WorkFlows Error: "Field Not Defined"

We’ve had reports from some of you that when you go to modify a patron’s address, you see an error box that says "Field Not Defined."

The short explanation is that this appears when the patron's address fields contains a field name (not just the information in the field, but the name itself, in the left-hand side dropdowns) that is blank. This is because there used to be information in that field which was removed, but Workflows remembers that there used to be information there, even if the name and data is gone; because the field lacks a name, Workflows doesn't know where to put the information, and throws up the error. 

You can fix the error by clicking into the field, and then clicking the red X helper (above the address fields), the Remove Field helper. This will erase the field, and allow user information to be saved.

You can find more information about this error on the Catalog Tutorials page, located here.



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