for the residence of the borrower.
User Category 2 is for the county of the borrower.
User Category 3 is for the gender of the borrower.
UserCat1 is used to record where the user lives. The drop-down menu of choices is by county, with a two-letter code for each of the five Winnefox counties: FO, GL, MQ, WA, or WN. This is followed by I for incorporated area, or T for town. The is a code for each municipality and town(ship) in each of the counties. There are codes for counties adjacent to Winnefox counties.
Since county funding and cross-county payments are based on circulation by UserCat1, it is important to code the patron record correctly. WALS can run clean up lists for libraries, or set up report templates for libraries to run their own review lists.
For summer/part-year residents, it is correct to code the user for the property they use when living in our service area, even if they do not use that address for mail.
You can use one of our collection of resources, available on the Links for Finding Where Patrons Live page, to determine the political jurisdiction of a particular address.
For a document of all codes formated for printing, please see here.
FDT-ALTO | Fond du Lac - Alto, Town of |
FDT-ASHFRD | Fond du Lac - Ashford, Town of |
FDT-AUBURN | Fond du Lac - Auburn, Town of |
FDI-BRANDN | Fond du Lac - Brandon, Village of |
FDT-BYRON | Fond du Lac - Byron, Town of |
FDT-CALUMT | Fond du Lac - Calumet, Town of |
FDI-CMPBSP | Fond du Lac - Campbellsport, Village of |
FDT-EDEN | Fond du Lac - Eden, Town of |
FDI-EDEN | Fond du Lac - Eden, Village of |
FDT-ELDORD | Fond du Lac - Eldorado, Town of |
FDT-EMPIRE | Fond du Lac - Empire, Town of |
FDI-FAIRWT | Fond du Lac - Fairwater, Village of |
FDI-FDL | Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, City of |
FDT-FDL | Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, Town of |
FDT-FOREST | Fond du Lac - Forest, Town of |
FDT-FRNDSP | Fond du Lac - Friendship, Town of |
FDT-LAMRTN | Fond du Lac - Lamartine, Town of |
FDT-MARSH | Fond du Lac - Marshfield, Town of |
FDT-METOMN | Fond du Lac - Metomen, Town of |
FDI-MTCALV | Fond du Lac - Mt. Calvary, Village of |
FDI-NFDL | Fond du Lac - North Fond du Lac, Village of |
FDT-OAKFLD | Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Town of |
FDI-OAKFLD | Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Village of |
FDT-OSEOLA | Fond du Lac - Osceola, Town of |
FDI-RIPON | Fond du Lac - Ripon, City of |
FDT-RIPON | Fond du Lac - Ripon, Town of |
FDS-RIPNST | Fond du Lac - Ripon College Student |
FDI-ROSNDL | Fond du Lac - Rosedale, Village of |
FDT-ROSNDL | Fond du Lac - Rosendale, Town of |
FDT-SPRNGV | Fond du Lac - Springvale, Town of |
FDI-STCLD | Fond du Lac - St. Cloud, Village of |
FDT-TAYCH | Fond du Lac - Taycheetah, Town of |
FDI-WAUPUN | Fond du Lac - Waupun, City of |
FDT-WAUPN | Fond du Lac - Waupun, Town of |
GLI-BERLIN | Green Lake - Berlin, City of |
GLT-BERLIN | Green Lake - Berlin, Town of |
GLT-BRKLN | Green Lake - Brooklyn, Town of |
GLI-GREENL | Green Lake - Green Lake, City of |
GLT-GRNLK | Green Lake - Green Lake, Town of |
GLT-KINGST | Green Lake - Kingston, Town of |
GLI-KINGST | Green Lake - Kingston, Village of |
GLT-MACKFD | Green Lake - Mackford, Town of |
GLT-MNCHST | Green Lake - Manchester, Town of |
GLI-MARKSN | Green Lake - Markesan, Village of |
GLT-MRQTTE | Green Lake - Marquette, Town of |
GLI-MARQT | Green Lake - Marquette, Village of |
GLT-PRNCTN | Green Lake - Princeton, Town of |
GLI-PRINCT | Green Lake - Princeton, Village of |
GLT-SENECA | Green Lake - Seneca, Town of |
GLT-SATMAR | Green Lake - St. Marie, Town of |
MQT-BUFFLO | Marquette - Buffalo, Town of |
MQT-CRYSLK | Marquette - Crystal Lake, Town of |
MQT-DOUGLS | Marquette - Douglas, Town of |
MQI-ENDEAV | Marquette - Endeavor, Village of |
MQT-HARRIS | Marquette - Harris, Town of |
MQT-MECAN | Marquette - Mecan, Town of |
MQT-MONTEL | Marquette - Montello, Town of |
MQI-MONTLL | Marquette - Montello, Village of |
MQT-MOUNDV | Marquette - Moundville, Town of |
MQT-NESHKR | Marquette - Neshkoro, Town of |
MQI-NESHKR | Marquette - Neshkoro, Village of |
MQT-NEWTON | Marquette - Newton, Town of |
MQT-OXFORD | Marquette - Oxford, Town of |
MQI-OXFORD | Marquette - Oxford, Village of |
MQT-PACKWK | Marquette - Packwaukee, Town of |
MQT-SHLDS | Marquette - Shields, Town of |
MQT-SPRNGF | Marquette - Springfield, Town of |
MQT-WESTFD | Marquette - Westfield, Town of |
MQI-WESTFD | Marquette - Westfield, Village of |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
WAT-AURORA | Waushara - Aurora, Town of |
WAI-BERLIN | Waushara - Berlin in Waushara County, City of |
WAT-BLMFLD | Waushara - Bloomfield, Town of |
WAT-COLOMA | Waushara - Coloma, Town of |
WAI-COLOMA | Waushara - Coloma, Village of |
WAT-DAKOTA | Waushara - Dakota, Town of |
WAT-DEERFD | Waushara - Deerfield, Town of |
WAT-HNCOCK | Waushara - Hancock, Town of |
WAI-HANCCK | Waushara - Hancock, Village of |
WAT-LEON | Waushara - Leon, Town of |
WAI-LOHRVL | Waushara - Lohrville, Village of |
WAT-MARION | Waushara - Marion, Town of |
