Circulation Sets

Circulation Sets.

Circulation Sets are a way of packaging several barcoded items together under 1 “master record” barcode so that they circulate as a set. Oshkosh has been testing this feature since June for their “Storytime in a Bag” sets. The goal was: how to get circ stats for the 5 titles that were in the storytime bag without making staff scan each one.

What they are for:

  • They are for libraries that offer services like take-home storytimes, or teacher collections.
  • They are for permanent collections that don’t change.
  • They are for items that exist in the database and could circulate on their own.
  • Tracking circ of multiple items

What they are NOT for:

  • Keeping track of the parts of a kit of things*. Ie, parts that wouldn’t circulate except as part of a kit.
  • “Set aside” collections for patrons that get created on the fly
  • Anything consumable


  • Scan 1 barcode instead of 5
  • If 1 of the member items doesn’t come back it stays on patron’s card.
  • Circ stats for each item
  • Each member item shows up on the patron’s checkout list in the catalog


  • Requires OPL Tech to create and maintain (perhaps WCTS at some point) because it involves editing the MARC Record.
  • Not flexible—once a set is established, it isn’t easy to change.
  • Need to know the title of the master record to find out what all is in the set.
  • Can be confusing to patrons:
    • Each member item shows up on the patron’s checkout list (plus the master record).
    • Individual member items appear in public catalog as something patrons can checkout/hold/renew.
    • Unless there are other holdable copies, individual member items are not holdable. In some cases, if the item is CHECKEDOUT, the patron can place the hold, but will never get it.
    • Patrons need to renew each item + the master record/bag individually. This can lead to some items being renewed and some not.
  • Staff can’t place holds in WF but can use the catalog to do so(at least until that bug gets fixed)
  • Requires/recommends having a circulating copy also so that patrons can place holds

* This could change, with a little more testing. There might be a way to use Circulation Sets for parts….the individual parts would need to be given an Icat4 of INHOUSE (so that they don’t count towards State circ stats), and the items would need to be Shadowed(so that they don’t appear in the catalog). Not sure how that would appear on patron checkout list.

If you are interested in setting up Circulation Sets for something, email Stephanie Thomas <sthomas @>  AND (Melissa Klein or Karla Smith).