Career Workshop Series: Explore Your Career Transition Options

Although participants may choose to take individual sessions, you're encouraged to participate in all 4 sessions to develop a Blueprint for Your Career Future.

You may choose from 5 different dates & locations for each session.

These workshops will be presented by staff from Moraine Park Technical College and Fox Valley Technical College.

Part 1: Types of Work Best Suited for You (3 Hours)

The participants introspectively assess reasons for transition, personal strengths and key areas of career focus. They see the transition as an opportunity to gain clarity about their talents and where they would like to apply them. The participants also consider their core values that guide work and home-life needs. In this session, the participants set personal career/job goals stated in realistic and measurable terms and contrast the goal(s) with strengths and talents. A “Blueprint” or plan is created to bridge the gaps and a strategy formed to address goal barriers using career/job seeking tips, techniques and tactics. This personal action plan or “Blueprint for Your Career Future” is used throughout the series.

Register for Part 1: Types of Work Best Suited for You (all session dates have passed)

Part 2: Develop an Effective Résumé and Cover Letter (3 Hours)

Keep in mind that there is no single, right way to write a résumé . The format of the résumé is based on the type of work you are seeking and the value you bring to the position. This session is designed to be a facilitated discussion addressing the many questions the participants have about résumés and cover letters. Also, job search strategies and tools are introduced. A résumé and cover letter are drafted based on the type of work sought. Résumés and cover letters are evaluated and suggestions offered. Electronic résumé and cover letter strategies are also addressed.

Register for Part 2: Develop an Effective Résumé and Cover Letter (all session dates have passed)

Part 3: Prepare for a Successful Interview (3 Hours)

The secret of the successful interview is putting yourself in the role of the potential employer. The participants are challenged to think like an interviewer in order to anticipate questions that may be asked. An easily applied (and remembered) model is used to prepare for any type of interview question and to respond by sharing accomplishments and results. The participants practice interviewing skills during a role play practice session. Post interview follow-up actions are also discussed.

Register for Part 3: Prepare for a Successful Interview (all session dates have passed)

Part 4: Plan a Successful Job Search (3 Hours)

The last session in the series focuses on the “final touches” of the participants’ Blueprint for Career Future” or personal career/job search action plan. Participants will learn how to research possible contacts and target companies. A focus will be placed on how to create a professional network, along with ways to generate referrals through that professional network and obtain informational interviews. For participants who’ve attended all four sessions, progress since the first session is monitored and questions addressed. Assistance with developmental needs and talent gaps is provided. The job search process flow is reviewed and participants have a clear plan for next steps with their job search.

Register for Part 4: Plan a Successful Job Search (all session dates have passed)

This workshop series is funded by Federal Library Service and Technology Act (LSTA) funds and Winnefox Library System. Winnefox is supported by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.