WAT-MTMOR | Waushara - Mount Morris, Town of |
WAT-OASIS | Waushara - Oasis, Town of |
WAT-PLNFLD | Waushara - Plainfield, Town of |
WAI-PLNFLD | Waushara - Plainfield, Village of |
WAT-POYSIP | Waushara - Poy Sippi, Town of |
WAI-REDGNT | Waushara - Redgranite, Village of |
WAT-RCHFD | Waushara - Richford, Town of |
WAT-ROSE | Waushara - Rose, Town of |
WAT-SAXEVL | Waushara - Saxeville, Town of |
WAT-SPRNWT | Waushara - Springwater, Town of |
WAT-WARREN | Waushara - Warren, Town of |
WAI-WAUTOM | Waushara - Wautoma, City of |
WAT-WAUTMA | Waushara - Wautoma, Town of |
WAI-WILDRS | Waushara - Wild Rose, Village of |
WNT-ALGOMA | Winnebago - Algoma, Town of |
WNI-APLTON | Winnebago - Appleton in Winnebago County, City of |
WNT-BLCKWF | Winnebago - Black Wolf, Town of |
WNT-CLAYTN | Winnebago - Clayton, Town of |
WNI-FOXCR | Winnebago - Fox Crossing, Village of |
WNI-MENASH | Winnebago - Menasha, City of |
WNI-NEENAH | Winnebago - Neenah, City of |
WNT-NEENAH | Winnebago - Neenah, Town of |
WNT-NEKIMI | Winnebago - Nekimi, Town of |
WNT-NEPSKN | Winnebago - Nepeuskun, Town of |
WNI-OMRO | Winnebago - Omro, City of |
WNT-OMRO | Winnebago - Omro, Town of |
WNT-OSHKSH | Winnebago - Oshkosh, Town of |
WNI-OSH-C | Winnebago - Oshkosh Central, City of |
WNI-OSH-E | Winnebago - Oshkosh East, City of |
WNI-OSH-S | Winnebago - Oshkosh South, City of |
WNI-OSH-W | Winnebago - Oshkosh West, City of |
WNT-POYGAN | Winnebago - Poygan, Town of |
WNT-RUSHFD | Winnebago - Rushford, Town of |
WNT-UTICA | Winnebago - Utica, Town of |
WNT-VINELD | Winnebago - Vinland, Town of |
WNT-WNCHST | Winnebago - Winchester, Town of |
WNT-WNCN | Winnebago - Winneconne, Town of |
WNI-WINNCN | Winnebago - Winneconne, Village of |
WNT-WOLFR | Winnebago - Wolf River, Town of |
X-AD-I-ADA | X - Adams - Adams, City of |
X-AD-T-ADA | X - Adams - Adams, Town of |
X-AD-BIGFL | X - Adams - Big Flats, Town of |
X-AD-COLBN | X - Adams - Colburn, Town of |
X-AD-DELLP | X - Adams - Dell Prairie, Town of |
X-AD-EAST | X - Adams - Easton, Town of |
X-AD-JACK | X - Adams - Jackson, Town of |
X-AD-LEOLA | X - Adams - Leola, Town of |
X-AD-LINC | X - Adams - Lincoln, Town of |
X-AD-MON | X - Adams - Monroe, Town of |
X-AD-CHEST | X - Adams - New Chester, Town of |
X-AD-NEWH | X - Adams - Newhaven, Town of |
X-AD-PREST | X - Adams - Preston, Town of |
X-AD-QUIN | X - Adams - Quincy, Town of |
X-AD-RICH | X - Adams - Richfield, Town of |
X-AD-ROME | X - Adams - Rome, Town of |
X-AD-SPRIN | X - Adams - Springville, Town of |
X-AD-STRPR | X - Adams - Strong Prairie, Town of |
X-CA-APLTN | X - Calumet - Appleton in CA County, City of |
X-CA-I-BRI | X - Calumet - Brillion, City of |
X-CA-T-BRI | X - Calumet - Brillion, Town of |
X-CA-T-BRO | X - Calumet - Brothertown, Town of |
X-CAT-CHAR | X - Calumet - Charleston, Town of |
X-CA-I-CHI | X - Calumet - Chilton, City of |
X-CA-T-CHI | X - Calumet - Chilton, Town of |
X-CA-I-HAR | X - Calumet - Harrison, Village of |
X-CA-I-HIL | X - Calumet - Hilbert, Village of |
X-CA-MNASH | X - Calumet - Menasha in CA County, City of |
X-CA-I-NEW | X - Calumet - New Holstein, City of |
X-CA-T-NEW | X - Calumet - New Holstein, Town of |
X-CA-I-POT | X - Calumet - Potter, Village of |
X-CAT-RANT | X - Calumet - Rantoul, Town of |
X-CA-I-SHE | X - Calumet - Sherwood, Village of |
X-CA-T-STO | X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Town of |
X-CA-I-STO | X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Village of |
X-CAT-WOOD | X - Calumet - Woodville, Town of |
X-CO-CAMB | X - Columbia - Cambria, Village of |
X-CO-COL | X - Columbia - Columbus, City of |
X-CO-T-COU | X - Columbia - Courtland, Town of |
X-CO-T-DEK | X - Columbia - Dekorra, Town of |
X-COI-FALL | X - Columbia - Fall River, Village |
X-CO-T-FOR | X - Columbia - Fort Winnebago, Town of |
X-CO-I-FRI | X - Columbia - Friesland, Village |
X-CO-T-HAM | X - Columbia - Hampden, Town of |
X-COT-LEED | X - Columbia - Leeds, Town of |
X-CO-T-LEW | X - Columbia - Lewiston, Town of |
X-COI-LODI | X - Columbia - Lodi, City of |
X-CO-T-MAR | X - Columbia - Marcellon, Town of |
X-CO-T-NEW | X - Columbia - Newport, Town of |
X-CO-T-OTS | X - Columbia - Otsego, Town of |
X-CO-T-PAC | X - Columbia - Pacific, Town of |
X-CO-PARD | X - Columbia - Pardeeville, Village of |
X-CO-PORT | X - Columbia - Portage, City of |
X-CO-I-POY | X - Columbia - Poynette, Village of |
X-CO-T-RAN | X - Columbia - Randolph, Town of |
X-COI-RAN | X - Columbia - Randolph, Village of |
X-CO-I-RIO | X - Columbia - Rio, Village of |
X-CO-SCOTT | X - Columbia - Scott, Town of |
X-CO-T-SPR | X - Columbia - Springvale, Town of |
X-CO-T-WEY | X - Columbia - Weyocena, Town of |
X-COI-WISD | X - Columbia - Wisconsin Dells, City of |
X-DOT-BVD | X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Town of |
X-DOI-BVD | X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Village of |
X-DOI-BROW | X - Dodge - Brownsville, Village of |
X-DOT-BURN | X - Dodge - Burnett, Town of |
X-DO-T-CHE | X - Dodge - Chester, Town of |
X-DO-T-CLY | X - Dodge - Clyman, Town of |
