Online Payments and Library Reimbursements
Software from EnvisionWare is used in the online catalog for processing online payments. When a user makes a payment via My Account, the system records the payment as being made by Winnefox, and the payment type as ONLINEPAY.
We use three reports to tally the Winnefox ONLINEPAY payments.
The Winnefox office staff uses the reports to process the funds deposited in the Winnefox online payment account back to the library owed the money. The payments are made quarterly, with the following deducted from the library’s amount:
Payments of less than $5.00 are held on account until the amount is higher than $5.00.
Information sent with the check indicates how much of the check is for the following:
It is possible for a library to have a negative balance if a refund is issued just after the library has been reimbursed, but before additional payments have been made. In that case, if the amount is under $100, the account will carry the negative balance into the next quarter and make the adjustment then. If the negative balance exceeds $100.00, the library will be invoiced.
If a user finds a lost item and is to be issued a refund, there is a form to be completed by the library.
If the library owns the lost/paid item being refunded, the form is to be sent to the Winnefox Library System office. The check will be mailed to the user within 2-6 weeks.
If the library does NOT own the lost/paid item being refunded, the form is to be sent to the owning library. That library will decide if a refund will be issued and the amount of the refund. Some libraries charge overdue or processing fees.
March 22, 2010, revised May, 2010, February, 2012