X-DO-I-FOX | X - Dodge - Fox Lake, City of |
X-DO-T-FOX | X - Dodge - Fox Lake, Town of |
X-DOI-HORI | X - Dodge - Horicon, City of |
X-DOT-HUB | X - Dodge - Hubbard, Town of |
X-DOI-HUST | X - Dodge - Hustiford, Village of |
X-DOI-JUN | X - Dodge - Juneau, City of |
X-DO-T-LER | X - Dodge - Leroy, Town of |
X-DO-T-LOM | X - Dodge - Lomira, Town of |
X-DO-I-LOM | X - Dodge - Lomira, Village of |
X-DOT-LOW | X - Dodge - Lowell, Town of |
X-DOI-MAY | X - Dodge - Mayville, City of |
X-DOT-OAKG | X - Dodge - Oak Grove, Town of |
X-DOI-RAN | X - Dodge - Randolph, Village of |
X-DOT-THER | X - Dodge - Theresa, Town of |
X-DOI-THER | X - Dodge - Theresa, Village of |
X-DO-T-TRE | X - Dodge - Trenton, Town of |
X-DOI-WAPN | X - Dodge - Waupun, City of |
X-DOT-WEST | X - Dodge - Westford, Town of |
X-OU-APLTN | X - Outagamie - Appleton, City of |
X-OUI-BEAR | X - Outagamie - Bear Creek, Village of |
X-OUT-BLAC | X - Outagamie - Black Creek, Town of |
X-OUT-BOV | X - Outagamie - Bovinia, Town of |
X-OU-T-BUC | X - Outagamie - Buchanan, Town of |
X-OU-T-CEN | X - Outagamie - Center, Town of |
X-OUT-CICE | X - Outagamie - Cicero, Town of |
X-OU-T-DAL | X - Outagamie - Dale, Town of |
X-OUT-DEER | X - Outagamie - Deer Creek, Town of |
X-OU-T-ELL | X - Outagamie - Ellington, Town of |
X-OU-T-FRE | X - Outagamie - Freedom, Town of |
X-OU-TGRAN | X - Outagamie - Grand Chute, Town of |
X-OU-TGREE | X - Outagamie - Greenville, Town of |
X-OU-T-HOR | X - Outagamie - Hortonia, Town of |
X-OUI-KAUK | X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, City of |
X-OU-T-KAU | X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, Town of |
X-OUT-LIBT | X - Outagamie - Liberty, Town of |
X-OUT-MAIN | X - Outagamie - Maine, Town of |
X-OUT-MAPL | X - Outagamie - Maple Creek, Town of |
X-OUI-NLON | X - Outagamie - New London, City of |
X-OUI-BLAC | X - Outagamie - of Black Creek, Village |
X-OUI-COMB | X - Outagamie - of Combined Locks, Village |
X-OUI-HAR | X - Outagamie - of Harrison, Village |
X-OUI-HORT | X - Outagamie - of Hortonville, Village |
X-OUI-KIMB | X - Outagamie - of Kimberly, Village |
X-OUI-LCHU | X - Outagamie - of Little Chute, Village |
X-OUI-NICH | X - Outagamie - of Nichols, Village |
X-OUI-SHIO | X - Outagamie - of Shiocton, Village |
X-OUI-WRIG | X - Outagamie - of Wrightstown, Village |
X-OUT-ONEI | X - Outagamie - Oneida, Town of |
X-OUT-OSB | X - Outagamie - Osborn, Town of |
X-OUI-SEYM | X - Outagamie - Seymour, City of |
X-OUT-SEYM | X - Outagamie - Seymour, Town of |
X-OU-T-VAN | X - Outagamie - Vandenbroek, Town of |
X-OUTSTATE | X - Out of State |
X-PO-T-ALM | X - Portage - Almond, Town of |
X-PO-I-ALM | X - Portage - Almond, Village of |
X-POT-AMH | X - Portage - Amherst, Town of |
X-POI-AMH | X - Portage - Amherst, Village of |
X-POI-AMHJ | X - Portage - Amherst Junction, Village of |
X-POT-BELM | X - Portage - Belmont, Town of |
X-POT-BUEN | X - Portage - Buena Vista, Town of |
X-POT-CARS | X - Portage - Carson, Town of |
X-POT-GRAN | X - Portage - Grant, Town of |
X-POT-HULL | X - Portage - Hull, Town of |
X-POT-LANA | X - Portage - Lanark, Town of |
X-POT-LINW | X - Portage - Linwood, Town of |
X-POT-NHOP | X - Portage - New Hope, Town of |
X-POT-PINE | X - Portage - Pine Grove, Town of |
X-PO-I-PLO | X - Portage - Plover, Village of |
X-POI-ROSH | X - Portage - Rosholt, Village of |
X-POI-STEV | X - Portage - Stevens Point, City of |
X-POI-WHIT | X - Portage - Whiting, Village of |
X-SHT-CASC | X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Town of |
X-SHI-CASC | X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Village of |
X-SHI-GLEN | X - Sheboygan - Glenbeulah, Village of |
X-SH-T-GRE | X - Sheboygan - Greenbush, Town of |
X-SHT-HERM | X - Sheboygan - Herman, Town of |
X-SHT-LYND | X - Sheboygan - Lyndon, Town of |
X-SH-T-MIT | X - Sheboygan - Mitchell, Town of |
X-SHI-OOST | X - Sheboygan - Oostburg, Village of |
X-SHI-PLYM | X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, City of |
X-SHT-PLYM | X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, Town of |
X-SHT-RHIN | X - Sheboygan - Rhine, Town of |
X-SH-T-RUS | X - Sheboygan - Russell, Town of |
X-SH-T-SCO | X - Sheboygan - Scott, Town of |
X-SHI-SHEB | X - Sheboygan - Sheboygan, City of |
X-SHT-SHRM | X - Sheboygan - Sherman, Town of |
X-SHI-WALD | X - Sheboygan - Waldo, Village of |
X-SHT-WILS | X - Sheboygan - Wilson, Town of |
X-WST-ADDI | X - Washington - Addison, Town of |
X-WS-T-BAR | X - Washington - Bartonville, Town of |
X-WST-ERIN | X - Washington - Erin, Town of |
X-WST-FARM | X - Washington - Farmington, Town of |
X-WSI-GERM | X - Washington - Germantown, Village of |
X-WST-HART | X - Washington - Hartford, Town of |
X-WSI-HART | X - Washington - Hartford, Village of |
X-WSI-JACK | X - Washington - Jackson, Village of |
X-WS-T-KEW | X - Washington - Kewaskum, Town of |
X-WS-I-KEW | X - Washington - Kewaskum, Village of |
X-WSI-NEWB | X - Washington - Newburg, Village of |
X-WST-POLK | X - Washington - Polk, Town of |
X-WSI-RICH | X - Washington - Richfield, Village of |
X-WSI-SLIN | X - Washington - Slinger, Village of |
X-WST-TREN | X - Washington - Trenton, Town of |
X-WS-T-WAY | X - Washington - Wayne, Town of |
X-WSI-WEST | X - Washington - West Bend, City of |
X-WST-WEST | X - Washington - West Bend, Town of |
X-WPT-BEAR | X - Waupaca - Bear Creek, Town of |
X-WP-T-CAL | X - Waupaca - Caledonia, Town of |
X-WPI-CLIN | X - Waupaca - Clintonville, City of |
X-WP-T-DAY | X - Waupaca - Dayton, Town of |
X-WPT-DUP | X - Waupaca - Dupont, Town of |
X-WPT-FARM | X - Waupaca - Farmington, Town of |
X-WP-T-FRE | X - Waupaca - Fremont, Town of |
X-WP-I-FRE | X - Waupaca - Fremont, Village of |
X-WPT-HAR | X - Waupaca - Harrison, Town of |
X-WPT-HELV | X - Waupaca - Helvetia, Town of |
X-WPT-IOLA | X - Waupaca - Iola, Town of |
X-WPI-IOLA | X - Waupaca - Iola, Village of |
X-WPT-LAR | X - Waupaca - Larrabee, Town of |
X-WPT-LEB | X - Waupaca - Lebanon, Town of |
X-WP-T-LIN | X - Waupaca - Lind, Town of |
X-WPT-LWOL | X - Waupaca - Little Wolf, Town of |
X-WPI-MANA | X - Waupaca - Manawa, City of |
X-WPI-MARI | X - Waupaca - Marion, City of |
X-WPT-MATT | X - Waupaca - Matteson, Town of |
X-WPT-MUKW | X - Waupaca - Mukwa, Town of |
X-WPI-NLON | X - Waupaca - New London, City of |
X-WPI-OGDN | X - Waupaca - Ogdensburg, Village of |
X-WPT-ROY | X - Waupaca - Royalton, Town of |
X-WPT-SCAN | X - Waupaca - Scandanavia, Town of |
X-WPT-SLAW | X - Waupaca - St Lawrence, Town of |
X-WPT-UNIO | X - Waupaca - Union, Town of |
X-WPI-WAUP | X - Waupaca - Waupaca, City of |
X-WPT-WAUP | X - Waupaca - Waupaca, Town of |
X-WP-I-WEY | X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, City of |
X-WP-T-WEY | X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, Town of |
X-OTHER-WI | XX - Other Wisconsin, Not bordering Winnefox |
Y-ILL | Y - Interlibrary Loan |
X-AD-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Adams, Area with no library |
X-CA-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Area without a library, Area with no library |
X-CA-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Calumet, Area with a library |
X-CO-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Columbia, Area with a library |
X-CO-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Columbia, Area with no library |
X-DO-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Dodge County, Area with a library |
X-DO-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Dodge County, Area without a library |
X-OU-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Outagamie, Area with a library |
X-OU-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Outagamie, Area with no library |
X-PO-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Portage, Area with a library |
X-PO-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Portage, Area without a library (Do Not Use) |
X-SH-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Sheboygan, Area with a library |
X-SH-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Sheboygan, Area without a library |
X-AD-ADAMS | Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed |
X-POI-PORT | Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed |
X-PO-T-PI | Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed |
X-CA-T-HAR | Z - DO NOT USE - To be Removed, Calumet - Harrison, Town of |
FDT-XUNKWN | Z - DO NOT USE - Unknown Town |
X-WS-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Washington, Area with a library |
X-WS-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Washington, Area without a library |
X-WP-LIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Waupaca, Area with a library |
X-WP-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Waupaca, Area without a library |
FDI-WAUPX | Z - DO NOT USE - Waupun in Dodge County |
WNT-MEN-E | Z - DO NOT USE - Winnebago - Menasha East, Town of |
WNT-MEN-W | Z - DO NOT USE - Winnebago - Menasha West, Town of |
X-WI-NOLIB | Z - DO NOT USE - Wisconsin, Area with no library |
Z-OTHER | Z - Other |
Z-ILL | Z - Winnefox ILL |
Z-ILL-DIR | Z - Winnefox ILL - Direct |
Z-ILL-ES | Z - Winnefox ILL - Eastern Shores |
Z-ILL-MII | Z - Winnefox ILL - Minitex |
Z-ILL-NI | Z - Winnefox ILL - Nicolet |
Z-ILL-NW | Z - Winnefox ILL - Northern Waters |
Z-ILL-OW | Z - Winnefox ILL - Outagamie Waupaca |
Z-ILL-OUT | Z - Winnefox ILL - Out of State |
Z-ILL-SW | Z - Winnefox ILL - Southwest |
Z-ILL-WLS | Z - Winnefox ILL - Within Winnefox |
Adams County
X-AD-I-ADA | X - Adams - Adams, City of |
X-AD-T-ADA | X - Adams - Adams, Town of |
X-AD-BIGFL | X - Adams - Big Flats, Town of |
X-AD-COLBN | X - Adams - Colburn, Town of |
X-AD-DELLP | X - Adams - Dell Prairie, Town of |
X-AD-EAST | X - Adams - Easton, Town of |
X-AD-JACK | X - Adams - Jackson, Town of |
X-AD-LEOLA | X - Adams - Leola, Town of |
X-AD-LINC | X - Adams - Lincoln, Town of |
X-AD-MON | X - Adams - Monroe, Town of |
X-AD-CHEST | X - Adams - New Chester, Town of |
X-AD-NEWH | X - Adams - Newhaven, Town of |
X-AD-PREST | X - Adams - Preston, Town of |
X-AD-QUIN | X - Adams - Quincy, Town of |
X-AD-RICH | X - Adams - Richfield, Town of |
X-AD-ROME | X - Adams - Rome, Town of |
X-AD-SPRIN | X - Adams - Springville, Town of |
X-AD-STRPR | X - Adams - Strong Prairie, Town of |
Calumet County
X-CA-APLTN | X - Calumet - Appleton in CA County, City of |
X-CA-I-BRI | X - Calumet - Brillion, City of |
X-CA-T-BRI | X - Calumet - Brillion, Town of |
X-CA-T-BRO | X - Calumet - Brothertown, Town of |
X-CAT-CHAR | X - Calumet - Charleston, Town of |
X-CA-I-CHI | X - Calumet - Chilton, City of |
X-CA-T-CHI | X - Calumet - Chilton, Town of |
X-CA-I-HAR | X - Calumet - Harrison, Village of |
X-CA-I-HIL | X - Calumet - Hilbert, Village of |
X-CA-MNASH | X - Calumet - Menasha in CA County, City of |
X-CA-I-NEW | X - Calumet - New Holstein, City of |
X-CA-T-NEW | X - Calumet - New Holstein, Town of |
X-CA-I-POT | X - Calumet - Potter, Village of |
X-CAT-RANT | X - Calumet - Rantoul, Town of |
X-CA-I-SHE | X - Calumet - Sherwood, Village of |
X-CA-T-STO | X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Town of |
X-CA-I-STO | X - Calumet - Stockbridge, Village of |
X-CAT-WOOD | X - Calumet - Woodville, Town of |
Columbia County
X-CO-CAMB | X - Columbia - Cambria, Village of |
X-CO-COL | X - Columbia - Columbus, City of |
X-CO-T-COU | X - Columbia - Courtland, Town of |
X-CO-T-DEK | X - Columbia - Dekorra, Town of |
X-COI-FALL | X - Columbia - Fall River, Village |
X-CO-T-FOR | X - Columbia - Fort Winnebago, Town of |
X-CO-I-FRI | X - Columbia - Friesland, Village |
X-CO-T-HAM | X - Columbia - Hampden, Town of |
X-COT-LEED | X - Columbia - Leeds, Town of |
X-CO-T-LEW | X - Columbia - Lewiston, Town of |
X-COI-LODI | X - Columbia - Lodi, City of |
X-CO-T-MAR | X - Columbia - Marcellon, Town of |
X-CO-T-NEW | X - Columbia - Newport, Town of |
X-CO-T-OTS | X - Columbia - Otsego, Town of |
X-CO-T-PAC | X - Columbia - Pacific, Town of |
X-CO-PARD | X - Columbia - Pardeeville, Village of |
X-CO-PORT | X - Columbia - Portage, City of |
X-CO-I-POY | X - Columbia - Poynette, Village of |
X-CO-T-RAN | X - Columbia - Randolph, Town of |
X-COI-RAN | X - Columbia - Randolph, Village of |
X-CO-I-RIO | X - Columbia - Rio, Village of |
X-CO-SCOTT | X - Columbia - Scott, Town of |
X-CO-T-SPR | X - Columbia - Springvale, Town of |
X-CO-T-WEY | X - Columbia - Weyocena, Town of |
X-COI-WISD | X - Columbia - Wisconsin Dells, City of |
Dodge County
X-DOT-BVD | X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Town of |
X-DOI-BVD | X - Dodge - Beaver Dam, Village of |
X-DOI-BROW | X - Dodge - Brownsville, Village of |
X-DOT-BURN | X - Dodge - Burnett, Town of |
X-DO-T-CHE | X - Dodge - Chester, Town of |
X-DO-T-CLY | X - Dodge - Clyman, Town of |
X-DO-I-FOX | X - Dodge - Fox Lake, City of |
X-DO-T-FOX | X - Dodge - Fox Lake, Town of |
X-DOI-HORI | X - Dodge - Horicon, City of |
X-DOT-HUB | X - Dodge - Hubbard, Town of |
X-DOI-HUST | X - Dodge - Hustisford, Village of |
X-DOI-JUN | X - Dodge - Juneau, City of |
X-DO-T-LER | X - Dodge - Leroy, Town of |
X-DO-T-LOM | X - Dodge - Lomira, Town of |
X-DO-I-LOM | X - Dodge - Lomira, Village of |
X-DOT-LOW | X - Dodge - Lowell, Town of |
X-DOI-MAY | X - Dodge - Mayville, City of |
X-DOT-OAKG | X - Dodge - Oak Grove, Town of |
X-DOI-RAN | X - Dodge - Randolph, Village of |
X-DOT-THER | X - Dodge - Theresa, Town of |
X-DOI-THER | X - Dodge - Theresa, Village of |
X-DO-T-TRE | X - Dodge - Trenton, Town of |
X-DOI-WAPN | X - Dodge - Waupun, City of |
X-DOT-WEST | X - Dodge - Westford, Town of |
Outagamie County
X-OU-APLTN | X - Outagamie - Appleton, City of |
X-OUI-BEAR | X - Outagamie - Bear Creek, Village of |
X-OUT-BLAC | X - Outagamie - Black Creek, Town of |
X-OUT-BOV | X - Outagamie - Bovinia, Town of |
X-OU-T-BUC | X - Outagamie - Buchanan, Town of |
X-OU-T-CEN | X - Outagamie - Center, Town of |
X-OUT-CICE | X - Outagamie - Cicero, Town of |
X-OU-T-DAL | X - Outagamie - Dale, Town of |
X-OUT-DEER | X - Outagamie - Deer Creek, Town of |
X-OU-T-ELL | X - Outagamie - Ellington, Town of |
X-OU-T-FRE | X - Outagamie - Freedom, Town of |
X-OU-TGRAN | X - Outagamie - Grand Chute, Town of |
X-OU-TGREE | X - Outagamie - Greenville, Town of |
X-OU-T-HOR | X - Outagamie - Hortonia, Town of |
X-OUI-KAUK | X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, City of |
X-OU-T-KAU | X - Outagamie - Kaukauna, Town of |
X-OUT-LIBT | X - Outagamie - Liberty, Town of |
X-OUT-MAIN | X - Outagamie - Maine, Town of |
X-OUT-MAPL | X - Outagamie - Maple Creek, Town of |
X-OUI-NLON | X - Outagamie - New London, City of |
X-OUI-BLAC | X - Outagamie - of Black Creek, Village |
X-OUI-COMB | X - Outagamie - of Combined Locks, Village |
X-OUI-HAR | X - Outagamie - of Harrison, Village |
X-OUI-HORT | X - Outagamie - of Hortonville, Village |
X-OUI-KIMB | X - Outagamie - of Kimberly, Village |
X-OUI-LCHU | X - Outagamie - of Little Chute, Village |
X-OUI-NICH | X - Outagamie - of Nichols, Village |
X-OUI-SHIO | X - Outagamie - of Shiocton, Village |
X-OUI-WRIG | X - Outagamie - of Wrightstown, Village |
X-OUT-ONEI | X - Outagamie - Oneida, Town of |
X-OUT-OSB | X - Outagamie - Osborn, Town of |
X-OUI-SEYM | X - Outagamie - Seymour, City of |
X-OUT-SEYM | X - Outagamie - Seymour, Town of |
X-OU-T-VAN | X - Outagamie - Vandenbroek, Town of |
Portage County
X-PO-T-ALM | X - Portage - Almond, Town of |
X-PO-I-ALM | X - Portage - Almond, Village of |
X-POT-AMH | X - Portage - Amherst, Town of |
X-POI-AMH | X - Portage - Amherst, Village of |
X-POI-AMHJ | X - Portage - Amherst Junction, Village of |
X-POT-BELM | X - Portage - Belmont, Town of |
X-POT-BUEN | X - Portage - Buena Vista, Town of |
X-POT-CARS | X - Portage - Carson, Town of |
X-POT-GRAN | X - Portage - Grant, Town of |
X-POT-HULL | X - Portage - Hull, Town of |
X-POT-LANA | X - Portage - Lanark, Town of |
X-POT-LINW | X - Portage - Linwood, Town of |
X-POT-NHOP | X - Portage - New Hope, Town of |
X-POT-PINE | X - Portage - Pine Grove, Town of |
X-PO-I-PLO | X - Portage - Plover, Village of |
X-POI-ROSH | X - Portage - Rosholt, Village of |
X-POI-STEV | X - Portage - Stevens Point, City of |
X-POI-WHIT | X - Portage - Whiting, Village of |
Sheboygan County
X-SHT-CASC | X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Town of |
X-SHI-CASC | X - Sheboygan - Cascade, Village of |
X-SHI-GLEN | X - Sheboygan - Glenbeulah, Village of |
X-SH-T-GRE | X - Sheboygan - Greenbush, Town of |
X-SHT-HERM | X - Sheboygan - Herman, Town of |
X-SHT-LYND | X - Sheboygan - Lyndon, Town of |
X-SH-T-MIT | X - Sheboygan - Mitchell, Town of |
X-SHI-OOST | X - Sheboygan - Oostburg, Village of |
X-SHI-PLYM | X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, City of |
X-SHT-PLYM | X - Sheboygan - Plymouth, Town of |
X-SHT-RHIN | X - Sheboygan - Rhine, Town of |
X-SH-T-RUS | X - Sheboygan - Russell, Town of |
X-SH-T-SCO | X - Sheboygan - Scott, Town of |
X-SHI-SHEB | X - Sheboygan - Sheboygan, City of |
X-SHT-SHRM | X - Sheboygan - Sherman, Town of |
X-SHI-WALD | X - Sheboygan - Waldo, Village of |
X-SHT-WILS | X - Sheboygan - Wilson, Town of |
Washington County
X-WST-ADDI | X - Washington - Addison, Town of |
X-WS-T-BAR | X - Washington - Bartonville, Town of |
X-WST-ERIN | X - Washington - Erin, Town of |
X-WST-FARM | X - Washington - Farmington, Town of |
X-WSI-GERM | X - Washington - Germantown, Village of |
X-WST-HART | X - Washington - Hartford, Town of |
X-WSI-HART | X - Washington - Hartford, Village of |
X-WSI-JACK | X - Washington - Jackson, Village of |
X-WS-T-KEW | X - Washington - Kewaskum, Town of |
X-WS-I-KEW | X - Washington - Kewaskum, Village of |
X-WSI-NEWB | X - Washington - Newburg, Village of |
X-WST-POLK | X - Washington - Polk, Town of |
X-WSI-RICH | X - Washington - Richfield, Village of |
X-WSI-SLIN | X - Washington - Slinger, Village of |
X-WST-TREN | X - Washington - Trenton, Town of |
X-WS-T-WAY | X - Washington - Wayne, Town of |
X-WSI-WEST | X - Washington - West Bend, City of |
X-WST-WEST | X - Washington - West Bend, Town of |
Waupaca County
X-WPT-BEAR | X - Waupaca - Bear Creek, Town of |
X-WP-T-CAL | X - Waupaca - Caledonia, Town of |
X-WPI-CLIN | X - Waupaca - Clintonville, City of |
X-WP-T-DAY | X - Waupaca - Dayton, Town of |
X-WPT-DUP | X - Waupaca - Dupont, Town of |
X-WPT-FARM | X - Waupaca - Farmington, Town of |
X-WP-T-FRE | X - Waupaca - Fremont, Town of |
X-WP-I-FRE | X - Waupaca - Fremont, Village of |
X-WPT-HAR | X - Waupaca - Harrison, Town of |
X-WPT-HELV | X - Waupaca - Helvetia, Town of |
X-WPT-IOLA | X - Waupaca - Iola, Town of |
X-WPI-IOLA | X - Waupaca - Iola, Village of |
X-WPT-LAR | X - Waupaca - Larrabee, Town of |
X-WPT-LEB | X - Waupaca - Lebanon, Town of |
X-WP-T-LIN | X - Waupaca - Lind, Town of |
X-WPT-LWOL | X - Waupaca - Little Wolf, Town of |
X-WPI-MANA | X - Waupaca - Manawa, City of |
X-WPI-MARI | X - Waupaca - Marion, City of |
X-WPT-MATT | X - Waupaca - Matteson, Town of |
X-WPT-MUKW | X - Waupaca - Mukwa, Town of |
X-WPI-NLON | X - Waupaca - New London, City of |
X-WPI-OGDN | X - Waupaca - Ogdensburg, Village of |
X-WPT-ROY | X - Waupaca - Royalton, Town of |
X-WPT-SCAN | X - Waupaca - Scandanavia, Town of |
X-WPT-SLAW | X - Waupaca - St Lawrence, Town of |
X-WPT-UNIO | X - Waupaca - Union, Town of |
X-WPI-WAUP | X - Waupaca - Waupaca, City of |
X-WPT-WAUP | X - Waupaca - Waupaca, Town of |
X-WP-I-WEY | X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, City of |
X-WP-T-WEY | X - Waupaca - Weyauwega, Town of |
X-OTHER-WI | XX - Other Wisconsin, Not bordering Winnefox |
X-OUTSTATE | X - Out of State |
Name | Description |
FDT-ALTO | Fond du Lac - Alto, Town of |
FDT-ASHFRD | Fond du Lac - Ashford, Town of |
FDT-AUBURN | Fond du Lac - Auburn, Town of |
FDI-BRANDN | Fond du Lac - Brandon, Village of |
FDT-BYRON | Fond du Lac - Byron, Town of |
FDT-CALUMT | Fond du Lac - Calumet, Town of |
FDI-CMPBSP | Fond du Lac - Campbellsport, Village of |
FDT-EDEN | Fond du Lac - Eden, Town of |
FDI-EDEN | Fond du Lac - Eden, Village of |
FDT-ELDORD | Fond du Lac - Eldorado, Town of |
FDT-EMPIRE | Fond du Lac - Empire, Town of |
FDI-FAIRWT | Fond du Lac - Fairwater, Village of |
FDI-FDL | Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, City of |
FDT-FDL | Fond du Lac - Fond du Lac, Town of |
FDT-FOREST | Fond du Lac - Forest, Town of |
FDT-FRNDSP | Fond du Lac - Friendship, Town of |
FDT-LAMRTN | Fond du Lac - Lamartine, Town of |
FDT-MARSH | Fond du Lac - Marshfield, Town of |
FDT-METOMN | Fond du Lac - Metomen, Town of |
FDI-MTCALV | Fond du Lac - Mt. Calvary, Village of |
FDI-NFDL | Fond du Lac - North Fond du Lac, Village of |
FDT-OAKFLD | Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Town of |
FDI-OAKFLD | Fond du Lac - Oakfield, Village of |
FDT-OSEOLA | Fond du Lac - Osceola, Town of |
FDI-RIPON | Fond du Lac - Ripon, City of |
FDT-RIPON | Fond du Lac - Ripon, Town of |
FDS-RIPNST | Fond du Lac - Ripon College Student |
FDI-ROSNDL | Fond du Lac - Rosedale, Village of |
FDT-ROSNDL | Fond du Lac - Rosendale, Town of |
FDT-SPRNGV | Fond du Lac - Springvale, Town of |
FDI-STCLD | Fond du Lac - St. Cloud, Village of |
FDT-TAYCH | Fond du Lac - Taycheetah, Town of |
FDI-WAUPUN | Fond du Lac - Waupun, City of |
FDT-WAUPN | Fond du Lac - Waupun, Town of |
Name | Description |
GLI-BERLIN | Green Lake - Berlin, City of |
GLT-BERLIN | Green Lake - Berlin, Town of |
GLT-BRKLN | Green Lake - Brooklyn, Town of |
GLI-GREENL | Green Lake - Green Lake, City of |
GLT-GRNLK | Green Lake - Green Lake, Town of |
GLT-KINGST | Green Lake - Kingston, Town of |
GLI-KINGST | Green Lake - Kingston, Village of |
GLT-MACKFD | Green Lake - Mackford, Town of |
GLT-MNCHST | Green Lake - Manchester, Town of |
GLI-MARKSN | Green Lake - Markesan, Village of |
GLT-MRQTTE | Green Lake - Marquette, Town of |
GLI-MARQT | Green Lake - Marquette, Village of |
GLT-PRNCTN | Green Lake - Princeton, Town of |
GLI-PRINCT | Green Lake - Princeton, Village of |
GLT-SENECA | Green Lake - Seneca, Town of |
GLT-SATMAR | Green Lake - St. Marie, Town of |
MQT-BUFFLO | Marquette - Buffalo, Town of |
MQT-CRYSLK | Marquette - Crystal Lake, Town of |
MQT-DOUGLS | Marquette - Douglas, Town of |
MQI-ENDEAV | Marquette - Endeavor, Village of |
MQT-HARRIS | Marquette - Harris, Town of |
MQT-MECAN | Marquette - Mecan, Town of |
MQT-MONTEL | Marquette - Montello, Town of |
MQI-MONTLL | Marquette - Montello, Village of |
MQT-MOUNDV | Marquette - Moundville, Town of |
MQT-NESHKR | Marquette - Neshkoro, Town of |
MQI-NESHKR | Marquette - Neshkoro, Village of |
MQT-NEWTON | Marquette - Newton, Town of |
MQT-OXFORD | Marquette - Oxford, Town of |
MQI-OXFORD | Marquette - Oxford, Village of |
MQT-PACKWK | Marquette - Packwaukee, Town of |
MQT-SHLDS | Marquette - Shields, Town of |
MQT-SPRNGF | Marquette - Springfield, Town of |
MQT-WESTFD | Marquette - Westfield, Town of |
MQI-WESTFD | Marquette - Westfield, Village of |
Name | Description |
WAT-AURORA | Waushara - Aurora, Town of |
WAI-BERLIN | Waushara - Berlin in Waushara County, City of |
WAT-BLMFLD | Waushara - Bloomfield, Town of |
WAT-COLOMA | Waushara - Coloma, Town of |
WAI-COLOMA | Waushara - Coloma, Village of |
WAT-DAKOTA | Waushara - Dakota, Town of |
WAT-DEERFD | Waushara - Deerfield, Town of |
WAT-HNCOCK | Waushara - Hancock, Town of |
WAI-HANCCK | Waushara - Hancock, Village of |
WAT-LEON | Waushara - Leon, Town of |
WAI-LOHRVL | Waushara - Lohrville, Village of |
WAT-MARION | Waushara - Marion, Town of |
WAT-MTMOR | Waushara - Mount Morris, Town of |
WAT-OASIS | Waushara - Oasis, Town of |
WAT-PLNFLD | Waushara - Plainfield, Town of |
WAI-PLNFLD | Waushara - Plainfield, Village of |
WAT-POYSIP | Waushara - Poy Sippi, Town of |
WAI-REDGNT | Waushara - Redgranite, Village of |
WAT-RCHFD | Waushara - Richford, Town of |
WAT-ROSE | Waushara - Rose, Town of |
WAT-SAXEVL | Waushara - Saxeville, Town of |
WAT-SPRNWT | Waushara - Springwater, Town of |
WAT-WARREN | Waushara - Warren, Town of |
WAI-WAUTOM | Waushara - Wautoma, City of |
WAT-WAUTMA | Waushara - Wautoma, Town of |
WAI-WILDRS | Waushara - Wild Rose, Village of |
WNT-ALGOMA | Winnebago - Algoma, Town of |
WNI-APLTON | Winnebago - Appleton in Winnebago County, City of |
WNT-BLCKWF | Winnebago - Black Wolf, Town of |
WNT-CLAYTN | Winnebago - Clayton, Town of |
WNI-FOXCR | Winnebago - Fox Crossing, Village of |
WNI-MENASH | Winnebago - Menasha, City of |
WNI-NEENAH | Winnebago - Neenah, City of |
WNT-NEENAH | Winnebago - Neenah, Town of |
WNT-NEKIMI | Winnebago - Nekimi, Town of |
WNT-NEPSKN | Winnebago - Nepeuskun, Town of |
WNI-OMRO | Winnebago - Omro, City of |
WNT-OMRO | Winnebago - Omro, Town of |
WNT-OSHKSH | Winnebago - Oshkosh, Town of |
WNI-OSH-C | Winnebago - Oshkosh Central, City of |
WNI-OSH-E | Winnebago - Oshkosh East, City of |
WNI-OSH-S | Winnebago - Oshkosh South, City of |
WNI-OSH-W | Winnebago - Oshkosh West, City of |
WNT-POYGAN | Winnebago - Poygan, Town of |
WNT-RUSHFD | Winnebago - Rushford, Town of |
WNT-UTICA | Winnebago - Utica, Town of |
WNT-VINELD | Winnebago - Vinland, Town of |
WNT-WNCHST | Winnebago - Winchester, Town of |
WNT-WNCN | Winnebago - Winneconne, Town of |
WNI-WINNCN | Winnebago - Winneconne, Village of |
WNT-WOLFR | Winnebago - Wolf River, Town of |
The user category 2 field is for the county of the user. We code only for counties within Wisconsin. There is an OUTOFSTATE code for non-Wisconsin counties.
ADAMS | Adams County |
ASHLAND | Ashland County |
BARRON | Barron County |
BAYFIELD | Bayfield County |
BROWN | Brown County |
BUFFALO | Buffalo County |
BURNETT | Burnett County |
CALUMET | Calumet County |
CHIPPEWA | Chippewa County |
CLARK | Clark County |
COLUMBIA | Columbia County |
CRAWFORD | Crawford County |
DANE | Dane County |
DODGE | Dodge County |
DOOR | Door County |
DOUGLAS | Douglas County |
DUNN | Dunn County |
EAU CLAIRE | Eau Claire County |
FLORENCE | Florence County |
FONDDULAC | Fond du Lac County |
FOREST | Forest County |
GRANT | Grant County |
GREEN | Green County |
GREENLAKE | Green Lake County |
IOWA | Iowa County |
IRON | Iron County |
JACKSON | Jackson County |
JEFFERSON | Jefferson County |
JUNEAU | Juneau County |
KENOSHA | Kenosha County |
KEWAUNEE | Kewaunee County |
LACROSSE | La Crosse County |
LAFAYETTE | Lafayette County |
LANGLADE | Langlade County |
LINCOLN | Lincoln County |
MANITOWOC | Manitowoc County |
MARATHON | Marathon County |
MARINETTE | Marinette County |
MARQUETTE | Marquette County |
MENOMINEE | Menomonee County |
MILWAUKEE | Milwaukee County |
MONROE | Monroe County |
OCONTO | Oconto County |
ONEIDA | Oneida County |
OUTAGAMIE | Outagamie County |
OUTOFSTATE | Out of State |
OZAUKEE | Ozaukee County |
PEPIN | Pepin County |
PIERCE | Pierce County |
POLK | Polk County |
PORTAGE | Portage County |
PRICE | Price County |
RACINE | Racine County |
RICHLAND | Richland County |
ROCK | Rock County |
RUSK | Rusk County |
SAUK | Sauk County |
SAWYER | Sawyer County |
SHAWANO | Shawano County |
SHEBOYGAN | Sheboygan County |
STCROIX | St. Croix County |
TAYLOR | Taylor County |
TREMPEALEU | Trempealeu County |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
VERNON | Vernon County |
VILAS | Vilas County |
WALWORTH | Walworth County |
WASHBURN | Washburn County |
WASHINGTON | Washington County |
WAUKESHA | Waukesha County |
WAUPACA | Waupaca County |
WAUSHARA | Waushara County |
WINNEBAGO | Winnebago County |
WOOD | Wood County |
The Profile field in the patron record is used with the circulation map to control the checkout of library material.
Most libraries use the profile of PUBLIC for most of their users. This profile has a $10.00 fine threshold. Above that amount, the user is blocked from checking out items and placing holds. The PUBLIC2 profile (used by Endeavor, Menasha, Neenah, Omro, Oshkosh, Ripon & WInneconne) has a threshold hold of $25.00.
Other profiles are used for specific types of patrons or situations. The profiles listed below are used with patrons. There are other profiles in the drop-down list in the software, but the others are NOT counted in circulation reports and are NOT to be used for patrons. The others are used by the Symphony software or for in-house staff transactions.
Profiles for patron records:
User Profile | Loan Period | Fine Rate | Maximum Fine | Maximum Holds | Maximum Checkouts | Card Expiration | Overdue Threshold | Bill Threshold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BUSINESS* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 50 items | 100 items | 16 months | 20 items | $25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEPOSIT | 60 days | No fine | No fine | 50 items | 150 items | No expiration | 50 items | $500.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HOMEBOUND | 60 days | No fine | No fine | 50 items | 100 items | No expiration | 20 items | $500.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
J-RESTRICT* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 50 items | 100 items | 16 months | 20 items | $5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LIMITED* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 5 items | 10 items | 16 months | 3 items | $5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LIMITED3* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 3 items | 3 items | 16 months | 3 items | $5.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PUBLIC* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 50 items | 100 items | 16 months | 20 items | $10.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PUBLIC2* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 50 items | 100 items | 16 months | 20 items | $25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REMOVE** | No Loans Allowed | N/A | $0.00 | 0 Items | 0 Items | Never Expires | 0 Items | $0.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STAFF* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | Rules set by each library* | 50 items | 100 items | 16 months | 20 items | $25.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TEACHER | 28 days | No fine | No fine | 50 items | 150 items | 16 months | 50 items | $250.00 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*The circulation rules are based on the Item Type of the item being checked out and are the same for each of these user Profiles. There are also separate rules for J-RESTRICT that limit, based on Item Type, what that Profile is allowed to check out. The Overdue Threshold is the maximum number of items that can be overdue on the card. When the Overdue Threshold is reached, the card is Blocked. All the above are allowed to renew their cards online. Other Profiles of note: These are NOT to be used for patrons. LIBRARYUSE is for inhouse use. ONLINEREG is automatically assigned to patrons who register online.
Updated March 14, 2023 -- Karla Smith |
There are a number of online sites that can be used to do an address search to determine the political jurisdiction of that address.
Online User Registration--Staff Procedures
When the patron comes in to complete their registration, they hopefully will have brought the confirmation email with them. This includes their temp ID. If they don’t have it, that’s fine—you don’t really need it, it is just to make it easier to find their temporary record.
Basically, you will want to treat them like a new registration—following your library’s procedures for registering new patrons. The main difference is that, when you look them up to make sure they don’t already have a card, they will already have a card with a temporary 6-digit number.
Staff need to:
Any other library-specific procedures for your library.
This is likely to vary by library, but I would suggest that staff give the patron your usual registration form and to tell the patron “You don’t need to fill out the address portion again, just fill in the other parts and sign.”
If you like, you can run a list of patrons who registered for a card online; details on how to do so are found in this video.
Online User Registration – Technical Details
Online User Registration is comprised of two parts: An online form and two verification scripts.
Part 1: The online form
Part 2: The verification scripts
Staff need to go through the list of online registrations that FactFinder couldn’t find and determine the reason and fix up the temporary record.
Once the temporary record is in the database, the patron can access Overdrive, most databases, and place holds.
The patron still needs to come into the library and verify their address before they can check out any physical materials. ONLINEREG patrons cannot renew their accounts online.